

作者: 只是甲 | 来源:发表于2023-01-12 09:22 被阅读0次

    一. SparkSQL连接Hudi

    1.1 Hive配置

    我们需要将Hive 的 metastore服务独立出来

    -- 目前只指定一个节点,也可以只用zookeeper做个高可用
    cd $HIVE_HOME/conf
    vi hive-site.xml

    然后启动hive metastore 服务

    nohup hive --service metastore &
    netstat -an | grep 9083

    1.2 SparkSQL连接Hudi

    # Spark 3.3
    spark-sql --packages org.apache.hudi:hudi-spark3.3-bundle_2.12:0.12.0 \
    --conf 'spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer' \
    --conf 'spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.HoodieSparkSessionExtension' \
    --conf 'spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog=org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.catalog.HoodieCatalog'

    二. 创建表


    1. 表类型
      Hudi的两种表类型,即写时复制(COW)和读时合并(MOR),都可以使用Spark SQL创建。在创建表时,可以使用type选项指定表的类型:type = 'cow'或type = 'mor'。

    2. 分区表和非分区表
      用户可以在Spark SQL中创建分区表或非分区表。要创建分区表,需要使用partitioned by语句指定分区列以创建分区表。当没有使用create table命令进行分区的语句时,该表被认为是一个非分区表。

    3. Managed表和External表
      通常,Spark SQL支持两种表,即Managed表和External表。如果使用location语句或使用create external table显式地创建表来指定一个位置,则它是一个外部表,否则它被认为是一个托管表。你可以在这里阅读更多关于外部vs托管表的信息。

    2.1 常规的建表


    -- 创建数据库
    create database spark_hudi;
    use spark_hudi;
    --  创建一个表,不指定参数
    create table hudi_cow_nonpcf_tbl (
      uuid int,
      name string,
      price double
    ) using hudi
    location '/user/hudi/hudi_cow_nonpcf_tbl';
    -- 创建一个MOR的非分区表
    -- preCombineField 预聚合列 当id相同的时候,保留ts更大的那一条
    create table hudi_mor_tbl (
      id int,
      name string,
      price double,
      ts bigint
    ) using hudi
    tblproperties (
      type = 'mor',
      primaryKey = 'id',
      preCombineField = 'ts'
    location '/user/hudi/hudi_mor_tbl';
    -- 创建一个预聚合分区的COW表
    create table hudi_cow_pt_tbl (
      id bigint,
      name string,
      ts bigint,
      dt string,
      hh string
    ) using hudi
    tblproperties (
      type = 'cow',
      primaryKey = 'id',
      preCombineField = 'ts'
    partitioned by (dt, hh)
    location '/user/hudi/hudi_cow_pt_tbl';


    image.png image.png

    2.2 CTAS


    -- CTAS: create a non-partitioned cow table without preCombineField
    create table hudi_ctas_cow_nonpcf_tbl
    using hudi
    tblproperties (primaryKey = 'id')
    location '/user/hudi/hudi_ctas_cow_nonpcf_tbl'
    select 1 as id, 'a1' as name, 10 as price;
    create table hudi_ctas_cow_pt_tbl
    using hudi
    tblproperties (type = 'cow', primaryKey = 'id', preCombineField = 'ts')
    partitioned by (dt)
    location '/user/hudi/hudi_ctas_cow_pt_tbl'
    select 1 as id, 'a1' as name, 10 as price, 1000 as ts, '2021-12-01' as dt;


    image.png image.png

    三. 插入数据

    -- insert into non-partitioned table
    insert into hudi_cow_nonpcf_tbl select 1, 'a1', 20;
    insert into hudi_mor_tbl select 1, 'a1', 20, 1000;
    -- insert dynamic partition
    insert into hudi_cow_pt_tbl partition (dt, hh)
    select 1 as id, 'a1' as name, 1000 as ts, '2021-12-09' as dt, '10' as hh;
    -- insert static partition
    insert into hudi_cow_pt_tbl partition(dt = '2021-12-09', hh='11') select 2, 'a2', 1000;
    -- upsert mode for preCombineField-provided table
    insert into hudi_mor_tbl select 1, 'a1_1', 20, 1001;
    select id, name, price, ts from hudi_mor_tbl;
    1   a1_1    20.0    1001
    -- bulk_insert mode for preCombineField-provided table
    set hoodie.sql.bulk.insert.enable=true;
    set hoodie.sql.insert.mode=non-strict;
    insert into hudi_mor_tbl select 1, 'a1_2', 20, 1002;
    select id, name, price, ts from hudi_mor_tbl;
    1   a1_1    20.0    1001
    1   a1_2    20.0    1002

    虽然比insert hive_table快一些,但是感觉速度依旧不行


    四. 查询数据


    # 普通查询
     select fare, begin_lon, begin_lat, ts from  hudi_trips_snapshot where fare > 20.0;
    # 基于时间线查询
    create table hudi_cow_pt_tbl (
      id bigint,
      name string,
      ts bigint,
      dt string,
      hh string
    ) using hudi
    tblproperties (
      type = 'cow',
      primaryKey = 'id',
      preCombineField = 'ts'
    partitioned by (dt, hh)
    location '/user/hudi/hudi_cow_pt_tbl';
    insert into hudi_cow_pt_tbl select 1, 'a0', 1000, '2021-12-09', '10';
    select * from hudi_cow_pt_tbl;
    -- record id=1 changes `name`
    insert into hudi_cow_pt_tbl select 1, 'a1', 1001, '2021-12-09', '10';
    select * from hudi_cow_pt_tbl;
    -- time travel based on first commit time, assume `20221118154519532`
    select * from hudi_cow_pt_tbl timestamp as of '20221118154519532' where id = 1;
    -- time travel based on different timestamp formats
    select * from hudi_cow_pt_tbl timestamp as of '2022-11-18 15:45:19.532' where id = 1;
    select * from hudi_cow_pt_tbl timestamp as of '2022-03-08' where id = 1;

    五. 更新数据

    5.1 普通


    UPDATE tableIdentifier SET column = EXPRESSION(,column = EXPRESSION) [ WHERE boolExpression]


    update hudi_mor_tbl set price = price * 2, ts = 1111 where id = 1;
    update hudi_cow_pt_tbl set name = 'a1_1', ts = 1001 where id = 1;
    -- update using non-PK field
    update hudi_cow_pt_tbl set ts = 1001 where name = 'a1';

    5.2 MergeInto


    MERGE INTO tableIdentifier AS target_alias
    USING (sub_query | tableIdentifier) AS source_alias
    ON <merge_condition>
    [ WHEN MATCHED [ AND <condition> ] THEN <matched_action> ]
    [ WHEN MATCHED [ AND <condition> ] THEN <matched_action> ]
    [ WHEN NOT MATCHED [ AND <condition> ]  THEN <not_matched_action> ]
    <merge_condition> =A equal bool condition 
    <matched_action>  =
      DELETE  |
      UPDATE SET *  |
      UPDATE SET column1 = expression1 [, column2 = expression2 ...]
    <not_matched_action>  =
      INSERT *  |
      INSERT (column1 [, column2 ...]) VALUES (value1 [, value2 ...])


    -- source table using hudi for testing merging into non-partitioned table
    create table hudi_merge_source (id int, name string, price double, ts bigint) using hudi
    tblproperties (primaryKey = 'id', preCombineField = 'ts')
    location '/user/hudi/hudi_merge_source';
    insert into hudi_merge_source values (1, "old_a1", 22.22, 900), (2, "old_a2", 33.33, 2000), (3, "old_a3", 44.44, 2000);
    create table hudi_merge_source2 (id int, name string, price double, ts bigint) using hudi
    tblproperties (primaryKey = 'id', preCombineField = 'ts')
    location '/user/hudi/hudi_merge_source2';
    insert into hudi_merge_source2 values (2, "new_a2", 22.22, 900), (3, "new_a3", 33.33, 2000), (4, "new_a4", 44.44, 2000);
    merge into hudi_merge_source as target
    using (
      select * from hudi_merge_source2
    ) source
    on target.id = source.id
    when matched then
     update set name = source.name, price = source.price, ts = source.ts
    when not matched then
     insert (id, name, price, ts) values(source.id, source.name, source.price, source.ts);


             > create table hudi_merge_source (id int, name string, price double, ts bigint) using hudi
             > tblproperties (primaryKey = 'id', preCombineField = 'ts')
             > location '/user/hudi/hudi_merge_source';
    22/11/25 11:33:55 WARN DFSPropertiesConfiguration: Cannot find HUDI_CONF_DIR, please set it as the dir of hudi-defaults.conf
    22/11/25 11:33:55 WARN DFSPropertiesConfiguration: Properties file file:/etc/hudi/conf/hudi-defaults.conf not found. Ignoring to load props file
    22/11/25 11:33:58 WARN SessionState: METASTORE_FILTER_HOOK will be ignored, since hive.security.authorization.manager is set to instance of HiveAuthorizerFactory.
    Time taken: 3.65 seconds
    spark-sql> insert into hudi_merge_source values (1, "old_a1", 22.22, 900), (2, "old_a2", 33.33, 2000), (3, "old_a3", 44.44, 2000);
    00:27  WARN: Timeline-server-based markers are not supported for HDFS: base path hdfs://hp5:8020/user/hudi/hudi_merge_source.  Falling back to direct markers.
    00:32  WARN: Timeline-server-based markers are not supported for HDFS: base path hdfs://hp5:8020/user/hudi/hudi_merge_source.  Falling back to direct markers.
    Time taken: 25.452 seconds
    spark-sql> create table hudi_merge_source2 (id int, name string, price double, ts bigint) using hudi
             > tblproperties (primaryKey = 'id', preCombineField = 'ts')
             > location '/user/hudi/hudi_merge_source2';
    Time taken: 0.541 seconds
    spark-sql> insert into hudi_merge_source2 values (2, "new_a2", 22.22, 900), (3, "new_a3", 33.33, 2000), (4, "new_a4", 44.44, 2000);
    00:58  WARN: Timeline-server-based markers are not supported for HDFS: base path hdfs://hp5:8020/user/hudi/hudi_merge_source2.  Falling back to direct markers.
    01:02  WARN: Timeline-server-based markers are not supported for HDFS: base path hdfs://hp5:8020/user/hudi/hudi_merge_source2.  Falling back to direct markers.
    Time taken: 11.574 seconds
    spark-sql> merge into hudi_merge_source as target
             > using (
             >   select * from hudi_merge_source2
             > ) source
             > on target.id = source.id
             > when matched then
             >  update set name = source.name, price = source.price, ts = source.ts
             > when not matched then
             >  insert (id, name, price, ts) values(source.id, source.name, source.price, source.ts);
    01:18  WARN: Timeline-server-based markers are not supported for HDFS: base path hdfs://hp5:8020/user/hudi/hudi_merge_source.  Falling back to direct markers.
    01:21  WARN: Timeline-server-based markers are not supported for HDFS: base path hdfs://hp5:8020/user/hudi/hudi_merge_source.  Falling back to direct markers.
    Time taken: 14.218 seconds
             > select * from hudi_merge_source2 ;
    20221125113448990       20221125113448990_0_0   id:3            e3dec8f3-1c73-42dd-b1fa-b8d0c01748f5-0_0-64-2460_20221125113448990.parquet      3new_a3   33.33   2000
    20221125113448990       20221125113448990_0_1   id:2            e3dec8f3-1c73-42dd-b1fa-b8d0c01748f5-0_0-64-2460_20221125113448990.parquet      2new_a2   22.22   900
    20221125113448990       20221125113448990_0_2   id:4            e3dec8f3-1c73-42dd-b1fa-b8d0c01748f5-0_0-64-2460_20221125113448990.parquet      4new_a4   44.44   2000
    Time taken: 0.781 seconds, Fetched 3 row(s)
    spark-sql> select * from hudi_merge_source;
    20221125113508944       20221125113508944_0_0   id:3            8ac8139e-0e9c-41f3-8046-24bf1b99aa9d-0_0-111-3707_20221125113508944.parquet     3new_a3   33.33   2000
    20221125113412110       20221125113412110_0_1   id:1            8ac8139e-0e9c-41f3-8046-24bf1b99aa9d-0_0-111-3707_20221125113508944.parquet     1old_a1   22.22   900
    20221125113412110       20221125113412110_0_2   id:2            8ac8139e-0e9c-41f3-8046-24bf1b99aa9d-0_0-111-3707_20221125113508944.parquet     2old_a2   33.33   2000
    20221125113508944       20221125113508944_0_3   id:4            8ac8139e-0e9c-41f3-8046-24bf1b99aa9d-0_0-111-3707_20221125113508944.parquet     4new_a4   44.44   2000
    Time taken: 1.231 seconds, Fetched 4 row(s)

    六. 删除数据

    Apache Hudi支持两种类型的删除:

    Spark SQL目前只支持硬删除




    delete from hudi_merge_source where id = 1;

    七. Insert Overwrite


    -- insert overwrite non-partitioned table
    insert overwrite hudi_mor_tbl select 99, 'a99', 20.0, 900;
    insert overwrite hudi_cow_nonpcf_tbl select 99, 'a99', 20.0;
    -- insert overwrite partitioned table with dynamic partition
    insert overwrite table hudi_cow_pt_tbl select 10, 'a10', 1100, '2021-12-09', '10';
    -- insert overwrite partitioned table with static partition
    insert overwrite hudi_cow_pt_tbl partition(dt = '2021-12-09', hh='12') select 13, 'a13', 1100;


    1. https://hudi.apache.org/docs/quick-start-guide/



