

作者: 摩羯座的思想者 | 来源:发表于2019-11-15 10:07 被阅读0次



[if !supportLists]一、[endif]GMAT考试题型

逻辑推理(CR)一共有5个选项,根据问题在5个选项中选择一个符合题意的与原文逻辑关系相关的选项。一般来说,它的出题形式有增强或削弱结论,比如Which of the following, if true, would most weaken/ strengthen the author’s conclusion in lines …?这类题相对于其他题目来说难度相对较大。


Neuroscientist: Memory evolved to help animals react appropriately to situations they encounter by drawing on the past experience of similar situations. But this does not require that animals perfectly recall every detail of all their experiences. Instead, to function well, memory should generalize from past experiences that are similar to the current one.

The neuroscientist`s statements, if true, most strongly support which of the following conclusions?

A.At least some animals perfectly recall every detail of at least some past experiences.  

B. Perfectly recalling every detail of all their past experiences could help at least some animals react more appropriately than they otherwise would to new situations they encounter.  

C.Generalizing from past experiences requires clear memories of most if not all the details of those experiences.  

D.Recalling every detail of all past experiences would be incompatible with any ability to generalize from those experiences.  

E.Animals can often react more appropriately than they otherwise would to situations they encounter if they draw on generalizations from past experiences of similar situations.

[if !supportLists]二、[endif]如何做好GMAT逻辑题

成都GMAT寒假班在逻辑方面提醒大家,一定要看清楚题目要求,理清楚自己的解题思路,从题目中找出相关信息。最后就是利用好OG. GMAT《OG》即offical guide GMAT官方考试指南,为GMAC官方推出官方考试教材,包含GMAT数学/GMAT语文和GMAT(连接符号一致)写作三大部分,讲解了GMAT考试的大致方针和多类型样题,是最权威可靠的备考资料。而且《OG VERBAL 分册》,即官方指南语文分册,收录了GMAT阅读/语法和逻辑的各类题型和详尽的解析,是提高语文部分的备考利器。


A major network news organization experienced a drop in viewership in the week following the airing of a controversial report on the economy. The network also received a very large number of complaints regarding the report. The network, however, maintains that negative reactions to the report had nothing to do with its loss of viewers.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the network's position?

(A) The other major network news organizations reported similar reductions in viewership during the same week.

(B) The viewers who registered complaints with the network were regular viewers of the news organization's programs.

(C) Major network news organizations publicly attribute drops in viewership to their own reports only when they receive complaints about those reports.

(D) This was not the first time that this network news organization has aired a controversial report on the economy that has inspired viewers to complain to the network.

(E) Most network news viewers rely on network news broadcasts as their primary source of information regarding the economy.



如果我们从选项的特征分析,很容易把A选项排除,因为A选项提到“other major network news organization”,而“other”通常意味着扩大讨论范围,所以带有other、other than的选项的一般都会先排除。但是,从相关性上来看,A选项又是最合适的,因为只有A和“收视率下降”这个关键点有关。这里,根据“相关性优先”的原则,我们只能选择A选项。





这道题说明了一点,在判断选项正误上,相关性是非常重要的参考标准;与此同时,不能看到“other/other than”这样的词就草率地排除一个选项(还要看其相关性)。




