6502芯片:十进制运算(Decimal Arithmetic)

6502芯片:十进制运算(Decimal Arithmetic)

作者: 苹果王子刘泽庆 | 来源:发表于2021-05-24 06:29 被阅读0次

    ADCSBC指令的行为可以通过在处理器状态寄存器中设置或清除十进制模式标志来修改。通常,十进制模式被禁用,ADC/SBC执行简单的二进制运算(例如$99 + $01 => $9A进位= 0),但是如果通过SED指令设置该标志,处理器将执行二进制编码的十进制运算(例如$99 + $01 => $00进位= )。


    ; 16 bit Binary Code Decimal Addition
            SED             ;Set decimal mode flag
            CLC             ;Ensure carry is clear
            LDA VLA+0       ;Add the two least significant bytes
            ADC VLB+0
            STA RES+0       ;... and store the result
            LDA VLA+1       ;Add the two most significant bytes
            ADC VLB+1       ;... and any propagated carry bit
            STA RES+1       ;... and store the result
            CLD             ;Clear decimal mode


    ; Print the BCD value in A as two ASCII digits
            PHA             ;Save the BCD value
            LSR A           ;Shift the four most significant bits
            LSR A           ;... into the four least significant
            LSR A
            LSR A
            ORA #'0'        ;Make an ASCII digit
            JSR PRINT       ;... and print it
            PLA             ;Recover the BCD value
            AND #$0F        ;Mask out all but the bottom 4 bits
            ORA #'0'        ;Make an ASCII digit
            JSR PRINT       ;... and print it


    ; Convert an 16 bit binary value into a 24bit BCD value
    BIN2BCD LDA #0          ;Clear the result area
            STA RES+0
            STA RES+1
            STA RES+2
            LDX #16         ;Setup the bit counter
            SED             ;Enter decimal mode
    _LOOP   ASL VAL+0       ;Shift a bit out of the binary
            ROL VAL+1       ;... value
            LDA RES+0       ;And add it into the result, doubling
            ADC RES+0       ;... it at the same time
            STA RES+0
            LDA RES+1
            ADC RES+1
            STA RES+1
            LDA RES+2
            ADC RES+2
            STA RES+2
            DEX             ;More bits to process?
            BNE _LOOP
            CLD             ;Leave decimal mode

    十进制算术的最后一个奇数用途是将十六进制数字转换为可打印的ASCII字符。执行这种转换的通常方法是将$30加到数字($00 - $0F)上,得到一个中间结果,然后检查该结果是否大于或等于$3A。如果是,则添加额外的$06,使结果落在$41 - $46的范围内。A -F)。

    ; Convert a hex digit ($00-$0F) to ASCII ('0'-'9' or 'A'-'F')
    HEX2ASC ORA #$30        ;Form the basic character code
            CMP #$3A        ;Does the result need adjustment?
            BCC .+4
            ADC #$05        ;Add 6 (5 and the carry) if needed


    ; Convert a hex digit ($00-$0F) to ASCII ('0'-'9' or 'A'-'F')
    HEX2ASC SED             ;Enter BCD mode
            CLC             ;Ensure the carry is clear
            ADC #$90        ;Produce $90-$99 (C=0) or $00-$05 (C=1)
            ADC #$40        ;Produce $30-$39 or $41-$46
            CLD             ;Leave BCD mode



          本文标题:6502芯片:十进制运算(Decimal Arithmetic)
