Hello World
- save basic.dart
- dart basic.dart
// Define a function.
printInteger(int aNumber) {
print('The number is $aNumber.'); // Print to console.
// This is where the app starts executing.
main() {
var number = 42; // Declare and initialize a variable.
printInteger(number); // Call a function.
- 任何都是一个对象
- dart是强类型的
- 支持泛型
- 支持顶层函数
- 支持顶层变量
- 没有访问限制符,使用_开头的来表示私有
- 两种问题,异常和错误
- 变量
- var name='Bob'
- String name='Bob';
- dynamic name='Bob';
- 默认值
- 默认为null
- final 和const
- final和const初始化后都不能变化
- const第一次可以计算出来
- 内置类型
- numbers
- strings
- booleans
- lists
- maps
- runs
- symbols
- Numbers
- int
- -263 263-1
- double
- int
- Strings
- 'aaa'
- "aaa"
- """aaa"""
- r'abc'
- Booleans
- List
- var list = [1, 2, 3];
- Maps
var gifts = Map();
gifts['first'] = 'partridge';
gifts['second'] = 'turtledoves';
gifts['fifth'] = 'golden rings';
var nobleGases = Map();
nobleGases[2] = 'helium';
nobleGases[10] = 'neon';
nobleGases[18] = 'argon';
var gifts = {'first': 'partridge'};
gifts['fourth'] = 'calling birds';
void doStuff(
{List<int> list = const [1, 2, 3],
Map<String, String> gifts = const {
'first': 'paper',
'second': 'cotton',
'third': 'leather'
}}) {
print('list: $list');
print('gifts: $gifts');
- 可选的参数
- 可选的参数名
- 可忽略的参数
- 参数默认值
- 函数赋值给变量
- 函数作为参数传入
- 匿名函数,作为闭包使用
var list = ['apples', 'bananas', 'oranges'];
list.forEach((item) {
print('${list.indexOf(item)}: $item');
Function makeAdder(num addBy) { return (num i) => addBy + i; } void testClosure() { var add2=makeAdder(2); var add4 = makeAdder(4); print(add2(3)); print(add4(5)); }
# 类型操作符
* as typecast
* is
* is!
* 赋值操作符
* =
* ??= 避免空指针
* 其他操作符
* () 函数
* [] list访问
* . 方法访问
* ?. 条件
* 控制语句
* if
if (isRaining()) {
} else if (isSnowing()) {
} else {
* if
* else if
* else
* for
* while
* break
* switch
var command = 'OPEN';
switch (command) {
case 'CLOSED':
case 'PENDING':
case 'APPROVED':
case 'DENIED':
case 'OPEN':
* assert
* 异常
* Throw
throw FormatException('Expected at least 1 section');
* try
try {
} on OutOfLlamasException {
// A specific exception
} on Exception catch (e) {
// Anything else that is an exception
print('Unknown exception: $e');
} catch (e) {
// No specified type, handles all
print('Something really unknown: $e');
* catch
* finally
try {
} catch (e) {
print('Error: $e'); // Handle the exception first.
} finally {
cleanLlamaStalls(); // Then clean up.
* 类
* 类成员
* p.y = 3
* p?.=4
* 构造函数
var p1 = Point(2, 2);
var p2 = Point.fromJson({'x': 1, 'y': 2});
* 实例变量
class Point {
num x; // Declare instance variable x, initially null.
num y; // Declare y, initially null.
num z = 0; // Declare z, initially 0.
* 构造函数
class Point {
num x, y;
Point(num x, num y) {
// There's a better way to do this, stay tuned.
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
* 新的构造方法
class Point {
num x, y;
// Syntactic sugar for setting x and y
// before the constructor body runs.
Point(this.x, this.y);
* 默认构造函数没有参数
* 构造函数不能被继承,需要显式调用
* 名字构造函数
class Point {
num x, y;
Point(this.x, this.y);
// Named constructor
Point.origin() {
x = 0;
y = 0;
* 父类构造函数初始化
class Person {
String firstName;
Person.fromJson(Map data) {
print('in Person');
class Employee extends Person {
// Person does not have a default constructor;
// you must call super.fromJson(data).
Employee.fromJson(Map data) : super.fromJson(data) {
print('in Employee');
main() {
var emp = new Employee.fromJson({});
// Prints:
// in Person
// in Employee
if (emp is Person) {
// Type check
emp.firstName = 'Bob';
(emp as Person).firstName = 'Bob';
* 初始化列表
Point.fromJson(Map<String, num> json)
: x = json['x'],
y = json['y'] {
print('In Point.fromJson(): ($x, $y)');
* 初始化列表的例子
import 'dart:math';
class Point {
final num x;
final num y;
final num distanceFromOrigin;
Point(x, y)
: x = x,
y = y,
distanceFromOrigin = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
main() {
var p = new Point(2, 3);
* 多个构造函数的传递实现,为了减少重复代码
class Point {
num x, y;
// The main constructor for this class.
Point(this.x, this.y);
// Delegates to the main constructor.
Point.alongXAxis(num x) : this(x, 0);
* 构造函数工厂
class Logger {
final String name;
bool mute = false;
// _cache is library-private, thanks to
// the _ in front of its name.
static final Map<String, Logger> _cache =
<String, Logger>{};
factory Logger(String name) {
if (_cache.containsKey(name)) {
return _cache[name];
} else {
final logger = Logger._internal(name);
_cache[name] = logger;
return logger;
void log(String msg) {
if (!mute) print(msg);
* factory关键字
* 不是创建一个新的,是根据传入参数重用已有的.
* 使用方法
var logger = Logger('UI');
logger.log('Button clicked');
* 方法
* 是类的一个函数
import 'dart:math';
class Point {
num x, y;
Point(this.x, this.y);
num distanceTo(Point other) {
var dx = x - other.x;
var dy = y - other.y;
return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
* get和set函数
class Rectangle {
num left, top, width, height;
Rectangle(this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height);
// Define two calculated properties: right and bottom.
num get right => left + width;
set right(num value) => left = value - width;
num get bottom => top + height;
set bottom(num value) => top = value - height;
void main() {
var rect = Rectangle(3, 4, 20, 15);
assert(rect.left == 3);
rect.right = 12;
assert(rect.left == -8);
* 抽象方法
abstract class Doer {
// Define instance variables and methods...
void doSomething(); // Define an abstract method.
class EffectiveDoer extends Doer {
void doSomething() {
// Provide an implementation, so the method is not abstract here...
* abstract
* 没有实现
* 需要子类完成实现
* 抽象类
// This class is declared abstract and thus
// can't be instantiated.
abstract class AbstractContainer {
// Define constructors, fields, methods...
void updateChildren(); // Abstract method.
* 隐含的接口
// A person. The implicit interface contains greet().
class Person {
// In the interface, but visible only in this library.
final _name;
// Not in the interface, since this is a constructor.
// In the interface.
String greet(String who) => 'Hello, $who. I am $_name.';
// An implementation of the Person interface.
class Impostor implements Person {
get _name => '';
String greet(String who) => 'Hi $who. Do you know who I am?';
String greetBob(Person person) => person.greet('Bob');
void main() {
* 关键字 implements
* 所有类都可以通过implements来重新实现另外一个类
* 需要重新实现所有方法
* 继承类
class Television {
void turnOn() {
// ···
class SmartTelevision extends Television {
void turnOn() {
// ···
* 关键字 extends
* 所有类可以通过extends扩展另外一个类
* 需要实现一个构造函数
* 重写类的方法
class SmartTelevision extends Television {
void turnOn() {...}
// ···
* @override
* super 可以调用父类的代码
* 重写操作符
class Vector {
final int x, y;
Vector(this.x, this.y);
Vector operator +(Vector v) => Vector(x + v.x, y + v.y);
Vector operator -(Vector v) => Vector(x - v.x, y - v.y);
// Operator == and hashCode not shown. For details, see note below.
// ···
void main() {
final v = Vector(2, 3);
final w = Vector(2, 2);
assert(v + w == Vector(4, 5));
assert(v - w == Vector(0, 1));
* 重写noSuchMethod方法
class A {
// Unless you override noSuchMethod, using a
// non-existent member results in a NoSuchMethodError.
void noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
print('You tried to use a non-existent member: ' +
* Enumberated Types
* 使用
enum Color { red, green, blue }
* 关键字enum
var aColor = Color.blue;
switch (aColor) {
case Color.red:
print('Red as roses!');
case Color.green:
print('Green as grass!');
default: // Without this, you see a WARNING.
print(aColor); // 'Color.blue'
* mixins
* 关键字with
* 需要好好理解?
* 类的变量和方法
* static == 跟类绑定不是跟实例绑定
* 静态方法
import 'dart:math';
class Point {
num x, y;
Point(this.x, this.y);
static num distanceBetween(Point a, Point b) {
var dx = a.x - b.x;
var dy = a.y - b.y;
return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
void main() {
var a = Point(2, 2);
var b = Point(4, 4);
var distance = Point.distanceBetween(a, b);
assert(2.8 < distance && distance < 2.9);
* 泛型
* 泛型就是类型的重用
* 变量是方法的重用
* 集合泛型例子
var names = <String>['Seth', 'Kathy', 'Lars'];
var pages = <String, String>{
'index.html': 'Homepage',
'robots.txt': 'Hints for web robots',
'humans.txt': 'We are people, not machines'
* 限制参数类型
class Foo<T extends SomeBaseClass> {
// Implementation goes here...
String toString() => "Instance of 'Foo<$T>'";
var someBaseClassFoo = Foo<SomeBaseClass>();
var extenderFoo = Foo<Extender>();
* 使用类
* import 'dart:html';
* import 'package:test/test.dart';
* pub 管理工具
* import 'package:lib2/lib2.dart' as lib2;
* 引入某一部分
* import 'package:lib1/lib1.dart' show foo;
* import 'package:lib2/lib2.dart' hide foo;
* 延迟加载
* import 'package:greetings/hello.dart' deferred as hello;