1 Please turn away. I feel shy about my new muscles

Zeffirelli: I'm naked.
Lucinda Krementz: I can see that.
Zeffirelli: Please turn away. I feel shy about my new muscles.
Mrs. Krementz拉开帘子,看到了一丝不挂的Zeffirelli。
Duncan: Look at you, put on some muscle?
Paul: I did?
Dunan: No
put on字面意思是穿上,比如put on a coat穿了一件外套。这里则用了它的引申义:长了一些肌肉。类似的比如说你长了一些膘,可以说:You put on some weight.
2 - Don’t criticize my manifesto. -Let’s start with the typos.

Zeffirelli: Don’t criticize my manifesto.
Lucinda Krementz: Oh, you don’t want remarks?
Zeffirelli: I don’t need remarks, do I? I only asked you to proof read it because I thought you’d be even more impressed by how good it already is.
Lucinda Krementz: Let’s start with the typos.
还是同一个场景,这段对话也是非常搞笑。Zeffirelli童鞋先是让Mrs. Krementz帮忙检查一下自己写的manifesto。manifesto读音是/ˌmænɪˈfestoʊ/,表示的是宣言,电影中也就是Zeffirelli他们的学生游行示威的宣言。
“你别批评我创作的宣言”“你不是想让我给你点评一下嘛”“不不不,我说是让你帮我校对一下,实际上我是想:你看了之后会被我如此优秀的文笔所折服”。remarks在这里是名词,表示评论,看法。proof read在这里是动词,表示校对。
然后Krementz回了一句:Let's start with typos。咱们就从你的错误拼写说起吧。typo读作 /ˈtaɪpoʊ/,表示拼写错误。
3 Obliterated a thousand years of Republican Authority in less than a fortnight

Lucinda Krementz: The kids did this. Obliterated a thousand years of Republican Authority in less than a fortnight. What do they want? Freedom, full stop.
Lady Jessica: I must not fear.I must not fear.Fear is the mind-killer.Fear is the little death that brings obliteration.
电影的故事发生在法国,Republican不是美国的共和党,而是指法兰西共和国。我们熟悉的法国英文是France,而法国的全称“法兰西共和国”英文是French Republic。
fortnight听起来感觉像是“一晚上”?但其实这个单词表示“两周”。full stop本意是英文里的“句号”,句号的另外一个说法是period。Freedom, full stop意思就是:自由,没了。就是自由,自由这2个字就概括完毕了。
4 In short, the picture was a sensation.

JKL Berensen: In short, the picture was a sensation.
这句话是Berensen在评价Moses的画作时说的话。in short表示简而言之,sensation读音是/senˈseɪʃn/,表示“轰动一时的作品”。“一言以蔽之,这幅画轰动一时”。
sensation的用法我们可以举个例子,《法兰西特派》这部电影的导演Wes Anderson,当年的大作《布达佩斯大饭店》可谓是轰动一时。这句话的英文就可以说The Grand Budapest Hotel was a sensation back in its days. 注意Budapest的读音是/buːdəˈpest/,表示匈牙利首都布达佩斯
5 It's almost too seedy

Arthur Howitzer Jr.: You don’t think it’s almost too seedy, this time?
Story editor: No, I don’t. Decent people are supposed to be charming.
seedy这个词不好理解。seed是名词表示种子,seedy做形容词却表示:肮脏的,破烂的。比如a seedy brothel一家肮脏的妓院。电影中的seedy可以理解为:低俗的,下流的。
6 the great exemplar of the mode of cuisine known as police cooking

Roebuck Wright: Lieutenant Nescafier, he is the great exemplar of the mode of cuisine known as police cooking.
cuisine表示美食,读音是/kwɪˈzin/,the mode of cuisine known as police cooking表示“这种美食类型就叫做‘警察厨艺’”。
exemplar读音是/ɪɡˈzemplɑr/,表示模范,它跟example这个词长得很相似,意思也很相似。Lieutenant Nescafier厨艺了得,从来没有一位警察能把饭菜烧的像他这么好。
7 小镇的名字:Ennui-sur-Blasé
Ennui和Blasé是2个法语单词,但其实这2个单词已经进入英语,词典上是可以查到的。Ennui读作/ɑnˈwi/, Blasé读作/blɑ'zeɪ/。Ennui的意思是boredom,无聊。Blasé的意思是apathy,冷漠。sur相当于是on,所以Ennui-sur-Blasé就是boredom on apathy。言下之意就是说这个小镇很无聊。导演故意起了这么一个名字,表面上看这个小镇非常无聊,但其实你深入进去会发现其实充满了精彩。
8 电影的名字:French Dispatch
电影的名字叫做French Dispatch,
dispatch读音是/dɪˈspætʃ/,表示“派遣”。既可以做名词也可以做动词,比如说a team of policemen were dispatched to the crime scene. 一队警察被派往犯罪现场。
French Dispatch就表示被外派到法国的一个团队。同时French Dispatch也是这支记者团队创作的这份报纸的名字。
这部电影的全称其事是全名是The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun。Kansas是美国的一个州,堪萨斯州。the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun是这家报纸的名字。英国有一家报纸叫做《The Sun》太阳报,是英国最大的报纸之一。《Evening Sun》这样的报纸名字我倒是第一次听到。