Enjoy Reading(7)

Enjoy Reading(7)

作者: Hedwig梧寒 | 来源:发表于2019-04-25 22:31 被阅读0次

    Our Deepest Fear 你我内心深处的恐惧

    Enjoy Reading(7)

    As we're lierated from our own fear,our presence automatically liberates others我们不但摆脱了自己的恐惧,我们的存在也自然地解放了别人。

    Leslie Cheung's Speech 张国荣出任CASH形象大使英文演讲

    Enjoy Reading(7)

    Music is a very important part of any culture,and I am sure all of us here will agree that we must keep our culture alive and thriving.This is particularly important in a place like Hong Kong where most people are busy working for money and fame, culture will help us to maintain a balance of lives. 音乐是任何一种文化的重要组成部分,相信在座的各位都会同意,我们必须保持文化的繁荣兴旺。尤其在香港这样的地方,人们都在忙于追逐名利,文化可以帮助我们保持生活的平衡。



          本文标题:Enjoy Reading(7)
