

作者: 自由译者小帮 | 来源:发表于2019-06-15 15:40 被阅读0次

    Nevertheless, in the long run no job will remain absolutely safe from automation. Even artists should be put on notice. In the modern world artists usually associated with human emotions. We tend to think that artists are channelling internal psychological forces, and that the whole purpose of art is to connect us with our emotions or to inspire in us some new feeling. Consequently, when we come to evaluate art, we tend to judge it by its emotional impact on the audience. Yet if art is defined by human emotions, what might happen once external algorithms are able to understand and manipulate human emotions better than Shakespeare, Frida Kahlo or Beyoncé?


    尽管如此,最终所有工作都有可能走向自动化,对此就连艺术家也得小心。现代社会一般认为,艺术与人类的情绪紧紧相连,艺术家引导着人类的心理力量,艺术的目的是让我们和自身的情绪有所联系,或者激发出新的感受。因此,当我们品评艺术的时候,通常就是看它对观众的情绪起了多大的作用。但如果真以这个标准来定义艺术,当外部的算法比莎士比亚、弗里达·卡罗(Frida Kahlo,墨西哥女画家)或者碧昂丝更能了解和操纵人类的情绪时,又会发生什么事?【林俊宏】

    After all, emotions are not some mystical phenomenon – they are the result of a biochemical process. Hence, in the not too distant future a machine-learning algorithm could analyse the biometric data streaming from sensors on and inside your body, determine your personality type and your changing moods, and calculate the emotional impact that a particular song –even a particular musical key – is likely to have on you.



    Of all forms of art, music is probably the most susceptible to Big Data analysis, because both inputs and outputs lend themselves to precise mathematical depiction. The inputs are the mathematical patterns of sound waves, and the outputs are the electrochemical patterns of neural storms.Within a few decades, an algorithm that goes over millions of musical experiences might learn to predict how particular inputs result in particular outputs.





