Wang ping is the layoff workers with low seniority.一个选择是解雇工龄短的工人
We have to make some hard choices我们不得不做一些艰难的选择
One alternative is to use attrition. We just don't replace workers who leave.你的选择是使用选号,员工离开后,我们不再招新人去填补职位
Another possibility is to offer older workers a large retirement bonus另一种可能是给老员工一笔大的退休奖金
we propose offering workers a retirement bonus我们提议为员工提供退休奖金
We strongly recommend that the company lay off additional workers only as a last resort.我们强烈建议公司只是在万不得已的情况下才解雇多余的员工
We recommend cutting everyone back to 35 hours per week我们建议把每个员工的工作时间缩减到每周三十五小时