
作者: 交战 | 来源:发表于2016-11-23 00:39 被阅读0次

    什么?百I'm would usually do, to come up with a god, what day they if they wanted got a group of people got together thirty, we need god what they doHow did that, i'm the like, use, always stopping zhang and hopping, an excited about pets or somewhere better here exactly right you'I need you.

    I can make a gentleman, anything you wantI can make a gentleman, anything you want, his wife boyfriend, mm mmIf I was boyfriend, never be long, never be long, you never be aloneIt's growing at four times the rate of a loan.

    Bad one, and babylon was huge country and keep getting better and better and better and they will take over the nations were around, david captured god's chosen people, the children of israel, they were huge nation, and they kept getting bigger and bigger that you can either head kept getting bigger and bigger, and bigger, is he really far you something, in fact one day, he starts thinking to myself, poor, i'm really great, let's read about that, china your bibles to daniel chapter four, daniel chapter fourWorks of his king and mr, he really starts today, are, I have re, on the flat roof of the royal palace in babylonally something, daniel checked for, that's look at first twenty nine, twelve months later he was taking a walk the significant other, as you walked out across the city said, choose work this great city of babylon, by by almighty power, have I built this city as viral residents, and as an expression of mine, broyles blender, there is on the flat roof, however the city and you hope sort of gambling choices, mom, I have time, I am somebodyI've got on this, i'm so wonderful i'm so great to give me orders beautiful, analysis attitude, three what happens, what he was still speaking these words, a voice call down from heaven, of or looking your weaknesses, this message is for you, you are no longer rule this kingdom, you will be driven from human society, you live in the fields with the wild animals anyway he grass like a cow, seven periods of time will pass were you living this way until you learn, listen.Hi, wools over the kingdoms of the world, and give them to anyone she chooses, that very same our thirty three, the prophecy was fulfilled and pick another was driven from human society, he ate grass like a cow, and she was drenched with dew of heaven and left this way until his hair was as long as big as feathers and his nails, were likeSay how great is, angled mind, epic as a, you did nothing, I am the lord most high and i'm gonna give you a little reminder, how powerful I am, and I have fever and lonely you are, and next minute there's nobody can answer, don understand nice, like a crazy man, crawling around, even the grass, looking for food, and for seven years, he did up, who's our full, nicholas, no he thought it was, she was nothing, god was the most time finding a picnic that comes to his senses, thrilling and the story for thirty four, after this time had passed I never can either looked happen, my sanity returned and I praised, and worship.Maybe canada is realized, she could be, great, why god, saying, could be great like god could no god was created by other nations could be great, why goddess, we need to remember, court is l l your, for most, hi, if he is the most heart, nothing can go higher, they may try, no, being no person the water gonna faint your animal, nothing, can be greater, thank god, sometimes we start think or something, sometimes we look at ourselves maybe like medical next day we think, people probably happy to have me around, the toilet article at the time here am I.

    Guys we need to be careful, we need to be homework, because we just read about a couple of people who thought they were really something, and you need to be reminded, we are so tired, compared to god, garbage chute, nobody can go higher nobody can go wider, ourselves, yeah



