随笔informal essay

随笔informal essay

作者: 过好你的后半生 | 来源:发表于2024-05-21 23:41 被阅读0次

    今天练毛笔字时间比较长,差不多半个小时了,感觉'撇' 和 '捺'还好写一点,'横'和'竖' 最难写,主要是起笔难,竖的收笔不会,横的起笔不会。慢慢摸索吧,时间久了就会感悟出来,凡事在于享受过程!

    I have been practicing calligraphy for a long time today, almost half an hour. I feel that I can write a bit better with "pi" and "na", but I find it the most difficult to write horizontally and vertically. The main difficulty is that it is difficult to start the stroke, and I won't be able to finish the stroke vertically, and I won't be able to start the stroke horizontally. Slowly explore, and over time you will realize that everything is about enjoying the process!



          本文标题:随笔informal essay
