大家熟知的是~ Retroarch和Lakka,以及pfba
你在github搜索 RetroArch 会直接找到库
就会进入源码库,你会看到 RetroArch 是由 libretro 发布的。并且已经升级到了1.7.7
这里可以知道 RetroArch 是由 libretro生出来的~~
我们在去看看lakka 官网http://www.lakka.tv/

【图片】可以清晰的看到,lakka 是RetroArch 的官方 linux发行版。
也就是说 lakka = RetroArch + linux
RetroArch 俗称万能模拟器吧。 是一个应用程序,目前支持了非常多的平台可以运行。
这个程序需要基础一个操作系统来运行,所以在RetroArch 官网下载界面你会看到。
http://retroarch.com/?page=platforms 【图片】厉害不厉害,支持这么多平台,而且居然已经支持了XBox one了~~
那么switch 也只是其中的一个平台而已。
lakaa= linux+RetroArch 也就是说,是既有系统又有 软件。
已switch为例,启动后,从hekate 引导启动lakka的linux运行,就跟原厂OFW系统毫无关系了。
如果从我自己来看,易用性和未来OFW开放的功能越来越多,RetroArch 不会比lakka差太多。更适合偶尔怀旧的玩家~~如果是重度模拟器爱好者的话,应该会更期待lakka的表现吧。
都是RetroArch 在运行游戏~在往下就是说说核心啦~
RetroArch 的游戏核心~叫做游戏机引擎也行~
如此众多。。。。让人眼花缭乱。也说明了,Libretro 这个生态系统的雄心壮志。
可以说模拟主机的未来肯定是Libretro 的了,因为他完全开源。
RetroArch 1.7.5 – Introducing libnx Switch version!
So let us quickly go over them one by one –
4DO –
3DO Libretro core. Try to enable the core option Threaded DSP (or a setting named something similar) for better performance.
2048 – A homebrew recreation of the 2048 puzzle game.
Cannonball – An OutRun game engine recreation. Requires the original arcade ROMs in order to work.
CrocoDS – An Amstrad CPC 6128 emulator.
DOSBOX – MS-DOS/Windows 9x emulator. Performance may vary according to which game you are attempting to emulate.
Final Burn Alpha – Arcade game emulator. Can emulate (among other examples) Capcom CPS1/CPS2/CPS3 games, Neo Geo, as well as other popular 80s/90s arcade systems.
FCEUmm – Nintendo Famicom/NES emulator. Has some nice core options as well as good performance.
fMSX – MSX emulator.
FreeINTV – Intellivision emulator.
Gambatte – Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator. Should be the fastest Game Boy core of all right now, as well as pretty accurate.
Gearboy – Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator. Libretro core generously maintained and supported upstream by DrHelius, its original author.
Gearsystem – Sega Master System/Game Gear emulator. Libretro core generously maintained and supported upstream byDrHelius, its original author.
Genesis Plus GX – Sega Master System/Game Gear/Genesis/Mega Drive emulator. Should be more accurate than Picodrive and is many’s go-to Genesis/Mega Drive emulator. Libretro core maintained upstream by Eke-Eke.
Handy – Atari Lynx emulator.
MAME 2000 – Arcade emulator based on a 2000 snapshot version of MAME (version 0.36b). Is functionally similar/identical to iMAME4All.
MAME 2003 – Arcade emulator based on a 2003 snapshot version of MAME (version 0.78). Is functionally similar/identical to MAME 0.72, except a bit more up-to-date and with some game-specific fixes implemented (as well as a speedup core option for Midway DCS games, such as the Mortal Kombat series).
MAME 2003 Plus – Arcade emulator based on a 2003 snapshot version of MAME (version 0.78). Has everything MAME 2003 has, plus more backported game drivers and features.
Mednafen NGP – SNK Neo Geo Pocket (Color) emulator.
Mednafen PCE Fast – NEC PC Engine (CD) emulator.
Mednafen Super-Grafx – NEC Super-Grafx (CD) emulator. Short-lived successor to the PC Engine with backward compatibility.
Mednafen VB – Nintendo Virtual Boy emulator.
Mednafen WonderSwan – Bandai WonderSwan/WonderSwan Color emulator. This portable handheld had a screen that ran at 75Hz, therefore V-Sync is disabled for this core.
mGBA – Nintendo Game Boy Advance emulator. Actively maintained and improved by endrift.
NEStopia – Nintendo Famicom/NES emulator known for its accuracy focus. Has plenty of features. Use NstDatabase.xml for additional game compatibility support. Libretro core maintained upstream by NEStopia Undead authors.
NX Engine – Cave Story game engine recreation. use the original Cave Story/Doukutsu Monogatari in order for this to work. These files are needed here.
O2EM – Magnavox Odyssey 2 emulator.
PCSX ReARMed – Sony PlayStation 1 emulator. Comes with an updated Unai video renderer for better performance. Hints: you will want to turn on threaded video for this core for better performance. You can use the PSP PS1 BIOS for better performance.
Picodive – Sega Genesis/Mega Drive emulator with 32X peripheral support. There is no Aarch64 dynarec so the dynarec for 32X might still be too slow.
PocketCDG – Karaoke MP3 music player.
PokeMini – Pokemon Mini emulator.
PrBoom – Doom game engine source port. Can run at fixed framerates like 35/40/50/60fps.
ProSystem – Atari 7800 emulator.
QuickNES – Nintendo Famicom/NES emulator. Fastest NES emulator out of them all.
Reminiscence – Flashback game engine recreation.
SNES9x 2010 – Super Famicom/Nintendo emulator. Should be considerably faster than Snes9x mainline.
SNES9x – Super Famicom/Nintendo emulator. Slower than Snes9x 2010 but has MSU-1 support among other improvements only available in upstream version. Maintained upstream by the original Snes9x devs like bearoso and OV2.
Stella – Atari 2600 emulator.
TGB Dual – Nintendo Game Boy / Game Boy Color emulator. Has a splitscreen multiplayer mode where gamepad 1 and 2 can play against each other successfully.
Tyrquake – Quake 1 game engine. Runs in software renderer, no networking support (yet).
VBA Next – Game Boy Advance emulator. Should have an option to multithread rendering which could potentially improve performance a lot.
Vecx – Vectrex emulator. Early ’80s game console that rendered everything with wireframe polygons.
VICE (x64) – Commodore 64 emulator.
XRick – Game engine recreation/port of Rick Dangerous.
Yabause – Sega Saturn emulator. Might be too slow for now.
感谢两位贡献者~natinusala 和m4xw大神~~~
Thanks to the hard work of the RetroNX devs (natinusala and m4xw), we now have an official RetroArch release for Switch!
顺便从源码库看到,RetroArch 是根据GPL3开源协议发布的。【图片】简单说,谁都可以说这个代码去做自己想做的事~但是你用了这个代码,你的代码就被传染成了开源。你就必须开放你的源码~不开源就是违约行为~