

作者: Raral | 来源:发表于2021-07-22 01:23 被阅读0次
 List<AppDisease> appDiseases = appDiseaseMapper.selectDieaseList(bo.getPageStart(),bo.getPageSize(),bo);

public interface AppDiseaseMapper extends BaseMapper<AppDisease> {

    public List<AppDisease> selectDieaseList(@Param("pageStart") Integer pageStart,@Param("pageSize") Integer pageSize, @Param("bo") AppDiseaseQueryBo bo);

  <select id="selectDieaseList" parameterType="com.ruoyi.system.bo.AppDiseaseQueryBo" resultType="com.ruoyi.system.domain.AppDisease">
        select * from app_disease WHERE  1 = 1
        limit #{pageStart},#{pageSize}

<select id="selectCouponListByIno" resultType="com.gzsz.shop.api.shop.bean.ShopPool">
select a.*,b.cost_amount,b.model_code as counType,
d.face_log as goods_pic, d.is_super,d.s_cycle_times,d.s_cycle,d.s_times, d.sty_bg_url_l,d.sty_bg_url_m,d.sty_bg_url_s
<include refid="base_shop_pool"/>
from t_cs_shop_coupon t
status = 1 and stock > 0 and pool_code != 3
<if test="couponIno != null and couponIno != ''">
and coupon_ino = #{couponIno}
<if test="poolCode != null">
and pool_code = #{poolCode}

            <if test="searchParam != null and searchParam != ''">
                and coupon_name like concat('%',#{searchParam},'%')
            <if test="couponAtno != null and couponAtno != ''">
                and coupon_atno = #{couponAtno}
            <when test="sortField == 1 and sort == 0 ">
                order by create_time asc
            <when test="sortField == 1 and sort == 1 ">
                order by create_time desc

            <when test="sortField == 3 and sort == 0 ">
                order by sale_price asc
            <when test="sortField == 3 and sort == 1 ">
                order by sale_price desc
            <when test="sortField == 2 and sort == 0 ">
                order by initial_num - stock asc
            <when test="sortField == 2 and sort == 1 ">
                order by initial_num - stock desc
                order by create_time desc
        <if test="pageStart != null and size != null">
            LIMIT #{pageStart}, #{size}
    ) a
    left join t_cs_act_acctype b on b.atno = a.coupon_atno
    left join t_cs_act_acctype_ext d on d.atno = b.atno
    <if test="sortField == 1 and sort == 0 ">
        order by create_time asc
    <if test="sortField == 1 and sort == 1 ">
        order by create_time desc

    <if test="sortField == 3 and sort == 0 ">
        order by sale_price asc
    <if test="sortField == 3 and sort == 1 ">
        order by sale_price desc
    <if test="sortField == 2 and sort == 0 ">
        order by initial_num - stock asc
    <if test="sortField == 2 and sort == 1 ">
        order by initial_num - stock desc




