

作者: f74bde8ac0c8 | 来源:发表于2017-03-21 16:40 被阅读9次







a.听力部分:Now, let me give you some idea of thelayout(布局)of the farm.


引言段:This diagram compares how thelayoutof village of Ryemouth has changed since theyear of 1995.

结尾段:Overall, based on the briefdescription above, it is clear that the generallayoutofthe village does not change a lot.


b.听力部分:The scarecrow you can see in the car parkin the corner(在角落), beside(在旁边)the main path, is a traditional figurefor keeping the birds away from crops.

适当补充:与in the corner属于同类的还可以包括in the

south/north/west/east,或者是in the southwest之类的。


第一张地图:In the southern part, there was afishing port on the sea, with a fish market locatedin the

northand a coffee shop in thenortheast.

c.听力部分:If you look ahead of you, you’ll see a maze. It’sopposite(在对面)the New Barn, beside theside path that branches off to the right just over there.


第一张地图:A block of shops was situatedon the opposite side ofthe market



第一张流程图是选自剑7里面的一张图,它的题目标题是the operational cycle,这里的cycle是循环的意思,其实通过图表的画法也是能够推算出来的。同样的,后面这张流程图选自于剑6,标题为life cycle of silkworm。所以有了听力词汇的积累,我们很容易能够读懂写作这张流程图讲解的是蚕宝宝的生命循环图。


a. Solet’ s start withthedevice itself……let’s

move ontohow float work.(原文当中如果有步骤之间的切换的话,一般都会有这样一种序列词在文章中体现,这种词的功能就是可以快速找寻到下一步。)

b.It stays at this

depth for about 10 daysand is carried around by the currents which operatein the ocean at this level. //After about five hours on the surface,the float automatically sinks, beginning the whole process again.(划线短语是表示时间的过度的,这对于写生命循环图有很好的参考性。)


First of all, eggs are produced by the moth andit takes ten days

for each egg to become a silkworm larvathat feeds on mulberry leaves.This

stages lasts for up to six weeksuntil the larva produces a cocoon of silkthread around itself.After a period of about three weeks, the adultmoths eventually emerge from these cocoons and the life cycle begins again.(通过文章示范,明显能看出和听力里面的表达方式是有异曲同工之处的,不仅有顺序词,还有表示时间过渡的词。)


环境类话题是雅思考试时比较喜欢出的题目,同样也是因为它是全球面临的一个主要问题。所以如何缓解环境问题现在成了一个比较热门的考点。在剑5 Test 3 Section 4里面,我们能找到这样一段关于环境话题的段落:

听力原文:The agreed targets for the UK mean

that by 2008 we must reduce our carbon dioxide emission by 12.5%, compared with

1990. And recycling can help to achieve that goal, in two main ways: the

production of recycled glass and paper uses much less energy than producing

them from virgin materials, and also recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions

from landfill sites and incineration plants.这段原文的大致意思就是表达回收这种方式不仅节约能源,同样也可以减少温室气体的排放。


Some people think thatindividuals cannot improve the environment. Only government and large companiescan make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


For governments, they can try to use recycling to improvethe environment as production of recycled glass and paper uses much less energythan producing them from virgin materials, and also recycling reducesgreenhouse gas emissions from landfill sites and incineration plants.


科技话题与环境类话题一样,同样也是听力与写作的一个重叠性话题。我们写作文的时候,同样可以使用听力原文中的点作为参考。原文来自于剑10 Test 4 Section 4:

利1:Nanotechnology has much wider

application than this and could have an enormous impact on our environment.For instance, tiny

airborne nano-robots could be programmed to actually build the ozone layer,

which could lessen the impact of global warming on our planet. On a more local

scale, this new technology could help with clean-up of environmental disasters

as nanotechnology will allow as to remove oil and other contaminants from the

water far more effectively.就论证结构而言,这是典型的举例论证,主要讲解了纳米技术对环境的好处。

利2:This would have a phenomenal effect on

our society.In time it could even lead to the eradication of famine through the

introduction of machines that produce food to feed the hungry.这一个好处讲解的是纳米技术可以缓解社会的饥荒问题。


Money for postgraduateresearch is limited. Some people think that financial support from governmentsshould be only provided for scientific research rather than research for lessuseful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?

这篇文章由于only这个词的绝对性,所以我们会采取主体两段分别讨论scientific research以及less useful subjects对于社会的帮助是什么。而nanotechnology这一点就可以作为一个很有说服力的例子。

Body 1: There is no doubt that government subsidies forscientific research are necessary. Since scientific research might hold the keyto change life of all as well as boost the economic development, governmentshould allocate properly taxpayer’s money to boost such development.For

example, nanotechnology can not only lessen the impact on global warming by

nano-robots, but also help to eradicate famine as machines are able to produce

more food.(这一个点就是参考了听力论点,比较新颖,容易吸引考官注意。)



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