ElON MUSK读书笔记2

ElON MUSK读书笔记2

作者: jane_8c20 | 来源:发表于2017-09-05 21:35 被阅读0次


Elon Musk越来越觉得南非不适合自己,他向往美国硅谷,觉得那里才是自己可以实现梦想的地方,因此他就利用自己妈妈是加拿大人而积极想办法去加拿大。

终于一切都办好了,可是因为临行前准备的并不周到,Elon Musk到了加拿大竟然发现他本想投奔的远方亲戚已经不住在那里了。就这样,不到18岁的Elon Musk独自一人在加拿大举目无亲。

接下来他干过许多零工,在农场种植蔬菜打扫粮仓,还干过辛苦的锅炉工。年轻的Elon Musk以起自己的方式到处在加拿大游历。终于,他的妈妈和弟弟也在加拿大一家团聚了。Elon Musk后来进入加拿大安大略省的皇后大学。大学生活显然很适合Elon Musk,他在这里交到了很多志同道合的朋友,大家都很尊重他在太空,太阳能以及他感兴趣的领域的独到见解,他在这种开放的环境中如鱼得水,脱颖而出。

这时候的Elon Musk已经表现出了工作狂的特性,


If there was a way that I could not eat, so I coule work more, I would not eat.I wish there was  a way to get nutrients without sitting down for a meal.

在大学时代,Elon Musk有了喜欢的女孩Justine Wilson,然而这个女人并不喜欢他,据Elon Musk的妈妈说“这个女人追求者很多,她并不喜欢Elon Musk,这让 Musk很伤心。”然而,Elon Musk一旦锁定目标,持之以恒,绝不放手。

这个女人最终被Elon Musk征服了,“电话总是响个不停,肯定是Elon Musk打来的,这个男人不喜欢被拒绝,你赶不走他,我认为他就是终结者他把目光锁在某个物体上,说这应该是我的。就这样,我一点一点被他征服了。”

“He would call very insistently,”she said.  “You always knew it was Elon because the phone would never stop ringing.The man does not take no for an answer.You can't blow him off.I do think of him as the Terminator.He locks his gaze on to something and says, 'It shall be mine.'Bit by bit, he won me over.”

在大学,Elon Musk交到了要好的朋友,看看他朋友对他的评价。”这是一群卓越之人,显然Elon 超越他们之上,在钟形曲线之外。“”一旦Elon 想了解某种事物,他会投入比别人多的多的精力,这是Elon 和其他人的不同之处。“

“This was a group of fairly high achievers, and Elon stood way outside of the bell curve,” When Elon gets into something, he develops just this different level of interset in it than other people.That is what differentiates Elon from the rest of humanity.“

在皇后大学呆了两年,后来Elon Musk得到了一个奖学金机会,进入到美国宾夕法尼亚大学学习,主修经济和物理学。在这里,Elon Musk在自己感兴趣的太阳能,新能源领域方面越发有个人独到的见解,还撰写了三篇优秀的论文来阐述自己在太阳能,电池超级电容,以及将来可利用到汽车,飞机和火箭上的创新大胆的设想。

面临大学毕业后的职业选择,Elon Musk曾考虑进入电子游戏行业,从儿童时代他就十分痴迷电子游戏,毕竟在这方面非常有能力,但是他却说了这样一段话"我真的很喜欢电脑游戏,但即使我做出来了很棒的电脑游戏,这又能给世界带来多大的影响呢?“”这不会对世界带来很大的影响,虽然我发自内心的热爱电脑游戏,但我不会把它当作我的职业。“

"I really like computer games, but then if I made really great computer games , how much effct would that have on the world," he said "It wouldn't have a big effect.Even though I have an intrinsic love of video games, I couldn't bring myself to do that as ab caree."

Elon Musk明确的把自己的职业选择定在太阳能源,互联网,太空这三个领域。





Elon Musk属于科技精英,他某种意义上可以说是学者,但他的独特之处在于他不是纯粹的只做学问,而是他喜欢把那些对未来重要的,真正有价值的技术,以某种方式变为现实,这真的将会对世界产生深远的影响。“我不想被看作一个新手,我不喜欢跟风和投机,我不是投资者。我喜欢把那些对未来重要的,真正有价值的技术,以某种方式变为现实”。

It is not some invented story after the fact.I don't want to seem like a Johnny-come -latedly or that I'a chasing a fad or just being opportunistic .I'm not an invetor.Ilike to make technologies real that I think are important for the future and useful in some dort of way.



1.come off as看起来是,被认为是,带给别人什么样的印象\、感觉

Elon,though,clearly came off as the geekier,more awkward counterpoint to the charismatic, personable Kimbal...

I know I might come off as negative。

2 end up v.最终;结果;到头来 If you end up doing something or end up in a particular state, you do that thing or get into that state even though you did not originally intend to.

Elon ended up enrolling at Queen's University in Kingston,Ontario,in 1989.

If you don't know what you want, you might end up getting something you don't want...

3.jump out v.极易引起注意 If you say that something jumps out at you, you mean that it is easy to notice it because it is different from other things of its type.

The enormity of his work ethic at that age and his intensity jumped out.

A phrase jumped out at me in a piece.

4.bump into v.偶然遇见;意外碰到 If you bump into someone you know, you meet them unexpectedly.

...where he pretended to have bumped into her by accident ...

I happened to bump into him in the hallway.

5.off and on  不时; 断断续续地; 间歇地; 时作时辍;not regularly;

During their university years, the two youngsters wer off  and on, withe Musk having to work hard to keep the relationship going.

We lived together, off and on, for two years

6.hip adj.新潮的;赶时髦的 If you say that someone is hip, you mean that they are very modern and follow all the latest fashions, for example in clothes and ideas.

She was hip and dated the coolest guys and wasn't interested in Elon at all.

..a hip young character with tight-cropped blond hair and stylish glasses.

7.bell curve n.a curve resembling the outline of a flared bell, usually representing a normal distribution 钟形曲线;

This was a group of farily high achievers, and Elon stood way outside of the bell curve.

8.straight-laced adjmores,moral outlook,dissociation of ideas,ideaistic,pudibund,restrained,ideational,ideal measure of value,square-toes


Elon was the most straight-laced-dude you have ever met.

That crowd are real straight - laced

9.Johnny-come-lately adj(disapproving or humorous) a person who has only recently arrived in a place or started an activity, especially sb who is more confident than they should be(尤指自负的)新人,新手

I don't want to seem like a Johnny-come-lately or that I'm chasing a fad or just being opportunistic.

10.run-of-the -mill  adj.• (oftendisapproving)ordinary, with no special or interesting features• 平凡的;普通的;乏味的

...That he's different from the run-of-the -mill entrepreneur inSilicon Valley.

. I was just a very average run-of-the-mill kind of student.

11.sniff out  v.发现;找到 If you sniff out something, you discover it after some searching.

He wasn't just sniffing out trends, and he wasn't consumed by the idea of getting rich.

...journalists who are trained to sniff out sensation or scandal.



      本文标题:ElON MUSK读书笔记2
