
作者: 我就是杨过 | 来源:发表于2019-04-22 17:47 被阅读0次

If you haven't seen README yet, that's the first step.

Introduce yourself to the team

Welcome on board!
Tell us who you are with a brief message in Slack or email group.
Add your photo and full name to Slack, Jira and GitLab accounts.
As we're a distributed team, mentioning your timezone and core hours will help everyone.

Get access to infrastructure

Ask someone (for example, Boris) to add you to Jira, GitLab, Zeplin.

New to Android?

New to Kotlin?

New to GitLab?

New to Docker?

Setting up local development environment

  1. Add SSH key to GitLab and add it locally with ssh-add
  2. Clone the repo:

    git clone git@gitlab.com:opay/opera-pay-android.git
  3. Install Android Studio 3.4 Beta 1
  4. Open it and import the project (install latest JDK if needed)
  5. Download and install Android SDK via Android Studio's SDK Manager
  6. Build the project using Android Studio
  7. Run the project on Android device or emulator

Setting up local Docker environment

  1. Install Docker (we use Community Edition)
  2. Install docker-compose
  3. See Developer guide for how to run Gradle tasks in container

Getting familiar with main 3rd parties

What's next?

Take a look at Developer guide document and other project documentation.

Optionally: submit a merge request with updates to this document

Things change, and this guide is still very high level. So if you have some valuable info
to share after following these instructions, you're more than welcome to add it.


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