- Designing a Controller-Sub-contr
- Designing a Controller-Sub-contr
- Designing a Controller-Sub-contr
- Designing a Controller-Sub-contr
- Designing a Controller-Sub-contr
- Designing a Controller-Sub-contr
- Designing a Controller-Sub-contr
- Designing a Controller-Sub-contr
- 《Designing Data-Intensive Applic
- Designing a Controller-Designing


Sub-controller Name(子控制器名) 子控制器名;可编辑。
**SubControl Period(子控制器周期)(DT) **子控制器的采样周期。这个量被表示为模型(全体控制器)采样周期的正整数倍,且缺省值是1。该值是可编辑的。
SubControl Period (子控制器周期)(min) 以时间单位(mins或secs)表示的子控制器控制周期。其对应于子控制器周期(DT)输入乘以模型采样周期。该值是可编辑的。
Offset(偏移量) (DT) 子控制器的偏移量限制了子控制器在子控制周期内运行的时间。 ‘offset(偏移量)’是总模型周期乘以一个非负数得到的,其应该比子控制器周期更小。
Blending Sub-controller(混合子控制器) 该复选框用于将选定的子控制器指定为混合器。混合子控制器具有以下算法:
Upon entering the sub-controller tab-screens, the corresponding dynamics of the sub-model (contained in the sub-controller and constructed from the pairing of the different MVs/DVs and POVs) are discretized and analyzed with the following results:
• The discretization is performed with the sub-controller period and leads to a discrete state-space sub-model.
• The static action gains are computed, i.e. the gains between the manipulated inputs and the outputs are computed. These gains are used in the settling time estimation and in the MV/CV weight relationships (see below - Tuning advice).
• The delay and/or settling times of the action dynamics are estimated on the basis of a simulation of the discretized sub-model (up to a thousand steps) and the computed static action gains. The settling time is used to compute the default compaction points.
NOTE: It is strongly recommended NOT to use a parallel pass structure with ramps i.e., express an output as the sum of two or more ramps. The controller compile process will fail if such a structure is used in the model.
NOTE: In case the discretized dynamics are too slow relative to the sampling rate, the settling time fails to be adequately estimated and the following message appears. Typically, increasing the sub-control period resolves the problem.
Sub-controller Summary Tab
The figure below contains the main components of the Sub-controller Summary tab.
Sub-controller Summary Tab Fields
Sub-controller Name The name of the sub-controller. Editing is possible.
SubControl Period (DT) The sampling period for a sub-controller. This quantity is expressed as a positive integer multiplier of the model (and overall controller) sampling period whose default value is one. This value can be edited.
**SubControl Period (min) **The control period of a sub-controller in time units (minutes or seconds). It corresponds to the Sub-control Period (DT) entry multiplied by the model (controller) sampling period. This value cannot be edited.
Offset (DT) The offset for a sub-controller defines the time at which the sub-controller will run within the sub-control period. The ‘offset’ is a non-negative multiplier of the overall model period and should be smaller than the sub-controller period.
Blending Sub-controller Check box for specifying the selected sub-controller as a blender. A blending sub-controller has the following special computation procedures:
• All MVs and DVs are ratios
• MV ratios are computed at steady state only
• SMOCPro automatically creates a hidden constraint for the sum of ratios (always at one).