
作者: PriscillaKwan | 来源:发表于2021-01-04 23:22 被阅读0次

With all the joy you have given me

I just want to say that apart from you

All sorts of joy mean nothing and they are so temporary

I cannot claim that I know all about joy already

But now every time I breathe and every time I laugh and smile, I know where that gift comes from

And interestingly, even as I cried out loud or quietly, with tears in my eyes, being silent or not knowing what is happening, there's still joy.

Who can tell me that's something I imagine?


That must be a heavenly gift from far far away and yet it feels so close and it even lives in me.

Therefore, may joy be just a way for you and me to experience the source of joy, not all sorts of joy but just pure joy, full of love and peace and it.points you to eternity.

My love, I pray for you often to have deeper joy in the source of it.

That's something you cannot live without.

Let's seek all the more and find...

2021.01.04 23:21

If this touches in any way, put a smile on your own face!!

And I appreciate your like and support a lot!



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