Day592--Who Should Be Saved Firs

Day592--Who Should Be Saved Firs

作者: Rachel09 | 来源:发表于2020-04-03 06:47 被阅读0次

    Who Should Be Saved First? Experts Offer Ethical Guidance


    --------From YLYK 每日外刊精读专辑

    How do doctors and hospitals decide who gets potentially lifesaving treatment and who doesn’t?


    Facing this dilemma recently, Italian doctors sought ethical counsel and were told to consider an approach that draws on utilitarian principles.


    In layman’s terms, a utilitarianism approach would maximize overall health by directing care toward those most likely to benefit the most from it. If you had only one ventilator, it would go to someone more likely to survive instead of someone deemed unlikely to do so.


    Another principle recommended by medical ethicists is to take tough choices out of the hands of front-line clinicians. Instead, have dedicated triage officers decide. Also, decisions should be free of financial considerations or the social status of patients, something that seems to have been violated in the provision of scarce coronavirus tests to N.B.A. players, for example.


    “Key is to be transparent about the principles, save as many lives as possible, and ensure that there are no considerations such as money, race, ethnicity or political pull that go into allocation of lifesaving resources such as ventilators,” said Dr. Tom Frieden, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.




    1. What Money Can't Buy 《金钱不能买什么?》

    2. Justice 《公正》


    ethical UK /ˈeθɪkəl/ US /ˈeθɪkəl/ adj. 伦理的,和伦理相关的;合乎伦理的

    ethical practice 合乎伦理的做法

    ethical experiment 合乎伦理的实验

    ethics n. 伦理学,伦理准则

    guidance UK /ˈɡaɪdəns/ US /ˈɡaɪdəns/ n. 指导,指南,建议

    potentially UK /pəˈtenʃəli/ US /poʊˈtenʃəli/ adv. 潜在地

    potential adj. 潜在的 n. 潜力

    dilemma UK /daɪˈlemə, dɪˈlemə/ US /daɪˈlemə, dɪˈlemə/ n. (很难做出选择的)困境,进退两难

    counsel UK /ˈkaʊnsəl/ US /ˈkaʊnsəl/ n. 建议 vt. 建议

    approach UK /əˈprəʊtʃ/ US /əˈproʊtʃ/ n. 方式,方法 vt. 走近,邻近

    draw on 利用,使用

    His novels heavily draw on his childhood experiences.


    utilitarian UK /ˌjuːtɪlɪˈteəriən/ US /juːˌtɪləˈteriən/ adj. 实用的,功利(主义)的

    a utilitarian building 功能性建筑(可能不美观,但很实用)

    utilitarianism UK /ˌjuːtɪlɪˈteəriənɪzəm/ US /juːˌtɪləˈteriənɪzəm/ n. 功利主义


    layman UK /ˈleɪmən/ US /ˈleɪmən/ n. 外行,非专业人士

    ventilator UK /ˈventɪleɪtə/ US /ˈventəleɪtər/ n. 呼吸机

    deem UK /diːm/ US /diːm/ vt. 认为

    It is deemed necessary/advisable to do so.


    ethicist UK /'eθɪsɪst/ US /'ɛθɪsɪst/ n. 伦理学家

    take tough choices out of the hands of sb. 不要让某人做艰难的选择

    front-line UK /ˌfrʌntˈlaɪn/ US /ˌfrʌntˈlaɪn/ adj. 前线的,一线的

    front line 前线,一线

    on the front line 处于前线

    clinician UK /klɪˈnɪʃən/ US /klɪˈnɪʃən/ n. 临床医生

    triage UK /ˈtriːɑːʒ/ US /ˈtriːɑːʒ/ n. 分诊

    triage nurse 分诊护士

    dedicated UK /ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd/ US /ˈdedəkeɪtɪd/ adj. 专门的

    be free of sth. 不和某事挂钩/产生关系

    pull UK /pʊl/ US /pʊl/ n. 影响,影响力 vt. 拉

    political pull 政治影响

    to use one’s pull 发挥某人的影响力

    race UK /reɪs/ US /reɪs/ n. (从生物角度界定的)种族

    ethnicity UK /eθˈnɪsəti/ US /eθˈnɪsəti/ n. (从文化、语言等角度界定的)族裔





          本文标题:Day592--Who Should Be Saved Firs
