

作者: 徐恩峰 | 来源:发表于2019-01-08 23:28 被阅读0次

    Welcome to the museum.Before we are going ......at......remind you......things.Firstly,you will be pleased to note admission free to visitors .So,you can contact ......today.You can come back again and again without any charge toll.Opening hour is from 10:00 am to 5:30pm most days.But the museum close a little later on Thursday and Friday evenings.The renew ......guides available in ten languages.They can pick up from desks in the cup of the courtyard for four pounds fifty and you ......with you all day from opening time in the morning until half an hour before closing.But you will need to produce ID,passport ,drive licenses,national identity card......These ......as well as ......interactive ......for easy nevigation.They are simple to operate and you will get a more detailed inside into many obejects in the ......galleries.As a security measure,a part from the camera and purse or small handbags.Your belongings such as the large bags ,coats ,and umbrellas all have to be left at......Please note the museum has recently revised the regulations for the size......I think the......forty by forty by fifty centimeters ......of eight kilometers.



