4. Are you teacher?

4. Are you teacher?

作者: 张无忌_ | 来源:发表于2016-06-24 05:46 被阅读86次

    1. 生词部分

    I pron. 代词 => 代替名词的词   必须有大写的形式

    am v. be 动词现在时第一人称单数

    are v. be 动词现在时复数   与第二人称 或复数人称搭配  第三人称单数的时候使用is

    name 名字

    what pron. 什么

    nationality n. 国籍  nation 国家  national 国家的

    job n. 工作

    keyboard n. 电脑键盘   key 钥匙  board 板子  blackboard 黑板

    operator n. 操作人员

    engineer n. 工程师 engine 引擎,发动机  er=> 后缀  表示某种人  某种职业 某种身份

    eg: work  -> worker 工作者  teach -> teacher 老师  fish -> fisher 渔夫

    policeman n. police / police office 警察局 / police car 警车 / police dog 警犬

    policewoman n.

    taxi driver 出租车司机

    air hostess 空中小姐  air 航空  hostess 女主人

    postman n. 邮递员 post 邮政 post office 邮局

    nurse n. 护士

    mechanic 机械师

    hairdresser n.  理发师 hair 头发 dress v.打扮

    housewife n.  house  wife husband丈夫  househusban家庭主夫

    milkman n.送牛奶的人  milk 牛奶


    第一人称   => I => we  

    宾格 => me => us

    第二人称  => you => you

    宾格 => you=> you

    第三人称 => he / she / it => they

    宾格 =>him / her / it  => them


    I love you . /You love me. /They love her. /You love us. /She loves them.


    I am new student.  


    My name is Robert.

    我的名字叫罗伯特。   My name's Robert.  Is your name Robert?  Are your name Robert?


    Are you French?  You are French.


    Yes, I am.

    What nationality are you?


    I am Chinese.

    Are you a teacher?  You are teacher.

    What's your job?

    I am an engineer.

    I am a student. 不能直接回答学生

    建议这样回答。 I have no jobs. I am a student.

    My job is a teacher .

    I am a teacher.


    句子的种类: 肯定句 否定句 陈述句 感叹句 祈使句 疑问句 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 附加疑问句 反问句


    主语 + 动词 + 其他成分

    This is Miss Sophie Dupont.这是苏菲小姐。

    He is German.

    I am student.


    主语 + 动词 +否定词 + 其他成分

    I am not Italian.

    Sophie is not teacher.

    一般疑问句 => yes-no question

    动词 + 主语 + 其他成分?

    Is he German?

    Are you ready?

    Is Sophie a new student?

    特殊疑问句 => wh- question  

    特殊疑问词  => what /where /who/whose /which /why /when /how

    特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句?   What is on?  What is in it?  Who served you?

    I don't know what you are talking about. 我不知道你在说什么

    Your name is ZhangKun.

    Is your name ZhangKun?


    eg 1 :

    What is your name?

    Who ZhangKun is ?

    eg 2:

    He is my teacher.

    Who is he ?

    Who is my teacher?

    eg 3:

    My book is on the table.

    Where is my book?

    What is on the table.

    eg 4:

    You are French.

    What nationality are you?

    Who are French?

    区分 如果这个疑问句可以直接用 yes/ no 回答, 就是一般疑问句。

    5. 知识拓展:

    Tom is a milkman.

    Is tome a milkman.

    Who is a milkman?

    My open is in the bag.

    Is your pen in the bag?

    Sam is my hairdresser.

    Who is Sam?

    Robert is Italian.

    Who is italian?



          本文标题:4. Are you teacher?
