Bag of tricks for Image Classifi

Bag of tricks for Image Classifi

作者: MadCoder | 来源:发表于2019-02-02 20:21 被阅读0次

    Large-batch training

    1. Linear scaling learning rate
      • e.g. ResNet-50 SGD 256 batch size 0.1 learning rate
      • init learning rate = 0.1 * b/256. where b is the batch size
    2. Learning rate warm up
      • at the beginning, paras are far from the final solution
      • e.g. we use first m​ batch to warm up, the init learning rate is η​, at the i​ batch where 1 ≤ i ≤ m​, set the learning rate to be iη/m​
    3. Zero γ
      • Batch Normalization: γxˆ + β​ Normally, both elements γ​ and β​ are initialized to 1s and 0s
      • Instead of setting them in a normal way, it set it as γ = 0 to all BN layers that sit at the end of the residual block (最后一层residual block的BN层).
      • easy to train at the initial stage
    4. No bias decay
      • Weight decay will apply to both weight and bias
      • it recommended that only apply to weight regularization to avoid overfitting. BN parameters are left unregularized

    Low-precision training (降低位数)

    1. Normal setting: 32-bit floating point (FP32) precision
    2. Trick switching it to larger batch size (1024) with FP16 and get higher accuracy

    Model Tweaks

    ResNet Architecture

    Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at 3.32.42 PM.png
    1. ResNet-B
      • 为了避免 1x1 conv stride=2 带来的information loss
    2. ResNet-C
      • 为了避免计算量,使用两个3x3 conv代替一个7x7 conv
    3. ResNet-D
      • ResNet-B中path B中的1x1 conv stride=2还是会带来信息丢失,在之前加一个avgpool stride=2 能够有效避免信息丢失
    Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at 3.29.10 PM.png

    Training Refinement

    1. Cosine Learning Rate Decay

      • ηt =\frac{1}{2} (1 + cos (\frac{tπ}{T}))η
        • where T is the total number of batches (ignore warmup stage)
        • t is the current batch
        • η is the init learning rate
      • potentially improve the training progress
    Cosine Decay
    1. Label Smoothing

    2. Knowledge Distillation

      1. 训练一个复杂的网络(N1)
      2. 使用数据train N1网络并得到(M1)
      3. 根据复杂网络设计一个简单网络 (N0)
      4. 将M1 softmax 设T=20 预测数据得到 soft target
      5. soft target 和 hard target加权得出Target (推荐0.1:0.9)
      6. 使用 label = Target 的数据集训练N0(T=20)得到 M0
      7. 设T=1,M0 模型为我们得到的训练好的精简模型
    3. Mixup Training

      • Data Augmentation

      • Weighted linear interpolation (双线性插值)

        • x = λx_i + (1 - λ)x_j
        • y = λy_i + (1 - λ)y_j
      • λ ∈ [0, 1] In mixup training, we only use (x, y)
    4. Result

    Large Batch Training Refinements



          本文标题:Bag of tricks for Image Classifi
