The 7 Habits of Highly Effective

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective

作者: jane_8c20 | 来源:发表于2017-07-04 19:45 被阅读0次








    我们的认知Perception(对事物的理解,看事物的角度)影响了我们所看到的。我们的所看到了影响了我们的判断,态度行为。而我们的态度和行为则会影响我们的人生。而我们的认知Perception受到了价值观,社会道德风尚,生活经验,所受教育程度,家庭背景,偏见等等诸多因素的影响。因此我们必须好好审视我们的Perception。We must look at the lens(价值观,社会道德风尚,生活经验,所受教育程度,家庭背景,偏见等等诸多因素) through which we see the world.


    在解决问题之前,作者引入了一个这样的概念paradigm ,“The word paradigmcomes from from the Greek.It was originally a scientific term, and is more commonly used today to mean a model,theory,perception,assumption,or frame of reference.In the  more general sense,ti's the way we see the world---not in terms of our visual sense of sight ,but in term of perceiving ,understanding ,interpreting.

    简单来说,paradigm is the way we "see" the world.

    We see the world,

    not as it is,

    but as we are

    -- or,as we are conditioned to see it.

    还记得这幅画吗?有的人看成了想要带出去约会的美女,有的人看成了过马路都要搀扶的老妪。他们持不同的观点,其实两个人可能都是对的,但如果只坚持自己的观点, 不试图去了解别人的观点,那么就无法更完整的来看待事物的全貌。


    这样的改变就是Paradigm Shift,作者以他儿子和他在公车的事件为例,指出Paradigm Shift思维改变会呈现两种不同的方式,或是长期的,痛苦的,慎重的改变,或是瞬间的改变。不过不管怎么说Paradigms are powerful because they creat the lens through which we see the world.The power of a paradigm shift is the essential power of quantum change,whether that shift is an instantaneous or a slow and deliberate process.Paradigm Shift会是一个巨大的改变。

    The Principle-Centered Paradigm以原则为中心的思维(Paradigm)

    Paradigm所依托的Character Ethic性格品德成功论则是建立在原则(principles)基础上的。There are principles that govern human effectiveness -- natural laws in the human dimension that are just as real; just as unchanging and unarguably there as laws such as gravity are in the physical dimension.人类效能都需要原则作指引,这是放之四海皆准的真理,和物理学中的万有引力法则一样,都是毋庸置疑、不容忽视的自然法则。


    Principles: fairness, integrity, honesty, human dignity, service, quality, excellence, potential, growth, patience, nurturance, encouragement.原则包括公平,正直,诚实,忠诚,服务,潜能。原则是人类行为的指南,历经考验,长盛不衰。

    The more closely our paradigms are aligned with these principles or natural laws,the more accurate and functional they will be.



    Principles Of Growth And Change成长和改变的原则

    In all of life,there are sequential stages of growth and development.Achild learns to turn over;to sit up,to crawl, and then to walk and run.Each step is important and each one takes time.No step can be skipped.人的一生包含了许多成长和进步阶段,必须循序渐进,比如小孩要先学会翻身、坐立、爬行,然后才学会走路、跑步。每一步都十分重要,而且需要时间,不能跳过。当然这点也表现在许多其他活动上,比如弹钢琴和同事交往,这点不仅对于个人,婚姻,家庭,组织都是需要遵守的原则。



    Ä thousand -mile journey begins with the first step.千里之行,始于足下,要一步一步来。在这里,作者引用了Thoreau的一句名言“How can we remember our ignorance,which our growth requires,when we are using our knowledge all the time?”如果我们时时忙着展现自己的知识,将如何想起成长所需的无知呢?”


    The Way We See The Problem Is The Problem


    一般人对于成功人士,家庭或团体,总是羡慕不已,但是羡慕之余,其实他们最想知道的是成功后面的原因,他们向成功者请教的多是怎么能快速的,立竿见影的解决难题,获得成功。既然有这样要求的人,就有提供这种需要的人,那种所谓的Personality Ethic个性成功论就是提供这种答案的论调。还别说,有时候速成的办法还颇管用,可暂时消除一些表象的问题。只是真正的症结依旧存在,久而久之问题又会浮现。而且愈是求助于“特效药”,病症拖得愈久,病情愈加恶化。我们需要的是实质性的东西,需要过程,而不仅仅是“阿斯匹林”和“创可贴”,希望铲除病根,关注会带来长期效应的原则。

    A New Level Of Thinking

    The significant problems we face cannot be solved at thesamelevel of thinking we were at when we created them.Albert Einstein





    We must not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time.


    --T. S. Eliot(艾略特)


    1.back and forth  from one place to another and back again repeatedly 反复来回

    "the old man just sat on the porch and rocked back and forth all day"


    The prosecution and defense were bandying accusations back and forth.原告和被告你来我往,互相指责

    2.outgrowth n.产物;自然发展的结果 Something that is an outgrowth of another thing has developed naturally as a result of it.

    The law was an outgrowth of the 2000 presidential election.这项法律是2000年总统选举的必然结果。

    3.shortcut  n.a route shorter than the usual one

    If I take a shortcut, I can walk to school for only five minutes.如果抄近路, 我只要步行5分钟就能到学校.

    在书中,还有动词的用法 v.We attempt to shortout a natural process.

    4.quantum n.(physics 物) a very small quantity of electromagnetic energy 量子

    adj.1.量子的 In physics, quantum theory and quantum mechanics are concerned with the behaviour of atomic particles.

    ● Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.量子力学和混沌理论都表明世界永远处于不断变化中。

    2.巨变;猛增;飞跃;突飞猛进 A quantum leap or quantum jump in something is a very great and sudden increase in its size, amount, or quality.

    ● The vaccine represents a quantum leap in healthcare...这种疫苗的问世是医疗保健领域的重大突破。

    5.align v.1.~ (sth) (with sth) to arrange sth in the correct position, or to be in the correct position, in relation to sth else, especially in a straight line 排整齐;校准;(尤指)使成一条直线

    Keep the rough edge of the fabric aligned with the raw edge of the piping.将织物的毛边与滚边未经加工的边对齐

    2.与…联合;与…结盟 If you align yourself with a particular group, you support them because you have the same political aim.

    ● There are signs that the prime minister is aligning himself with the liberals...有迹象表明首相正在与自由党人结盟。

    6.futile adj.无益的;无用的;徒劳的 If you say that something is futile, you mean there is no point in doing it, usually because it has no chance of succeeding.

    He brought his arm up in a futile attempt to ward off the blow...他扬起胳膊徒劳地想要挡住这一拳。

    7.instantaneous adj.瞬间的;即刻的 Something that is instantaneous happens immediately and very quickly.

    Death was almost instantaneous.当时生命垂危。



          本文标题:The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
