

作者: 刘佳媚 | 来源:发表于2017-06-07 16:29 被阅读0次


    生活在当下的中国是一件非常有挑战的事, 也是一件非常有趣儿的事儿。中国当下快速的变化,让人有很多取得成功的机会。中国的快节奏我们可能根本没有意识到,因为我们就生活在这个国家。


    社会快速变化,不确定因素太多,这就要求我们尽可能远离舒适区, 因为一旦如此,我们就可能陷入极端危险的状态。远离舒适区要求我们,不依赖现状的任何部分,尝试不确定性,接受风险,试错并迅速调整。不去尝试的成本,要远大于尝试出错需要支付的成本,甚至可以说不去试错是最大的错;没有试错成本是最大的成本。







    How to face the world changing rapidly

    The world is changing rapidly

    It is a challenge thing to Living in China now. And it's a very interesting thing too.  With rapid changes, people have a lot of success opportunities. The rapid we may not realize at all, because we live in this country.

    This society is rapidly changing, and the speed-related measures are becoming more and more unequal, if unable to achieve the freedom people or institutions, will missed the future,  there is no equality between  fast and slow people. It becoming more and more important for person or organization to learn quickly.

    The rapid changes in society, too many uncertainties, which requires us to stay away from the comfort situation, because once so, we may fall into an extremely dangerous state. Stay away from the comfort situation requires us don't to rely on any part of the status , try uncertainty things,try and adjust quickly. Not to try ,the cost to be much greater than the cost of wrong.

    When they are young, people are changing on physical, thought, interpersonal relationships, are constantly updated to the 40-year-old most people will refuse to change. They want to be stable. But  if you want to stabilize the work, stable income, stable identity, stable values, you are outdated.

    The rapid changes in the world has also been progressing

    The world is changing at a rapid pace, and once you understand that, you will look at the world with a different view. If you find things getting better and better, you will want to know what the role of the factors, and then you will find ways to get close to this factor, use this factor or be used by this factor.

    The world has a positive face and a dark side, some people are better than others to ignore the dark things in the world, which means that they have more attention and time to pay attention to the positive side of the world, and training themselves. The great success of the people, just put themselves in a positive face, ignore the dark side.

    I am in front of a strange world, a dark world, I do not know where to go to, but no matter where it leads I will follow it. Many people misunderstood the world, never correctly recognized him, although he was dark, but  light is always there.

    I am on my way, without thinking anything.



