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最近,智利反垄断法庭的一项裁决规定银行不能随意冻结加密交易所银行账户,以对当地加密货币交易所进行一定的保护。在12月智利最高法院判决银行不向加密交易所提供服务为其合法权利之后,智利自由竞争保护法院(TDLC)发起了一项相关投票,并得出多数投票者站在加密公司这一边。银行向反垄断法院提出上诉,要求取消 TDLC 在第一时间反对的这项保护措施。
Anti-monopoly Court in Chile Rules to Keep Crypto Exchanges’ Bank Accounts Open
A recent ruling by an anti-monopoly court in Chilean has returned protections granted to local cryptocurrency exchanges by forcing banks to keep their accounts open. The Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia (TDLC) held a poll and most members voted in favor of the crypto firms after the Chilean Supreme Court decided in early December that banks had legal rights not to provide services to crypto exchanges. The banks appealed to the anti-monopoly court seeking the cancellation of protection measures, which the TDLC has now initially rejected.
County in Nevada Now Allows Marriage Certificates to Be Stored on a Ethereum
Washoe County, located in the state of Nevada, appears to be leading the way on government adoption of blockchain technology as it now issues marriage certificates that are stored on the Ethereum blockchain. The program makes it so that anyone who gets married in the county can access a digital version of their marriage certificate from their computer or smartphone, and send it to another party if needed. Previously, consumers had to wait for 7 to 10 business days to receive a marriage certificate by mail. Now it arrives by email in less than 24 hours.
菲律宾证券交易委员会(PSEC)已决定推迟其初始代币发行(ICO)监管框架的发布。该监管框架原计划于2019年前发布,但相关利益团体要求延长时间对 ICO 监管草案进行审查。负责制定相关法律的监管机构已确定,通过 ICO 发行的代币应类属证券,“因此,本着保护投资群体的目的,他们应向 PSEC 申请注册,且需要公布一些必要信息。” PSEC 还决定,向少于20人、银行、投资公司、保险公司和养老金基金发行证券型代币不需要作为 ICO 向其申请注册。
Analysis Shows Nearly 80% of Investors Are Still Long on Bitcoin
Market analysis recently released by DailyFX shows that nearly four out of five Bitcoin (BTC) investors remain long on the top crypto by market cap. Despite the negative price performance of Bitcoin over the past year, many of the long-term hodlers are familiar with how the space moves and see this as just another stepping stone to a new all-time high. The ratio of those investors who remain long on Bitcoin versus those short on the asset is currently at its highest point since November 2018.
以太坊欲转向 PoS 机制,使其对环境更加友好
以太坊创始人 V神 欲采用权益证明(PoS)共识机制,该机制据称可以减少百倍或者 99% 的能源消耗。他强调,节省下来的这些能源或可帮助到那些被剥夺电力等基本需求的人。一方面,权益证明机制通过随机挑选验证者来处理和保护交易,从而能节省更多的能源,另一方面,区块链工作量证明机制下,矿工需要消耗巨大的算力来进行竞争从而对交易起到保护作用。
Ethereum Intends to Move to Proof-of-Stake for More Environment-Friendliness
Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin intends to move to Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism which will supposedly cut the energy consumed by a hundredfold or around 99%. He actually stressed that these energy saved may support many people who are deprived of basic needs such as electricity. Proof-Of-Stake saves more energy as it randomly picks validators to process and secure transactions, on the other hand, miners need a huge computational capacity to race to secure transactions in PoW based blockchains.
CoinText 在菲律宾推出短信交易服务
1月3日消息,菲律宾正式连接到 CoinText.io,CoinText 是个加密货币钱包服务商,允许用户通过短讯进行比特币现金(BCH)交易,无需连接互联网,登陆应用程序或者账户。随着菲律宾的加入,该项服务已经在39个国家可用。
CoinText Launches SMS-Based Crypto Payments in Philippines
The Philippines is the next country to officially be connected by CoinText.io, a cryptocurrency wallet service that allows users to transact Bitcoin Cash (BCH) via text message, without Internet, apps or accounts.With the latest additions, the service is now available in 39 countries.
Joseph Young
Yesterday is Bitcoin's 10th anniversary.
Bitcoin has tended to recover from bear markets strongly. (BTC was $970 in Jan 2017).
Why? Following every bear market:
infrastructure strengthens
of developers grow
of companies grow
hash rate grows
Looking forward to 2019
**Mihailo Bjelic **
Global, decentralized financial stack/system will be @builtoneth, I think that's obvious now.
The momentum and inertia are just too strong for any competitor to handle.
Brian Armstrong
Bitcoin is one of the most important inventions of all time and has launched a global movement. It's awesome to see an entire ecosystem spring up around it, but Bitcoin is my first love.
Eric Conner
我在ethhub.io上添加了“Staking Logistics(权益科普)”这个页面。目前,这个页面的内容涵盖:
不活跃漏洞(Inactivity leak)的细节;
ETH 锁定时间/队列
I've added a "Staking Logistics" page to @ethhub_io. So far it covers:
What you need to stake
What beacon nodes and validator clients are
Inactivity leak details
ETH lockup time/queue
If you work on these things, please help fill it out!
**Péter Szilágyi **
小提醒,以太坊测试网络 Rinkeby 将在一周内分叉到君士坦丁堡。请确保您的Geth版本在分叉前已升级为 1.8.20 或更新版本,以确保到时能正常运行。
Small reminder that the #Ethereum Rinkeby test network will fork over to Constantinople in less than 1 week. Please make sure you are on Geth 1.8.20 or newer before that time to remain operational.
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