Six Basic Liguor 六大基酒
1. Whisky 威士忌
2.Rum 朗姆
3.Vodka 伏特加
4.Brandy 白兰地
5.Gin 金酒
6.Thequila 龙舌兰
Whisky is a type of distilled alcoholica beverage made from fermented grain mash (barly,corn,rye,wheat),whisky need to be aged in oak cask. 威士忌是由麦类(大麦,小麦黑麦)和谷物(玉米)放置橡木桶酿制成的烈性蒸馏酒。

Old fashioned is made of whisky,cub sugar,Angostura,soda water. Garnished with orange twist, served in old fashioned glass.
Rum is distilled alcoholica beverage made from sugarcane byproduces,orsugarcane juice. The majority of the world's rum production occurs in Caribbean and Latin America.