I magine 2030

I magine 2030

作者: 小王子2004 | 来源:发表于2017-09-17 09:26 被阅读0次

  Maybe the year 2030 is far away , but in fact it is on its way.There are likely to be numerous potential breakthroughs and achievements in science and technology.

In the future, robots will make a great difference to our life.We can invent and make many different kinds of robots to help us do many things, such as cleaning the classroom and doing some housework and so on.I think there will be many robots working in our cities in the future.For example, robots will help women do the housework, such as cooking dinner, washing dishes and so on. Robots can also cleaning the streets. It can make people more relaxed than before.

I hope that the day will come soon.


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      本文标题:I magine 2030
