1. 单词部分
ago adv. 以前 ->要么放在句首,要么放在句尾, 一般放在句尾 。
three days age 三天前
two weeks ago 两周前
buy (bought) v. 买
pair n. 双 、对
很多量词的结构都很相似, 都是在名词 的后面+ of , 例如
a pair of 可以修饰 成双成对的事物
a pair of shoes , a pair of gloves , a pair of glasses , a pair of socks , a pair of trousers ,
a pair of scissors 一把剪刀
fashion n. 流行式样
in fashion 很流行 out of fashion 过时
The shirt is in fashion now.
The shirt is out of fashion now.
uncomfortable adi. 不舒服的
un- 前缀 , 一个单词加上 un,就有了否定的含义, 例如:
tidy 整洁的,整齐的 untidy 不整齐的,不整洁的
unclean , unhappy , unwell
wear 穿着 , 强调状态 She is wearing a blue coat.
put on 穿上 , 更强调 动作本身 put on the coat
2. 课文讲解
Do you have any shoes like these?
like v. 喜欢 prep. 像
My sister bought a pair of shoes last month.
Did you sister buy a pair of shoes last month?
My sister didn't buy this pair last month.
What did you sister buy lang month?
Did she buy them here?
She bought them here.
Can you get a pair for me,please? 您能帮我拿过来吗?
get 取某物 , Give me a book. / get me a book./ give a book to me. / get a book for me.
I'm afraid that I can't.
They were in fashion last year and the year before last.
the year before last 前年
the year after next. 后年
3. 语法讲解
介词 跟其它词的搭配 , + 名词 / 代词 。 -> 介词短语
There is a book on the table.
There is a boy in the room.
What is in it?
There is a car race in our town.
She bought them in the U.S.
Can you tell me the way to King Street? 定语 -> 对一个事物进行限定
名词+‘s 发挥的就是定语的功能 ,例如 :
Mary's room 、 Tom's bike
This is a photograph of our village.
当介词短语 当做定语的时候, 要放在被限定的词的后面
The picture on the wall is very beautiful. 墙上的那幅画很漂亮。
中国人习惯将 定语放在被限定词的前面。
The man in the office is my teacher. 办公室里的那个人是我的老师。
I want the glass on the shelf. 我想要那个架子上的玻璃杯。
A friend in need is a friend indeed . 在需要的时候 出现的时候,才是朋友。 患难见真情
Do you have any shoes like these?
We had some shoes like those a month ago.
4. 词句型讲解
She put the book in the bag yesterday.
这句话的主语是 三单,可能用
putsput 的原型 跟过去式是一样, 而动词的过去式是没有三单的 , 所以这句话没有问题。
She drinks some tea every day.
every day 很明显 是经常发生的动作
They drink some tea every day.
第三人称单词, they可不是单数
He can drink some drink.
情态动词后面的 动词 必须是原型
He drank a cup of coffee yesterday.
一般过去时 是没有三单的形式的。
5. 拓展练习
this year / last year / next year / the year before last / the year after next .
last week / this week / next week / the week before last / the week after week.
last month / this month / next month / the month before last / the month month after week
yesterday / today / tomorrow / the day before yesterday / the day after .