

作者: AC编程 | 来源:发表于2022-09-08 07:22 被阅读0次


@AliasFor是Spring Framework中的一个注解,从4.2版本开始出现,源码位于spring-core中,用于注解的属性之上,为该属性声明一个别名。

1.1 Spring官方文档说明

Usage Scenarios

  • Explicit aliases within an annotation: within a single annotation, @AliasFor can be declared on a pair of attributes to signal that they are interchangeable aliases for each other.

  • Explicit alias for attribute in meta-annotation: if the annotation attribute of @AliasFor is set to a different annotation than the one that declares it, the attribute is interpreted as an alias for an attribute in a meta-annotation (i.e., an explicit meta-annotation attribute override). This enables fine-grained control over exactly which attributes are overridden within an annotation hierarchy. In fact, with @AliasFor it is even possible to declare an alias for the value attribute of a meta-annotation.

  • Implicit aliases within an annotation: if one or more attributes within an annotation are declared as attribute overrides for the same meta-annotation attribute (either directly or transitively), those attributes will be treated as a set of implicit aliases for each other, resulting in behavior analogous to that for explicit aliases within an annotation.

1.2 翻译解释说明
1.2.1 Explicit aliases within an annotation

within a single annotation, @AliasFor can be declared on a pair of attributes to signal that they are interchangeable aliases for each other


1.2.2 Explicit alias for attribute in meta-annotation

if the annotation attribute of @AliasFor is set to a different annotation than the one that declares it, the attribute is interpreted as an alias for an attribute in a meta-annotation (i.e., an explicit meta-annotation attribute override). This enables fine-grained control over exactly which attributes are overridden within an annotation hierarchy. In fact, with @AliasFor it is even possible to declare an alias for the value attribute of a meta-annotation.


1.2.3 Implicit aliases within an annotation

if one or more attributes within an annotation are declared as attribute overrides for the same meta-annotation attribute (either directly or transitively), those attributes will be treated as a set of implicit aliases for each other, resulting in behavior analogous to that for explicit aliases within an annotation.



2.1 源码
package org.springframework.core.annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

public @interface AliasFor {
    String value() default "";

    String attribute() default "";

    Class<? extends Annotation> annotation() default Annotation.class;
2.2 说明
2.2.1 annotation属性


2.2.2 attribute属性


2.2.3 value属性



  • 在注解中一对属性上通过声明@AliasFor,进行属性互换。

  • 在注解上声明了另一个注解,对另一个注解的属性进行别名覆盖。

  • 在注解中隐示标明属性的别名。

3.1 在注解中一对属性上通过声明@AliasFor,进行属性互换

构成别名对的每个属性都应该用@AliasFor注释,并且属性或值必须引用该对中的另一个属性。由于Spring Framework 5.2.1,从技术上讲,可以只注释别名对中的一个属性;但是,建议在别名对中对这两个属性进行注释,以获得更好的文档以及与Spring Framework早期版本的兼容性。

3.1.1 举例


public @interface MyAnnotationA {

   String a1() default "";


public @interface MyAnnotationA {

   String a1() default "";

   String a2() default "";
3.1.2 使用说明
  • 必须以属性别名对的形式出现,即要求有两个属性,且这两个属性的名字分别为对方别名。

  • 这两个属性的必须拥有相同的返回值类型。

  • 这两个属性必须拥有相同的默认值。

  • @AliasFor中的annotation()不应该被指定值。

3.1.3 Spring源码中的用法


package org.springframework.context.annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowire;
import org.springframework.core.annotation.AliasFor;

@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})
public @interface Bean {
    String[] value() default {};

    String[] name() default {};

    Autowire autowire() default Autowire.NO;

    String initMethod() default "";

    String destroyMethod() default "(inferred)";


package org.springframework.context.annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

import org.springframework.core.annotation.AliasFor;

@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface Scope {

    String value() default "";

    String scopeName() default "";

    ScopedProxyMode proxyMode() default ScopedProxyMode.DEFAULT;
3.2 在注解上声明了另一个注解,对另一个注解的属性进行别名覆盖
3.2.1 举例


public @interface MyAnnotationB {

   @AliasFor(annotation = MyAnnotationA.class,value = "a2")
   String value() default "";


3.2.2 使用说明
  • 在需要overrides的注解的属性上使用:@AliasFor(attribute="元注解的属性",annotation="元注解")。

  • 被标记@AliasFor的属性和atttibute所指向的元注解属性必须有相同的返回值类型。

  • @AliasFor中annotation指向的元注解必须作用于正在定义的注解上。

3.2.3 Spring源码中的用法


package org.springframework.context.annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import org.springframework.core.annotation.AliasFor;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public @interface Configuration {
        annotation = Component.class
    String value() default "";



package org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure;

    excludeFilters = {@Filter(
    type = FilterType.CUSTOM,
    classes = {TypeExcludeFilter.class}
), @Filter(
    type = FilterType.CUSTOM,
    classes = {AutoConfigurationExcludeFilter.class}
public @interface SpringBootApplication {
        annotation = EnableAutoConfiguration.class
    Class<?>[] exclude() default {};

        annotation = EnableAutoConfiguration.class
    String[] excludeName() default {};

        annotation = ComponentScan.class,
        attribute = "basePackages"
    String[] scanBasePackages() default {};

        annotation = ComponentScan.class,
        attribute = "basePackageClasses"
    Class<?>[] scanBasePackageClasses() default {};

        annotation = ComponentScan.class,
        attribute = "nameGenerator"
    Class<? extends BeanNameGenerator> nameGenerator() default BeanNameGenerator.class;

        annotation = Configuration.class
    boolean proxyBeanMethods() default true;
3.3 在注解中隐示标明属性的别名
3.3.1 对注解定义时,对作用于该注解的元注解的同一属性显示指明别名的多个属性互为别名


 public @interface MyTestConfig {

    @AliasFor(annotation = ContextConfiguration.class, attribute = "locations")
    String[] value() default {};

    @AliasFor(annotation = ContextConfiguration.class, attribute = "locations")
    String[] groovyScripts() default {};

    @AliasFor(annotation = ContextConfiguration.class, attribute = "locations")
    String[] xmlFiles() default {};
3.3.2 通过别名的传递性隐示标明别名


 public @interface GroovyOrXmlTestConfig {

    @AliasFor(annotation = MyTestConfig.class, attribute = "groovyScripts")
    String[] groovy() default {};

    @AliasFor(annotation = ContextConfiguration.class, attribute = "locations")
    String[] xml() default {};



