E01 看鉴:一个真实的毕加索原文
① Realized exclusively through the collection of the Musée national Picasso-Paris, the exhibition “Picasso — Birth of a Genius” is dedicated to the first thirty years of the artist’s works, which are particularly intense and enriching in terms of productivity and creativity.
② Exploring the period that spans the artist’s training circa 1895 to the golden age of Picasso’s “classical” style in the early 1920s, the exhibition includes the Blue and Rose Periods and recounts, through numerous masterpieces, the African Period and the different phases of Cubism.
③ Through an important selection of paintings, sculptures, and graphic arts, the exhibition illustrates how the young prodigy succeeded, in record time, not only in assimilating the lessons of ancient art and absorbing the newest expressions of his contemporaries, but also and especially in how he managed to develop, with the invention of Cubism, a new approach that profoundly questioned the art of traditional representation.
④ The exhibition retraces the journey of an extraordinary man whose works constitute one of the rare intermediaries between the classical and modern worlds.
⑤ By nuancing a vision that reduces his works into a succession of strictly defined and closed-off periods, the proposed path includes openings and points of view that traverse from one period to another, reaffirming the co-existence, in Picasso, of several seemingly contradictory languages.
E01 看鉴:一个真实的毕加索*图为《亚威农少女》
1. 毕加索的创作时期及作品特点
Blue Period 蓝色时期(作品悲剧色彩浓烈)
Rose Period 粉红色时期(作品色彩开始走向粉红等明亮的颜色)
African Period 非洲时期(从非洲面具上寻找到了灵感,开始了《亚维农的少女》的创作,立体主义的萌芽诞生)
Classical Period 古典主义时期(画风开始转向了文艺复兴时期的秀美格调)
2. 立体主义
1. productivity /ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvəti, ˌproʊdəkˈtɪvəti/ n. 生产力;产量
2. creativity /ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti/ n. 创意,创造力
3. intense /ɪnˈtens/ adj. 强烈的
4. enriching /ɪnˈrɪtʃɪŋ/ adj. 充实的,丰富的
5. exclusively /ɪkˈskluːsɪvli/ adv. 唯一地;专有地
6. collection /kəˈlekʃən/ n. 收藏品;馆藏
7. Musée national Picasso-Paris 巴黎国立毕加索美术馆
Musée n. (法语)博物馆,美术馆(museum)
muse /mjuːz/ n. 缪斯(缪斯(古希腊和罗马神话中司文学、艺术和音乐的九位女神之一)
music /ˈmjuːzɪk/ n. 音乐
amused /əˈmjuːzd/ adj. 被逗乐的,感到好笑的
8. exhibition /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃən, ˌeksəˈbɪʃən/ n. 展览
9. genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ n. 天才
10. /ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd, ˈdedəkeɪtɪd/ be dedicated to 专门关于……的;致力于……
11. explore /ɪkˈsplɔː, ɪkˈsplɔːr/ n. 探索,探究(经常出现在展览、文学作品中,用来引出主题或主要内容)
12. span /spæn/ vt. (时间)持续,跨越 n. 跨度;一段时间
13. circa /ˈsɜːkə/ prep. 大约(主要用在日期前,相当于about)
14. classical /ˈklæsɪkəl/ adj. 古典的
15. recount /rɪˈkaʊnt/ vt. 描述
16. masterpiece /ˈmɑːstəpiːs, ˈmæstərpiːs/ n. 杰作,代表作
17. cubism /ˈkjuːbɪzəm/ n. 立体主义
18. selection /sɪˈlekʃən, səˈlekʃən/ n. 挑选出来的东西
19. painting /ˈpeɪntɪŋ/ n. 画
20. sculpture /ˈskʌlptʃə, ˈskʌlptʃər/ n. 雕塑
21. graphic arts 形象艺术,平面艺术
22. illustrate /ˈɪləstreɪt/ vt. 表明,展示(show/present)
23. prodigy /ˈprɒdɪdʒi, ˈprɑːdədʒi/ n. 天才
24. in record time /ˈrekɔːd, ˈrekərd/ 在创纪录的时间里
25. succeed in doing sth. 成功做了……
26. assimilate /əˈsɪmɪleɪt, əˈsɪməleɪt/ vt. 吸收,同化
27. contemporary /kənˈtempəreri/ n. 同代人,当代人
28. approach /əˈprəʊtʃ, əˈproʊtʃ/ n. 方法,技法
29. profoundly /prəˈfaʊndli/ adv. 深刻地,深远地
30. question /ˈkwestʃən/ vt. 质疑,怀疑
31. retrace /rɪˈtreɪs/ vt. 追溯
32. constitute /ˈkɒnstɪtʃuːt, ˈkɑːnstətuːt/ v. 是;被看作,被视为
33. intermediary /ˌɪntəˈmiːdiəri/ n. 中间人,调解人
34. nuance /ˈnjuːɑːns, ˈnuːɑːns/ vt. 使产生细微差别 n. 细微差别
35. vision /ˈvɪʒən/ n. 设想,想法(opinion)
36. reduce sth into /rɪˈdʒuːs, rɪˈduːs/ 把……分解,简化……
37. strictly defined 严格定义的
38. closed-off adj. 封闭的
39. traverse /trəˈvɜːs, ˈtrævərs/ vi. 穿越
40. reaffirm /ˌriːəˈfɜːm, ˌriːəˈfɜːrm/ vt. 加强,重申
41. co-existence /kəʊɪɡˈzɪstəns, koʊɪɡˈzɪstəns/ n. 共存
42. seemingly /ˈsiːmɪŋli/ adv. 表面上地;看似
43. contradictory /ˌkɒntrəˈdɪktəri, ˌkɑːntrəˈdɪktəri/ adj. 矛盾的