rEFInd 的美化

rEFInd 的美化

作者: uoy_fo_lla_kcuf | 来源:发表于2018-06-24 13:54 被阅读0次

1. 为什么会想到这一茬儿








2. 开始修改

首先google下如何修改rEFInd 主题,发现了一个叫 rEFInd-minimal的美化主题,下载下来看下是怎么实现的

git clone https://github.com/EvanPurkhiser/rEFInd-minimal.git


drwxr-xr-x 3 xxx xxx    1024 6月  24 00:08 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 xxx xxx    1024 6月  24 00:00 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 xxx xxx 3927664 6月  24 00:08 background.png
drwxr-xr-x 2 xxx xxx    3072 3月  19 08:57 icons
-rwxr-xr-x 1 xxx xxx    2141 3月  19 08:57 README.md
-rwxr-xr-x 1 xxx xxx     385 3月  19 08:57 selection_big.png
-rwxr-xr-x 1 xxx xxx     720 3月  19 08:57 selection_small.png
-rwxr-xr-x 1 xxx xxx    3693 6月  24 00:01 theme.conf

cat 下 README.md

cat README.md


看下 theme.conf

# Minimal refind theme

# Hide user interface elements for personal preference or to increase
# security:
#  banner      - the rEFInd title banner (built-in or loaded via "banner")
#  label       - boot option text label in the menu
#  singleuser  - remove the submenu options to boot Mac OS X in single-user
#                or verbose modes; affects ONLY MacOS X
#  safemode    - remove the submenu option to boot Mac OS X in "safe mode"
#  hwtest      - the submenu option to run Apple's hardware test
#  arrows      - scroll arrows on the OS selection tag line
#  hints       - brief command summary in the menu
#  editor      - the options editor (+, F2, or Insert on boot options menu)
#  all         - all of the above
# Default is none of these (all elements active)
hideui singleuser,hints,arrows,label,badges

# Set the name of a subdirectory in which icons are stored. Icons must
# have the same names they have in the standard directory. The directory
# name is specified relative to the main rEFInd binary's directory. If
# an icon can't be found in the specified directory, an attempt is made
# to load it from the default directory; thus, you can replace just some
# icons in your own directory and rely on the default for others.
# Default is "icons".
icons_dir themes/minimal/icons

# Use a custom title banner instead of the rEFInd icon and name. The file
# path is relative to the directory where refind.efi is located. The color
# in the top left corner of the image is used as the background color
# for the menu screens. Currently uncompressed BMP images with color
# depths of 24, 8, 4 or 1 bits are supported, as well as PNG images.
banner themes/minimal/background.png

# Tells rEFInd whether to display banner images pixel-for-pixel (noscale)
# or to scale banner images to fill the screen (fillscreen). The former is
# the default.
banner_scale fillscreen

# Custom images for the selection background. There is a big one (144 x 144)
# for the OS icons, and a small one (64 x 64) for the function icons in the
# second row. If only a small image is given, that one is also used for
# the big icons by stretching it in the middle. If only a big one is given,
# the built-in default will be used for the small icons.
# Like the banner option above, these options take a filename of an
# uncompressed BMP image file with a color depth of 24, 8, 4, or 1 bits,
# or a PNG image. The PNG format is required if you need transparency
# support (to let you "see through" to a full-screen banner).
selection_big   themes/minimal/selection_big.png
selection_small themes/minimal/selection_small.png

# Which non-bootloader tools to show on the tools line, and in what
# order to display them:
#  shell           - the EFI shell (requires external program; see rEFInd
#                    documentation for details)
#  gptsync         - the (dangerous) gptsync.efi utility (requires external
#                    program; see rEFInd documentation for details)
#  apple_recovery  - boots the Apple Recovery HD partition, if present
#  mok_tool        - makes available the Machine Owner Key (MOK) maintenance
#                    tool, MokManager.efi, used on Secure Boot systems
#  about           - an "about this program" option
#  exit            - a tag to exit from rEFInd
#  shutdown        - shuts down the computer (a bug causes this to reboot
#                    EFI systems)
#  reboot          - a tag to reboot the computer
#  firmware        - a tag to reboot the computer into the firmware's
#                    user interface (ignored on older computers)
# Default is shell,apple_recovery,mok_tool,about,shutdown,reboot,firmware
showtools shutdown

这个文件是对 rEFInd 中 refind.conf 的默认值的修改

    1. icons_dir 自定义的图标集合
    1. banner 自定义背景图片
    1. banner_scale 这个属性指定了怎么处理背景图片,如果不指定的话,会将背景设置为 banner 指定的图片的左上角像素的颜色,指定为fillscreen则全屏显示图片
    1. selection_big 选中的系统项显示的图标背景
    1. selection_small 选中的功能项显示的图标背景
    1. showtools shutdown 显示关机按钮

要安装只要在 refind.conf 中末尾添加

include  <相对路径>/theme.config






      本文标题:rEFInd 的美化
