

作者: 长袜子皮卡丘 | 来源:发表于2018-04-25 08:00 被阅读0次




NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

Why People Cry So Much on Airplanes

I’ve cried on every plane I’ve ever been on. Countless people, from fussy babies to Tim Burton, report feeling exceptionally emotional 35,000 feet above the Earth’s surface. 50 First Dates is the same mediocre rom-com in the air as it is on the ground; sorry, Adam Sandler. So, why did it make me, and admit it, probably you, blubber like a baby on a recent flight?

Crying in transit is nothing new or surprising. Bereaved people often grieve on the go. They save their sobs for the car because it gives them uninterrupted time to think and the privacy to feel. So, it’s not surprising that airplanes might make us feel the same way.

Virgin Atlantic started issuing weepy warnings before particularly sad movies after a Facebook survey revealed people were more likely to reach for a tissue on flights. 41% of male respondents said they had buried themselves in blankets to disguise their tears from other passengers, and women were more likely to pretend that they had something in their eye. And Gatwick Airport found 15% of men and 6% of women said they were more likely to cry watching a film on a flight than they would if they saw it at home.



But what actually causes people to join the Mile Cry Club?

One possible explanation is altitude hypoxia, when high altitudes cause a decrease in oxygen in our blood. Diminished air pressure on flights is similar to what you’d experience at 8,000 feet, which can reduce blood oxygen levels by as much as 25%. This can cause fatigue, confusion, euphoria, inability to concentrate, and impaired decision-making. It can also mess with your ability to deal with emotion. And the design of the in-flight entertainment system could be making your mile-high meltdowns even worse. In-flight entertainment systems make you feel cocooned in an intimate environment.

Stephen Groening: And you’re looking at a screen that is really close to you, maybe a couple of feet, and it’s right at your eye level, so it’s almost as if you’re looking at another person in the eye for three, four hours, six hours, depending on the length of the flight. And in addition, you have these headphones. And the sound, the dialogue from all these films, it’s as if the actors are speaking directly to you, only to you, in your ear, like they’re whispering in your ear. So, it creates this zone of closeness and familiarity that I think also intensifies these emotional responses.

In other words, the free headphones the flight attendant gives you before takeoff literally and emotionally connect you to the screen. There doesn’t seem to be any cure for those of us who suffer from crying while flying. Adam Sandler will always have the power to make me weep when I’m up 35,000 feet in the air. But adding Kleenex to your carry-on should be enough to treat the symptoms.



