

作者: Tommmmm | 来源:发表于2018-07-14 23:30 被阅读0次

    insipid [ɪnˈsɪpɪd] 枯燥的 乏味的
    stimulate [ˈstɪmjuleɪt] 刺激
    stimulate economic growth

    this demographic change can bring about some problems.
    demographic [ˌdemə'ɡræfɪk] 人口统计学的

    passionately advocate economic reform 热情地
    among various means of transport, I prefer train above all others.
    encounter serious problems /several similar cases 几个类似的案例
    a profound effect/impact/question
    enjoy the scenery along the road
    look forward to +n 期望

    overlook 忽略 未注意到 V
    he seems to have overlooked one important fact.

    alcohol 酒精
    yield [ji:ld] 屈服
    He reluctantly yielded to their demands.

    district 区域 行政区
    perceive 察觉 感知 理解
    I perceive a change in his behavior.
    This discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough.

    revision 复习 修正
    imitate 模仿
    dispute 争论 辩论
    a dispute between two countries about the border
    his theories are open to dispute

    raise tensions 紧张气氛

    be concerned with
    be concerned about 关心 关注
    we should all be concerned about the challenges ahead.
    a few teachers 几个老师
    few teachers很少的老师
    conventional 传统的 依照惯例的
    concretely 具体地
    reinforce加强 强化
    This was done to reinforce the concept that company owns your time.
    genetic 基因的
    how did my wallet vanish from my pocket? 消失不见
    instruction 指示、指令、用法、说明
    instrument 乐器、仪器
    initiative [ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]主动权 首创精神
    prior [ˈpraɪə(r)] 优先的; 占先的;
    changes may not be made without the prior approval of the council.
    loose 松的
    tightly 紧紧地
    slightly 轻微地
    mildly 轻微地
    in charge of 掌管
    habitat 栖息地
    hinder 阻碍
    an injury hinders him playing his best
    attitude 态度
    attitute 没有这个东西

    absorb all information



