team show

作者: 2ced1219cb5e | 来源:发表于2016-10-01 10:55 被阅读0次

角色:cady(Ivy) jack(Don) rose(Joyce) janis(Laura) man (Lian)

剧情:jack 帮cady介绍partner,cady 很满意,并决定结婚,并邀请了jack去婚礼,jack 打电话给女友rose去借车参加婚礼,rose 不借.婚礼当天,cady好友janis 和司机男过来责问cady为什么不邀请他们,并发生口角。

Scene 1

Cady:Hello,Jack ,I haven’t see you for ages.

Jack: Do you have a date for the party yet? Cady: Actually, I don’t ……Do you think you could help me find one? Jack: Hmm. What kind of guys do you like? Cady: Oh, I like guys who aren’t too serious and who have a good sense of humor. You know ... like you. Jack: OK. What else? Cady: Well, I’d prefer someone I have something in common with – who I can talk to easily. Jack: I think I know just the guy for you. Bob Branson. Do you know him? Cady: No, I don’t think so. Jack: Let me arrange for you to meet him, and you can tell me what you think.

in the party:

Bob Branson: Are you Cady ,right?

Cady:yes,l am Cady,are you Bob Branson

Bob:oh!nice to meet you ,what a charming girl.

Cady:Well ,thank you ,you are so sweet.

Bob:Shaw we have a dance together?

Cady:Ok,i'd really love to

Bob:it's my great hornor to dance with you ,my young lady.

(Begin to dance)

scene (2)

Jack: So, what’s the Verdict? What did you think of Bob? Cady: Well, I was worried at first especially when I saw that he wears not one but two earrings, I thought he might turn out to be one of those guys who are into heavy rock music and stuff like that. You know what I mean? Jack: But he’s just a regular kind of guy, right? Cady: Yeah, we got along really well! Jack: I just knew you’d like him. Cady: Yeah, I do, and he’s really funny. He had me laughing hysterically during dinner. I think the people sitting next to us in the restaurant thought we were crazy. Jack: So, are you two going to get together again? Cady: Definitely, in fact, we’re going to the church this Saturday afternoon.

Jack:Are you two going to marry so fast?

Cady:Yes,I guess he is my true love. And I hope you can come to our wedding.Jack: That’s great.


Rose: Rose Rizzo. Jack: Hi, Rose. This is Jack. R: Oh, hello. How are you? J: Pretty good, thanks. Listen, the reason I’m calling is I have a really big favor to ask you. R: Yes? J: Remember I told you about that friend of mine who is getting married to a woman he met in Barcelona? R: Yeah, I remember. And? J: Well, the wedding is this Saturday afternoon, and it’s out in the country – about an hour’s drive from here – and I was wondering if I could borrow your car for the afternoon to get there. R: Gee, Jack, I’d really love to help you out, but I’m going to be needing my car all weekend. I’ve got a friend coming in from out of town, and I promised to show her the sights. J: Oh, OK. I understand. Anyway, how are things? I miss you.

R: Oh, pretty good. I miss you too.

J: I love you ,bye.

R:I love you too, bye.


C: Oh guy,

J:You ,dirty little liar.

C:I’:m sorry ,I can explain.

J:Explain how you forgot to invite us to your wedding and only invited Jack?

Lian;Janis,I can not stop this car,I have a curfew.

C:You know I don’t want to tell you that I will be married,I had to pretend to be a young noble single.

J:Hey,buddy,you ‘re not pretending anymore,you are a noble single.cold,shiny,hard noble single.

Lian;Curfew 1 a.m and it’s now 1:10

J:Did you have awesome time?did you drink awesome shooters and listen to awesome music and then just sit around,and soak up each others awesomeness.

C:You know what,you are the one who make me like this,so you could use me for your eighth-grade revenge.

J:God see,at least me  know i am mean ,you try to act like you are so innocent,like,oh!i used to live in africa with all these little birdies and little monky

C:You know what ?it’s not my fault you are like in love with me or some thing.


Lian;Oh,no .she did not.

J:See?that is the thing with your vainglory .you think that everybody is in love with you when actually everybody hates rose rizzo for example ,she fell in love with Jack and you guess what?she still doesn’t want to see,why are you still messing with Jack ,cady?i’ll tell you why,because you are a mean girl,you are a bicth.

Here,you can have this ,it won a price.

Lian;And I want my pink shirt back.i want my pink shirt back.


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