

作者: 水中的珊瑚雨 | 来源:发表于2017-10-18 11:14 被阅读0次


    1 音频 peppa pig第1季1-10集、牙牙学语1

    2 动画/电影 peppa pig 第1季第8、9集;牙牙学语1《拍饼子》

    3 儿歌与游戏

    A、Little mouse

    Baby, look, there’s a hole for mouse. Let’s play the game of mouse and cat. OK? OK. I’m a mouse. You’re a cat.

    Here is a little mouse. Peeking through a hole.

    Peek to the left. Peek to the right.

    Watch out! There is a cat in sight.

    B、Left and right

    Baby, when I say left hand, please raise up your left hand. When I say right hand, please raise up your right hand. When I say left foot, please raise up your left foot. When I say right foot, please raise up your right foot.  Now it’s your turn to give the order.

    C、Hide and seek

    Mummy, let’s play hide and seek.

    OK. You can hide well and I’ll look for you when I count from one to ten. One, two, three……ten. I’m coming to find you. Where are you, baby? Are you behind the door? Are you in the closet? Are you in the kitchen? Are you under the table? Are you under the bed? Yes, you are under the bed. I found you. Come out.

    It’s my turn to hide. Close your eyes and count from one to ten. I’m going to hide well.

    4 分级与绘本

    牛津树Level 1-12本复习

    5 中文


    6 思维训练

    消防工具大家族集合:今天组装的是消防车(带云梯)和消防船,从一开始嚷嚷着,“妈妈,我需要你的帮助”。听到妈妈说“现在没空,你自己先研究一下,等遇到困难的时候再找妈妈吧”,也没太在意的就自己开始了。不一会儿,“妈妈,我遇到困难啦。”“哦?!是吗?妈妈还没有空,正在给弟弟喂吃的。”好一会儿没有听到声音,再来的时候小家伙说,妈妈,我已经搞定啦。“oh, really?”“Yes.妈妈,我拿来你看看。我遇到困难的时候喊妈妈帮忙,你说没空的时候,我就自己研究了。看我厉害不?!”“厉害呢~!”


    7 妈妈功课

    主题直播课1a unit9



