

作者: qianranow | 来源:发表于2018-10-26 14:55 被阅读33次

    • 什么是状语
      1. 修饰实意动词: She smiles sweetly.
      2. 修饰形容词: She looks pretty sweet.
      3. 修饰副词: She smiles especially sweetly.
      4. 修饰整个句子: Luckily, She passed the examination.
    • 状语的成分
      1. 非谓语动词: She leaves, crying.
      2. 从句: When a little girl, I loved Jeff so much.
      3. 副词: She runs away quickly.
      4. 介词短语: He runs fast like a crazy dog.
    • 状语的位置
    • 状语从句
      1. 时间状语从句
         (1) 常用引导词: when, as, while, before, after, the moment(一...就), until, not ...until
             (1. When romance comes, I will hold her hands.(主将从现)
             (2. I will wait here until she comes.(延续性动词)
             (3. I will not leave until she comes.(短暂性动词)
      2. 地点状语从句
         (1) 常用引导词: where, 作地点的状语,通常都是介词短语,而不是从句
             (1. The flower grows well where it is moist.
             (2. The flower grows well in moist places.
      3. 原因状语从句
         (1) 常用引导词: because, since, as, seeing that, in that
             (1. Because he was careless, he had a car accident yesterday.
         (2) 连词: for
         (3) 介词短语: because of, owing to(通常放在句首), due to(通常放在句末), thanks to, for the sake of(介词短语) 
             (1. Because of his carelessness, he had a car accident yesterday. 
      4. 结果状语从句
         (1) 常用引导词: so(后跟形容词或副词)... that, such(后跟名词)...that
             (1. My mother keeps so kind that she is respected by all her staff.
      5. 方式状语从句
         (1) 常用引导词: as, as if, as though(好像, 似乎)
             (1. He talks with me as if he were my mother. 
         (2) 介词短语: by, by means of, though, in...way/manner
      6. 条件状语从句:
         (1) 常用引导词: if, unless(if not), as/so long as(只要)
             (1. I will never give up so long as there is a ghost of hope.
      7. 目的状语从句
         (1) 常用引导词: in order that, so that
             (1. We will ascend higher so that we look farther.
         (2) 动词不定式: to, in order to, so as to
      8. 比较状语从句
         (1) 常用引导词: as, than, as...as..., the more...the more..., more than, more A than B, not so much as = not even, not so much A as B
             (1. You look as beautiful as I.
             (2. The hander one works, the luckier he will feel.
      9. 让步状语从句
         (1) 常用引导词: although, though, even though, even if, while(作"虽然"之意讲, 放在句首), as
             (1. Pursuing stars blindly will waste a lot of time and energy although they may work hard or be quite handsome.
    • 状语和状语从句考点分析
      只要在句子中见到以下东西就是状语: 1.副词 2.时间 3.地点 4.原因 5.结果
      6.方式 7.条件 8.目的 9.让步 10.比较
    • 状语和状语从句在写作中使用
      1. English keeps exceedingly crucial.
      2. English keeps exceedingly crucial in the general routine of everyday living.
      3. I, by the chance, show my sincere appreciation to teachers who have helped me.
      4. It looks beyond dispute that time proves so valuable that every minute should be cherished.



