英语学习笔记 A dream of Schengen

英语学习笔记 A dream of Schengen

作者: Bluce学英语 | 来源:发表于2017-08-09 19:58 被阅读0次

    ✸✸BY 2063,according tothe African Un-ion’s (AU) rather long-range prediction, Africa will be “a continent of seamless borders”. People, capital, goods and services will flow freely from South Africa to Tunisia and from Senegal to Somalia. Europe’s frontier-free Schengen area may be creakingunder the strain ofmigration and terror, but another will arise, this one encompassing a continent of more than 1.2bn people. Last year, with that goal in mind, the AUboldlyintroduced a single African passport. The first recipients were two of the continent’s most powerful strongmen: Rwanda’s president, Paul Kagame, and Chad’s president, Idriss Déby.

    1according to[əˈkɔ:dɪŋ tə][əˈkɔ:rdɪŋ tə] na.根据,按照;所说;;比照

    Philip stayed at the hotel, according to Mr Hemming


    2under the strain[ˈʌndəeəstrein][ˈʌndɚei stren]处于拉紧[紧张]状态

    His health cracked under the strain.


    3boldly['bəʊldlɪ]['boʊldlɪ] adv.大胆地,显眼地;

    We should boldly give them work and promote them and not be overcautious.


    ✸✸For now, however, crossing borders remains a painful experience for most Africans. The World Bank estimates that intra-African trade is more expensive, all things considered, than trade in any other region. According to Anabel Gonzalez, senior director of a World Bank group on trade and competitiveness, one African supermarket chain reports that it spends $20,000 every week to get import permits for meat, milk and other goods in one country alone; every day one of its lorries isheld upat a border costs it $500. On average, Africans need a visa to travel to 54% of the continent’s countries; it’s easier for Americans to travel around Africa than it is for Africans themselves. So far, the AU has issued its single African passport only to heads of state and senior AU officials.

    1held up[heldʌp][hɛldʌp] v.停车( hold-up的过去式和过去分词)停顿;停止;支持

    Her eyes flashed, but heheld upa hand. "Let me finish."


    ✸✸But in the past year things have improved a little, according to a new report from the African Development Bank. Africans now need visas to travel to slightly fewer countries than they did in 2015, and 13 African countries now offer electronic visas, up from 9 the previous year. Ghana made the most progress: in 2016 the government announced that it would provide visas on arrival for citizens of every AU member state, while offering entirely visa-free travel to 17 African countries, including the 14 other members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The Seychelles is still the only country on the continent to offer visa-freeaccess toall Africans. (An archipelago in the middle of the Indian Ocean, it is a haven forwell-heeledtourists but hard to get to if you are poor.)

    1access to[ˈækses tu:][ˈæksɛs tu]接近;有权使用;通向的入口

    U.N. aid convoys have unimpeded access to the city.



    Would you like to have a famous author, prominent entrepreneur, or well-heeled venturecapitalist in your network?


    ✸✸Elsewhere, progress has beenpatchy. Less than a quarter of African countries provide “liberal access”—meaning visa free travel or at least visas on arrival—to all African citizens, and most of the continent’s richest countries tend to be more restrictive. War-torn central Africa remains the most closed region; east and west Africa haveopened upthe most.

    1patchy[ˈpætʃi][ˈpætʃi] adj.不调和的;拼凑成的;有补丁的;脾气别扭的

    Thick patchy fog and irresponsible driving were to blame


    2open up[ˈəupənʌp][ˈopənʌp]打开;开发;<非正>开门;切开

    As the market opens up, I think people are going to be able to spend more money onconsumer goods


    短语:open up before one's eyes展示



          本文标题:英语学习笔记 A dream of Schengen
