作者: 子时小满 | 来源:发表于2018-07-12 15:00 被阅读0次

Take a trip into my garden

I've got so much to show ya

The fountains and the waters

Are begging just to know ya

It's true baby

I've been saving this for you baby

I guess it's something like a fun fair

Put gas into the motor

And boy I'll meet you right there

We'll ride the rollercoaster

Cause it's true baby

I've been saving this for you

I need you to

Tell me right before it goes down

Promise me you'll 

Hold my hand if I get scared now

Might tell you to

Take a second baby slow it down

You should know I

You should know I

Yeah I bloom, I bloom just for you

Just for you

Come on baby play me like a love song

Every time it comes on 

I get this sweet desire

Yeah I bloom, I bloom just for you

Just for you


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