

作者: 王义杰 | 来源:发表于2018-06-12 14:21 被阅读126次

Multiple Apps integration


Angular CLI supports multiple applications within one project.
You use the apps array in .angular-cli.json to list files and folders you want to use for different apps.
Angular CLI 支持多应用程序在一个项目中,您可以使用 .angular-cli.json 中的应用程序数组来列出要用于不同应用程序的文件和文件夹。

By default one app is created when then new project is created and apps array looks like:
默认情况下, 在创建新项目时创建一个应用程序, 并且 apps 数组如下所示:

"apps": [
    "root": "src",
    "main": "main.ts",
    "polyfills": "polyfills.ts",
    "test": "test.ts",
    "tsconfig": "tsconfig.app.json",
    "testTsconfig": "tsconfig.spec.json",
    "prefix": "app",

To create another app you can copy the app object and then change the values for the options you want to change. eg. If I want to create another app with different main, polyfills, test and prefix and keep other configurations such as assets, styles, environment etc. same. I can add it to apps array as below.
若要创建其他应用程序, 可以复制应用程序对象, 然后更改要更改的选项的值。如如果我想创建另一个具有不同的 mainpolyfillstestprefix 的应用程序, 并保留其他配置, 如 assetsstylesenviroment等。我可以添加到应用程序阵列如下。

"apps": [
    "root": "src",
    "main": "main.ts",
    "polyfills": "polyfills.ts",
    "test": "test.ts",
    "tsconfig": "tsconfig.app.json",
    "testTsconfig": "tsconfig.spec.json",
    "prefix": "app",
    "root": "src",
    "main": "main2.ts",
    "polyfills": "polyfills2.ts",
    "test": "test2.ts",
    "tsconfig": "tsconfig.app.json",
    "testTsconfig": "tsconfig.spec.json",
    "prefix": "app2",

Now we can serve, build etc. both the apps by passing the app index with the commands. By default, it will pick the first app only.
现在, 我们可以通过使用命令传递应用程序索引来 servebuild 等应用程序。默认情况下, 它将选择第一个应用程序。

To serve the first app: ng serve --app=0 or ng serve --app 0
为第一个应用程序运行: ng serve --app=0ng serve --app 0

To serve the second app: ng serve --app=1 or ng serve --app 1
为第二个应用程序运行: ng serve --app=1ng serve --app 1

You can also add the name property to the app object in apps array and then pass it to commands to distinguish between different applications.
您还可以将 name 属性添加到 apps 组中的应用程序对象中, 然后将其传递给命令以区分不同的应用程序。

"apps": [
    "name": "app1",
    "root": "src",
    "outDir": "dist",

To serve application by name ng serve --app=app1 or ng serve --app app1.
按名称运行应用程序 ng serve --app=app1ng serve --app app1.



