Mang switch of b2mn.dat, which contains drift
*label (lblmn: character*60)
*b2cmpa basic parameters
*b2cmpb boundary conditions
*b2cmpt transport coefficients
*cfsig (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
'-1' 1.0e-05 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00
*cfalf (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
'-1' 1.0e-05 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00
*cflim (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
'-1' 3.00E-01 6.00E-01 5.00E-01 5.00E-01 5.00E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
'b2mndr_stim' '-1.0' # Start time of the new run is the end time of previous run
'b2mndr_etim' '1.0e2' # End time of the run - infinitely large
'b2mndr_ntim' '20000' # Number of time steps
'b2mndr_dtim' '1.0e-5' # Time step (in seconds)
'b2mndt_ntim_step_out' '10' # Time period (in timesteps) to write residuals to b2ftrace
'b2mndt_nstg0' '1' # Number of internal iterations of zeroth level
'b2mndt_nstg1' '1' # Number of internal iterations of first level
'b2mndt_nstg2' '1' # Number of internal iterations of second level
# Most of people (except Sergey Voskoboynikov) recommend to set this parameter to 10 or even 15
'b2mndr_cpu' '170000.0' #
'b2mndr_savecpu' '7200.0' #
'b2mndr_elapsed' '170000.0' #
'b2stbc_boundary_namelist' '1' # To use b2.boundary.parameters
'b2stbr_neutrals_namelist' '1' # To use b2.neutrals.parameters
'b2tqna_transport_namelist' '1' # To use b2.transport.parameters
'b2srdt_numerics_namelist' '1' #
'b2mndr_na_min' '1.0e10' Numerics
'b2mndr_na_new' '1.0e14' Numerics
#'b2news_area_fix' '3' # by default is '3'
'b2news_potit' '100' # Maximum number of iterations in the potential equation.
'b2news_potok' '1e-2' # Target residual for the potential equation.
'b2news_guard_flows' '2' # By default is '2'
#'b2srst_rf0' '1.0' # Switch fo numerical stabilization. By default is '1.0'
#'b2srst_rf1' '1.0' # Switch fo numerical stabilization. By default is '1.0'
#'b2srst_rf2' '1.0' # Switch fo numerical stabilization. By default is '1.0'
#'b2srst_rf3' '1.0' # Switch fo numerical stabilization. By default is '1.0'
'b2stbc_bcene_15_style' '1' # Express the electron current explicitly through the exponential in the sheath BC on Te. Not described in b2cdci.F. By default is '0'
'b2stbc_bcene_16_style' '1' # Style of feedback BC on Te with prescribed heat flux. '0' - by D.Coster; '1' - by SPb group. Not described in b2cdci.F. By default is '0'
'b2stbc_bceni_16_style' '1' # Style of feedback BC on Ti with prescribed heat flux. '0' - by D.Coster; '1' - by SPb group. Not described in b2cdci.F. By default is '0'
'b2stbc_bc_ref' '5.0e-4' # Relative change in the core na on one time step in feedback BCs BCCON=16,19,22,26,27. Not described in b2cdci.F. By default is '0.01'
'b2stbc_bc_ref_te' '1.0e-2' # Relative change in the core Te on one time step in feedback BC BCENI=16. Not described in b2cdci.F. By default is '0.01'
'b2stbc_bc_ref_ti' '1.0e-2'
'b2stbc_sna0ep' '1.0e-10' # Small level sources introduced in all cells. By default is '1.0e-36'
#'b2stbc_average_pr' '0' # Defines the style of average pressure calculation in b2stbc_phys.F. Not described in b2cdci.F. By default is '0'
'b2stbc_istyle_fchi' '1' # If '1', explicitly use the expression (bx*cs*na) of particle flux (fna) from boundary condition instead of fna.
#'b2swtest' '0' # Not described in b2cdci.F. By default is '0'
#'b2tlh0_flux_limit_style' '2' # Defines the style of the neutral heat conductivity flux limit. By default is '2'
#'b2tfnb_xfrhie' '1.0' # By default is '1.0'
#'b2mndt_rxf' '0.5' # By default is '0.5'
#'b2ux5p_style' '2' # Choose the type of matrix solver.
#'b2ux7p_style' '2' # Choose the type of matrix solver.
#'b2ux9p_style' '2' # Choose the type of matrix solver.
'b2npmo_ion_vlct_restrict' '2' ! limit the |ua| by 3*cs and |vaecrb| by 2*|bx * cs| simultaneously
'nrings_for_no_speedup_averaging' '4'
'b2mndr_hz' '1.0' # If b2mndr_hz = 0.0 then hz = 1 (cylindrical approximation).
# If b2mndr_hz = 1.0 then hz = 2*pi*R d (toroidal approximation).
'b2sigp_style' '2' # '2' means the well-known form of momentum equation with explicit appearance of E-field
# '0' and '1' mean the two different form of expressing the E-force through the electron
# force balance equation
'b2npmo_b2sifr_' '2' # Makes the friction force corresponding to the form of the momentum balance equation
# governed by 'b2sigp_style'
# 'b2sihs_istyle_Joule_heating' '1' # see the b2cdci.F, by default is '1'
'b2news_poteq' '1' # Governs whether to solve the current continuity equation or not
#'b2tfhe_no_current' '0' # Must be set to 1 if b2news_poteq .ne. 1, by default is '0'
'b2stbc_istyle_cur_contr_on_S_and_N' '1' Compatible only with BCPOT=0 on South and North boundaries.
For other types of BCPOT on South and North boundaries the value '2' should be used.
{BCPOT=0 and '1'} is equivalent {BCPOT=12 and '2'} in the core and {BCPOT=13 and '2'} in the SOL (north) and PFR
'b2sral_style' '2' # by default is 2, and it should be '2' to set up all the boundary conditions correctly
'b2tfhe_vis_par' '1.0' # Real parameter which multiplies current driven by parallel viscosity.
'b2tfhe_vis_per' '1.0' # Turns on the current driven by perpendicular viscosity and switches to 7-point stencils for
'b2tfnb_vis_per' '1.0' # Turns on the contribution from perpendicular viscosity current into main ion flux and
# switches to 11-point stencil for main ion particle balance equation. Default is '1.0'
# electric potential equation.
'b2tfhe_vis_q' '1.0' # Real parameter which multiplies current driven by heat viscosity effects.
'b2tfhe_neutral' '1.0' # Real parameter which multiplies ion-neutral current. By default is '0.0'
'b2nxfx_style' '1' NEW
'b2nxdv_style' '1' NEW
'b2npht_style' '1' NEW
'b2nph9_style' '1' NEW
'b2npp7_style' '1' NEW
'b2nxfc_style' '1' NEW
'b2tfnb_drift_style' '1' NEW
'b2tfnb_fnb_nodrift_style' '1' NEW
'b2mndt_style' '1' If 0, b2news is called (SOLPS5.0/1) If 1, b2news_ is called (SOLPS5.2)
'b2tfnb_mdf' '1' default 0
'b2tfhi_mdf' '1' default 0
'b2tfhe_mdf' '1' default 0
'b2news_facdrift_target' '1.000' NEW 1st of 6 keys to turn drifts on/off
'b2news_facdrift_start' '1.000' NEW 2nd of 6 keys to turn drifts on/off
'b2news_facdrift_inc' '1.000' NEW
'b2news_facdrift_dec' '1.000' NEW
'b2news_facExB_target' '1.000' NEW 3rd of 6 keys to turn drifts on/off
'b2news_facExB_start' '1.000' NEW 4th of 6 keys to turn drifts on/off
'b2news_facExB_inc' '1.000' NEW
'b2news_facExB_dec' '1.000' NEW
'b2news_facvis_target' '1.000' NEW 5th of 6 keys to turn drifts on/off
'b2news_facvis_start' '1.000' NEW 6th of 6 keys to turn drifts on/off
'b2news_facvis_inc' '1.000' NEW
'b2news_facvis_dec' '1.000' NEW
'b2tqna_model_sig' '1' # If '1', then sig0=dfsig*qe*ne(nmdpl,-1). If '0', use sig0=dfsig*qe*ne(x,y). By default is '0'
'b2trno_csig_an_style' '1' # If '1', then no anomalous contribution to poloidal current driven by both grad(phi) and grad(p_e). By default is '1'
'b2tqna_itype' '5' # This is the main key which turns on the simplified model for anomalous
# transport coefficient spatial dependency which is widwly used in Saint Petersburg.
# The choice 'b2tqna_itype'='5' gives the meaning to other keys in this block.
'b2tqna_user_transport' '6' # This key seems to be of the same importance as 'b2tqna_itype' = '5' for the rest of this block
# Each of transport coefficients
# '' - anomalous particle diffusion
# 'vl' - anomalous particle pinch velocity
# 'te' - anomalous electron heat conductivity
# 'ti' - anomalous ion heat conductivity
# 'vs' - anomalous perpendicular viscosity
# are multiplied by factors alfa[1234] in different zones of computational domain (see also b2tqna.F)
# NEAR SOL - alfa2
# FAR SOL - alfa3
# DIVERTOR REGIONS - alfa4, or alfa3 if alfa4 is not set
'b2tqna_delta1' '0.009' # width of the external transport barrier in the core in meters
'b2tqna_delta2' '0.008' # width of the near SOL in meters
'b2tqna_alfa1' '0.3' # multiplier for anomalous diffusion in the transport barrier zone in the core
'b2tqna_alfa2' '1.0' # multiplier for anomalous diffusion in the near SOL
'b2tqna_alfa3' '3.0' # multiplier for anomalous diffusion in the far SOL
#'b2tqna_alfa4' '4.0' # multiplier for anomalous diffusion in the divertor region
#'b2tqna_vs_alfa1' # multiplier for anomalous pinch velocity in the transport barrier zone in the core, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_alfa1'
#'b2tqna_vs_alfa2' # multiplier for anomalous pinch velocity in the near SOL, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_alfa2'
'b2tqna_vs_alfa3' '1.5' # multiplier for anomalous pinch velocity in the far SOL, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_alfa3'
'b2tqna_te_alfa1' '0.5' # multiplier for anomalous electron heat conductivity in the transport barrier zone in the core, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_alfa1'
'b2tqna_te_alfa2' '0.5' # multiplier for anomalous electron heat conductivity in the near SOL, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_alfa2'
'b2tqna_te_alfa3' '2.0' # multiplier for anomalous electron heat conductivity in the far SOL, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_alfa3'
#'b2tqna_te_alfa4' '8.0' # multiplier for anomalous electron heat conductivity in the divertor region, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_te_alfa3'
'b2tqna_ti_alfa1' '0.3' # multiplier for anomalous ion heat conductivity in the transport barrier zone in the core, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_alfa1'
'b2tqna_ti_alfa2' '1.0' # multiplier for anomalous ion heat conductivity in the near SOL, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_alfa2'
'b2tqna_ti_alfa3' '2.0' # multiplier for anomalous ion heat conductivity in the far SOL, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_alfa3'
#'b2tqna_ti_alfa4' '4.0' # multiplier for anomalous ion heat conductivity in the divertor region, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_ti_alfa3'
'b2tqna_vl_delta1' '0.009' # is read but is not used
'b2tqna_vl_delta2' '0.001' # is read but is not used
'b2tqna_vl_alfa1' '0.0' # multiplier for anomalous pinch velocity in the transport barrier zone in the core, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_alfa1'
'b2tqna_vl_alfa2' '0.0' # multiplier for anomalous pinch velocity in the near SOL, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_alfa2'
'b2tqna_vl_alfa3' '0.0' # multiplier for anomalous pinch velocity in the far SOL, if not defined explicitly, then is set to 'b2tqna_alfa3'
# 'b2tfhe_fch_pTe' '1.0' # Turns on/off the contribution from parallel current to the electron heat flux, by default is '1.0'
# 'b2tfhe_alfTeEh' '0.0' # Turns on/off the contribution from I do not know what to the electron heat flux, by default is '0.0'
# Even more, if 'b2tfhe_fch_pTe' = '1.0', then 'b2tfhe_alfTeEh' ='0.0' automatically
#'b2nph9_pcm0' '1.0' # Not described in b2cdci.F, but by default is '1.0'
#'b2nph9_pcm1' '1.0' # Not described in b2cdci.F, but by default is '1.0'
'b2siav_addvis' '1.0' # Multiplier to heat flux contribution to divergence of viscosity tensor in the momentum equation. By default is '0.0'
'b2siav_addvis1' '1.0' # When not equal to '0.0', adds contribution to divergence of viscosity tensor coming from x-variations in B. By default is '1.0'
#'b2sicf_phm0' '1.0' # Multiplier of the centrifugal force term. By default is '1.0'
#'b2sicf_phm1' '1.0' # Multiplier of the centrifugal force correction term due to linearization. By default is '1.0'
#'b2sihs_phm3' '1.0' # By default is '1.0'
#'b2sihs_phm5' '1.0' # By default is '1.0'
#'b2sihs_phm6' '1.0' # By default is '1.0'
#'b2sihs_phm7' '0.0' # By default is '0.0'
#'b2sqcx_phm0' '1.0' # Multiplier to the charge exchange rate coefficient. By default is '1.0'
#'b2stbc_cbc' '1.0' # Multiplier to the ExB velocity for sheath boundary conditions in b2stbc_spb and BCMOM=13 case of b2stbc_phys. By default is '1.0'
#'b2stbr_sput_frc' '0.0' # Sput_frc is superseded by the chem_sput array from b2.neutrals.namelist if the latter is used. By default is '0.0'
#'b2stbr_sput_phys' '0.0' # Turns on physical sputtering when and contains a (real) multiplier for
# the physical sputtering rate looked up in the TRIM tables. It is superseded by the phys_sput array in
# b2.neutrals.parameters if the latter is used. By default is '0.0'
#'b2tfhe_lim_flux' '0' # Define the type of flux limit applied to electron heat flux. By default is '0'
#'b2tfhi_lim_flux' '0' # Define the type of flux limit applied to ion heat flux. By default is '0'
#'b2sihs_phm3' '1.0' # By default is '1.0'
#'b2sihs_phm5' '1.0' # By default is '1.0'
#'b2sihs_phm6' '1.0' # By default is '1.0'
#'b2sihs_phm7' '0.0' # By default is '0.0'
#'b2tlmv_style' '1' # Defines the flux limit to the viscosity. By default is '1'
#'b2trno_flux_limit_to_dpa' '1' # By default is '1'
#'b2trcl_conductive_limit' '1' # By default is '1'
#'b2trcl_lluciani' '3' # By default is '3'
#'b2trcl_lambda' '-5.0' # If b2trcl_lambda is negative, then abs(b2trcl_lambda) is the lower bound to be used when computing the Coulomb logarithm. By default is '-5.0'
#'b2tqca_model' '1' # By default is '1'
#'b2tqce_model' '1' # By default is '1'
#'b2tqce_fke_Zhdanov' '1' # By default is '1'
'b2mndr_eirene' '1' # main switch to turn the coupling to EIRENE mode on
'b2mndr_rescale_neutrals' '1.0e+00' set up 1e-10 for first run. set up 1e-00 for continue
'b2mndr_rescale_neutrals_sources' '1.0e-12'
'b2tfrn_xvecrb' '1.0' # Real parameter which multiplies the contribution from the ExB drift velocity to the flows passed to Eirene
'b2tfrn_xwdia' '1.0' # Real parameter which multiplies the contribution from the diamagnetic drift velocity to the flows passed to Eirene
'eirene_ank_mods' '1' # See $SOLPSTOP/doc/Source_Scaling_in_B2.pdf for details. By default is '0'
'eirene_extrap' '0' # If eirene_extrap.eq.1, then guard cell plasma parameter values are calculated from the neighbouring real cell values.
# If eirene_extrap.eq.0, the guard cell values are used unchanged. By default is '0' # wneutral are not included, otherwis they are. By default is '0'
'eirene_ionizing_core' '0' # If non-zero, the neutrals coming into the core return as fully striped ions by modification the source in guard cells.
# However, this works 'for standard flux boundary conditions applied on that boundary only'. By default is '0'
'eirene_ion_energy_src_corr_core' '0' # Not described in b2cdci.F.
'eirene_dpc_fix' '1' # By default is '1'
'eirene_savef30' '0' # These two switches control the recording of geometry and plasma state used by eirene for standalone runs.
'eirene_savef31' '0' # For coupled runs these files are produced independently of the values of these two switches.
'eirene_mc_output_style' '0' # If zero, then a huge amount of intermal diagnostics from eirene_mc>F is suppressed. By default is '1'
'eirene_te_min' '0.5'
'eirene_ti_min' '0.02'
'eirene_ti_max' '20000'
'eirene_te_max' '20000'
'#b2stbr_eir_src_nhist' '1' running average on nhist(=100) time steps
# Keys not yet introduced into the SOLPS-ITER
#'b2stbc_bceni_12_style' '1' ! modification of BCENI=12 boundary condition
# Obsolete keys
#'b2news_minmax' '0' ! seems to be obsolete
#'b2tfnb_xfrhiehz' '1.0' ! seems to be obsolete
#'b2npmo_modvis' '1' ! seems to be obsolete
#'b2tfhi_iner_par' '0.0' ! seems to be obsolete
#'b2tfnb_anomalous_core_only' '1' ! seems to be obsolete
#'b2stbr_bas_istyle_rec' '0' ! seems to be obsolete
#'b2stbc_iform_corr_dia' '1' ! seems to be obsolete
#'b2stbr_phys_recycled_neutrals_contr' '1e-20'
#'b2sqel_with_eirene' '1' ! seems to be obsolete
#'eirene_lhalpha' '0' # If 0 then no calculation of halpha in wneutral, otherwise halpha is calculated. By default is '1'
#'eirene_lvib' '0' # If 0 then the sigadd4 (molecular ions) and sigadd5 (negative ions) contributions to the halpha in
# If eirene_extrap.eq.0, the guard cell values are used unchanged. By default is '0'
#'b2mndr_redef_pbs' '1' ! re-define pbsx to make the product bb(:,:,0)*hz*hy1 to be poloidally constant
#'b2wdat_iout' '4'
#'b2npmo_iout' '1'
#'b2npc9_iout' '1'
#'b2npco_iout' '1'
#'b2npp7_iout' '1'
#'b2nppo_iout' '1'
#'b2nph9_iout' '1'
#'b2npht_iout' '1'
#'b2tqna_iout' '1'
#'eirmod_extrab25_iout' '1'
#'b2tfnb_iout' '1'
#'b2sral_iout' '1'
#'b2sifr_iout' '1'
#'b2sifrtf_iout' '2'
#'b2mndr_ntim' '25'
'ank_tracing' '10'
'b2mndr_tally' '0'
'b2mndr_mvinc' '1'
'b2mndr_mvnum' '0'
'b2mndr_b2time' '100000' # Specifies the number of timesteps between writes of the time-dependent VERY LARGE NetCDF file.
#'b2ux5p_nltrsol' '0' # Output flag for the iluter matrix solver. Larger numbers mean increasing output level. By default is '0'.
#'b2ux7p_nltrsol' '0' # Output flag for the iluter matrix solver. Larger numbers mean increasing output level. By default is '0'.
#'b2ux9p_nltrsol' '0' # Output flag for the iluter matrix solver. Larger numbers mean increasing output level. By default is '0'.