

作者: 福田里的妙果 | 来源:发表于2019-08-05 12:21 被阅读0次


    There was a time when I was deeply trapped in the pit of classification and could't extricate myself.I  emptied  out  a  drawer,and keeped the little  beads in one place and wait with the beads in another drawer.Colorful ropes were not often used but kept them just in case.What about the heavy rope in the storage room that  lifts  the big stone which  is about to be put away for several years   when  moving?Wasn't this the brush we  always wanted to brush on  DVD?Did the medal  for a child's performance on the stage in Thailand remain or not?


    After a long stuggle,I began to think about  where to put it.This may be laid at the door,then it seemed that  the drawer in the entry  sho cabinet  needs to be reclaimed.What about the original things?Build them  up.What's to be loaded with ?Plastic?Paper?  Moon cake boxes?Luckily,I 've stockpiled  all of them in the storage room.!Use plastic, white or other colors?……


Looking back,I don't understand  why I was addicted to it.Maybe I thought tidying up should be a very  tiresome job,so it requires  lots  of thinking and   much enege and efforts,and requires delicate classification,so that  stuffs can  accurately achieve the purpose of classification and placement. 


Imagine  that there still existed many bugs.It takes  enege to organize ,but  not for endless thinking and exhaustion.Exhaust your heart and soul  for a  small item ,which is not neatening .In fact,it is mocking the host.Can our items really be categorized?Impossible.Even if 60% stuffs can be categorized,can they  be accurately  categorized and  placed?Impossible.If  they can't  be used conveniently,isn't  life for classification,  not classification for life?


Computers can  set up  infinite directories and subdirectories ,because their own  design has been achieved regardless of the audit of a directory can be found very quickly.Man  is not a  machine,in the busy work,we can't  have more energy to   pay attention to  items' subdirectories,at best, only a level of  classification.Books can include textbooks,magazines,notes,reference books and novels.Documents include  bills,contracts,instructions,receipts,invoices.Walking into the supermarket,I  murmur  what I like  and what I need ,and I won't choose too many items.Over time,non-classification is also a  classification.   Staionery can be placed  wherever needed,as long as it  does't appear wherever not needed. 


So far,sorting out must go through the road of classification,which needs to  be shallow,perceptual,free,and  ultimately lands on the other side of  non-classification.


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