最小窗口子串。原题出处:LeetCode 76. Minimum Window Substring
今天跟朋友做mock interview,他又给我出了这道题,虽然LeetCode提交记录显示我已经做过这道题,但我真的是什么狗屁也想不起来,靠着对sliding window的记忆强做了一次,45分钟之内没有搞出bug free solution。据基友说他面LinkedIn就是做这道题没做出来然后挂了(瑟瑟发抖)。
Mock的时候我试图只用一个HashMap来maintain substring 所需的字符串,但是这样做的话就必须得每次都把Map扫一遍,虽然是常数级别的计算量但也很不优化。时间快到的时候我的基本思路出来了,但是还不能够bug free跑起来,corner case没处理完。这要是Facebook onsite估计肯定挂了吧。
重新看了下LeetCode讨论区,用top voted模板重新写了一遍,使用了一个HashMap来maintain String t的字符和出现次数,然后用counter来track substring是否符合要求。基本原理还是使用双指针,先挪动右指针直到窗口内包含了所有字符,然后再挪动左指针去掉字符,一旦子串不满足条件,就再挪动右指针。
class Solution {
public String minWindow(String s, String t) {
int [] map = new int[128];
for (char c : t.toCharArray()) {
int left = 0;
int right = 0;
int minLeft = 0;
int minLen = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int counter = t.length();
while (right < s.length()) {
char rightCh = s.charAt(right);
if (map[rightCh] > 0) {
while (counter == 0) {
if (right - left < minLen) {
minLen = right - left;
minLeft = left;
char leftCh = s.charAt(left);
if (map[leftCh] > 0) {
return minLen == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? "" : s.substring(minLeft, minLeft + minLen);
int findSubstring(String s){
Map<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); // 用Map或者是长度为256的char array都可以,问题不大
int counter = 0; // check whether the substring is valid
int begin=0, end=0; //two pointers, one point to tail and one head
int d = Integer.MAX_VALUE; //the length of substring
for() {
/* initialize the hash map here */
while(end < s.length()){
if(map.get(s.charAt(end++))-- ?) { /* modify counter here */ }
while(/* counter condition */){
/* update d here if finding minimum*/
//increase begin to make it invalid/valid again
if(map.get(s.charAt(begin++))++ ?){ /*modify counter here*/ }
/* update d here if finding maximum*/
return d;
* 可以用HashMap,也可以用长度为128的数组来存储字符的出现次数(char ASCII - int 互转)
* 同向双指针(sliding window)
* Similar to 438 https://leetcode.com/problems/find-all-anagrams-in-a-string/
* Runtime: 14 ms, faster than 40.32% of Java online submissions for Minimum Window Substring.
* Memory Usage: 40.4 MB, less than 24.47% of Java online submissions for Minimum Window Substring.
* 10 minute. Minor bug.
class Solution {
public String minWindow(String s, String t) {
String result = "";
if (s == null || s.length() == 0 || s.length() < t.length()) {
return result;
Map<Character, Integer> mapT = new HashMap<>();
Map<Character, Integer> mapS = new HashMap<>();
for (Character c : t.toCharArray()) {
mapT.put(c, mapT.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);
int left = 0;
int right = 0;
int match = 0;
int minLen = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (; right < s.length(); right++) {
Character rightChar = s.charAt(right);
if (mapT.containsKey(rightChar)) {
mapS.put(rightChar, mapS.getOrDefault(rightChar, 0) + 1);
if (mapT.get(rightChar).equals(mapS.get(rightChar))) {
while (mapT.keySet().size() == match) {
if (right - left + 1 < minLen) {
result = s.substring(left, right + 1);
minLen = right - left + 1;
// Move left pointer to the right;
Character leftChar = s.charAt(left);
if (mapT.containsKey(leftChar)) {
mapS.put(leftChar, mapS.get(leftChar) - 1);
if (mapS.get(leftChar) < mapT.get(leftChar)) {
return result;