

作者: 张霸天 | 来源:发表于2017-12-31 10:32 被阅读0次
    // Software License Agreement (BSD License)
    // Copyright (c) 2010-2016, Deusty, LLC
    // All rights reserved.
    // Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms,
    // with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
    // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
    //   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    // * Neither the name of Deusty nor the names of its contributors may be used
    //   to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
    //   prior written permission of Deusty, LLC.
    // Disable legacy macros
    #ifndef DD_LEGACY_MACROS
        #define DD_LEGACY_MACROS 0
    #import "DDLog.h"
     * This class provides an abstract implementation of a database logger.
     * That is, it provides the base implementation for a database logger to build atop of.
     * All that is needed for a concrete database logger is to extend this class
     * and override the methods in the implementation file that are prefixed with "db_".
    @interface DDAbstractDatabaseLogger : DDAbstractLogger {
        NSUInteger _saveThreshold;
        NSTimeInterval _saveInterval;
        NSTimeInterval _maxAge;
        NSTimeInterval _deleteInterval;
        BOOL _deleteOnEverySave;
        BOOL _saveTimerSuspended;
        NSUInteger _unsavedCount;
        dispatch_time_t _unsavedTime;
        // 时间控制的
        dispatch_source_t _saveTimer;
        dispatch_time_t _lastDeleteTime;
        dispatch_source_t _deleteTimer;
    // 漂亮,每多久记录一次的好方法
     * Specifies how often to save the data to disk.
     * Since saving is an expensive operation (disk io) it is not done after every log statement.
     * These properties allow you to configure how/when the logger saves to disk.
     * A save is done when either (whichever happens first):
     * - The number of unsaved log entries reaches saveThreshold
     * - The amount of time since the oldest unsaved log entry was created reaches saveInterval
     * You can optionally disable the saveThreshold by setting it to zero.
     * If you disable the saveThreshold you are entirely dependent on the saveInterval.
     * You can optionally disable the saveInterval by setting it to zero (or a negative value).
     * If you disable the saveInterval you are entirely dependent on the saveThreshold.
     * It's not wise to disable both saveThreshold and saveInterval.
     * The default saveThreshold is 500.
     * The default saveInterval is 60 seconds.
    // threshold 是临界值的意思,用来批量设置,棒棒的
    @property (assign, readwrite) NSUInteger saveThreshold;
     *  See the description for the `saveThreshold` property
    @property (assign, readwrite) NSTimeInterval saveInterval;
     * It is likely you don't want the log entries to persist forever.
     * Doing so would allow the database to grow infinitely large over time.
     * The maxAge property provides a way to specify how old a log statement can get
     * before it should get deleted from the database.
     * The deleteInterval specifies how often to sweep for old log entries.
     * Since deleting is an expensive operation (disk io) is is done on a fixed interval.
     * An alternative to the deleteInterval is the deleteOnEverySave option.
     * This specifies that old log entries should be deleted during every save operation.
     * You can optionally disable the maxAge by setting it to zero (or a negative value).
     * If you disable the maxAge then old log statements are not deleted.
     * You can optionally disable the deleteInterval by setting it to zero (or a negative value).
     * If you disable both deleteInterval and deleteOnEverySave then old log statements are not deleted.
     * It's not wise to enable both deleteInterval and deleteOnEverySave.
     * The default maxAge is 7 days.
     * The default deleteInterval is 5 minutes.
     * The default deleteOnEverySave is NO.
    @property (assign, readwrite) NSTimeInterval maxAge;
     *  See the description for the `maxAge` property
    @property (assign, readwrite) NSTimeInterval deleteInterval;
     *  See the description for the `maxAge` property
    @property (assign, readwrite) BOOL deleteOnEverySave;
     * Forces a save of any pending log entries (flushes log entries to disk).
    - (void)savePendingLogEntries;
     * Removes any log entries that are older than maxAge.
    - (void)deleteOldLogEntries;
    // Software License Agreement (BSD License)
    // Copyright (c) 2010-2016, Deusty, LLC
    // All rights reserved.
    // Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms,
    // with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
    // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
    //   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    // * Neither the name of Deusty nor the names of its contributors may be used
    //   to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
    //   prior written permission of Deusty, LLC.
    #import "DDAbstractDatabaseLogger.h"
    #import <math.h>
    #if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
    #error This file must be compiled with ARC. Use -fobjc-arc flag (or convert project to ARC).
    @interface DDAbstractDatabaseLogger ()
    - (void)destroySaveTimer;
    - (void)destroyDeleteTimer;
    #pragma mark -
    @implementation DDAbstractDatabaseLogger
    - (instancetype)init {
        if ((self = [super init])) {
            _saveThreshold = 500;
            _saveInterval = 60;           // 60 seconds
            _maxAge = (60 * 60 * 24 * 7); //  7 days
            _deleteInterval = (60 * 5);   //  5 minutes
        return self;
    - (void)dealloc {
        [self destroySaveTimer];
        [self destroyDeleteTimer];
    #pragma mark Override Me
    - (BOOL)db_log:(DDLogMessage *)logMessage {
        // Override me and add your implementation.
        // Return YES if an item was added to the buffer.
        // Return NO if the logMessage was ignored.
        return NO;
    - (void)db_save {
        // Override me and add your implementation.
    - (void)db_delete {
        // Override me and add your implementation.
    - (void)db_saveAndDelete {
        // Override me and add your implementation.
    #pragma mark Private API
    // 用来执行保存操作
    - (void)performSaveAndSuspendSaveTimer {
        if (_unsavedCount > 0) {
            if (_deleteOnEverySave) {
                [self db_saveAndDelete];
            } else {
                [self db_save];
        // 将没保存设置为0
        // 将没保存的数量设置为0
        _unsavedCount = 0;
        _unsavedTime = 0;
        // 如果_有savetime这个线程,并且线程没有被挂起
        // 就把这个线程挂起
        if (_saveTimer && !_saveTimerSuspended) {
            _saveTimerSuspended = YES;
    // 删除数据
    - (void)performDelete {
        if (_maxAge > 0.0) {
            [self db_delete];
            _lastDeleteTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0);
    #pragma mark Timers
    - (void)destroySaveTimer {
        if (_saveTimer) {
            // 用来cancel 线程
            // 将_save 重置
            if (_saveTimerSuspended) {
                // Must resume a timer before releasing it (or it will crash)
                _saveTimerSuspended = NO;
            #if !OS_OBJECT_USE_OBJC
            _saveTimer = NULL;
    // 更新timer 的正确方法
    - (void)updateAndResumeSaveTimer {
        if ((_saveTimer != NULL) && (_saveInterval > 0.0) && (_unsavedTime > 0.0)) {
            // 使用timeinterval 的正确方法
            uint64_t interval = (uint64_t)(_saveInterval * (NSTimeInterval) NSEC_PER_SEC);
            // 设置每一次的savetime 为从unsavedtime 开始每隔interval save 一次
            dispatch_time_t startTime = dispatch_time(_unsavedTime, interval);
            // 使用dispatch_source 开始了
            dispatch_source_set_timer(_saveTimer, startTime, interval, 1ull * NSEC_PER_SEC);
            // 开始save timer 这个source
            if (_saveTimerSuspended) {
                _saveTimerSuspended = NO;
    - (void)createSuspendedSaveTimer {
        //  初始化sourcetimer
        if ((_saveTimer == NULL) && (_saveInterval > 0.0)) {
            _saveTimer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, self.loggerQueue);
            // 漂亮, 什么都不用多写
            dispatch_source_set_event_handler(_saveTimer, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
                                                                [self performSaveAndSuspendSaveTimer];
                                                            } });
            // 使用savetimer suspend 来 做标志位
            _saveTimerSuspended = YES;
    - (void)destroyDeleteTimer {
        if (_deleteTimer) {
            #if !OS_OBJECT_USE_OBJC
            _deleteTimer = NULL;
    - (void)updateDeleteTimer {
        if ((_deleteTimer != NULL) && (_deleteInterval > 0.0) && (_maxAge > 0.0)) {
            uint64_t interval = (uint64_t)(_deleteInterval * (NSTimeInterval) NSEC_PER_SEC);
            dispatch_time_t startTime;
            // 我去标准化流程 😂
            if (_lastDeleteTime > 0) {
                startTime = dispatch_time(_lastDeleteTime, interval);
            } else {
                startTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, interval);
            dispatch_source_set_timer(_deleteTimer, startTime, interval, 1ull * NSEC_PER_SEC);
    - (void)createAndStartDeleteTimer {
        if ((_deleteTimer == NULL) && (_deleteInterval > 0.0) && (_maxAge > 0.0)) {
            _deleteTimer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, self.loggerQueue);
            if (_deleteTimer != NULL) {
                dispatch_source_set_event_handler(_deleteTimer, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
                                                                      [self performDelete];
                                                                  } });
                [self updateDeleteTimer];
                if (_deleteTimer != NULL) {
    #pragma mark Configuration
    - (NSUInteger)saveThreshold {
        // The design of this method is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // For extensive documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // Note: The internal implementation MUST access the colorsEnabled variable directly,
        // This method is designed explicitly for external access.
        // Using "self." syntax to go through this method will cause immediate deadlock.
        // This is the intended result. Fix it by accessing the ivar directly.
        // Great strides have been take to ensure this is safe to do. Plus it's MUCH faster.
        NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
        NSAssert(![self isOnInternalLoggerQueue], @"MUST access ivar directly, NOT via self.* syntax.");
        // 来吧 耦合吧
        dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
        __block NSUInteger result;
        // 设置都是async, sync是用来读取的,
        // 然后再使用当前的logger queue
        dispatch_sync(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
            dispatch_sync(self.loggerQueue, ^{
                result = _saveThreshold;
        return result;
    - (void)setSaveThreshold:(NSUInteger)threshold {
        dispatch_block_t block = ^{
            @autoreleasepool {
                // 这里有个细节
                // 先更改save的数值,在使用保存函数
                if (_saveThreshold != threshold) {
                    _saveThreshold = threshold;
                    // Since the saveThreshold has changed,
                    // we check to see if the current unsavedCount has surpassed the new threshold.
                    // If it has, we immediately save the log.
                    if ((_unsavedCount >= _saveThreshold) && (_saveThreshold > 0)) {
                        [self performSaveAndSuspendSaveTimer];
        // The design of the setter logic below is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // For documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue]) {
        } else {
            // 漂亮,强制使用 queue 检查
            dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
            NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
            // 这里所有的操作都在大的loggerqueue中,而且,小的async, 大的也是async
            dispatch_async(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
                dispatch_async(self.loggerQueue, block);
    - (NSTimeInterval)saveInterval {
        // The design of this method is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // For extensive documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // Note: The internal implementation MUST access the colorsEnabled variable directly,
        // This method is designed explicitly for external access.
        // Using "self." syntax to go through this method will cause immediate deadlock.
        // This is the intended result. Fix it by accessing the ivar directly.
        // Great strides have been take to ensure this is safe to do. Plus it's MUCH faster.
        NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
        NSAssert(![self isOnInternalLoggerQueue], @"MUST access ivar directly, NOT via self.* syntax.");
        dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
        __block NSTimeInterval result;
        // 只要是设置,就使用sync
        dispatch_sync(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
            dispatch_sync(self.loggerQueue, ^{
                result = _saveInterval;
        return result;
    - (void)setSaveInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval {
        dispatch_block_t block = ^{
            @autoreleasepool {
                // C99 recommended floating point comparison macro
                // Read: isLessThanOrGreaterThan(floatA, floatB)
                // 最佳实践
                if (/* saveInterval != interval */ isle99issgreater(_saveInterval, interval)) {
                    _saveInterval = interval;
                    // There are several cases we need to handle here.
                    // 1. If the saveInterval was previously enabled and it just got disabled,
                    //    then we need to stop the saveTimer. (And we might as well release it.)
                    // 2. If the saveInterval was previously disabled and it just got enabled,
                    //    then we need to setup the saveTimer. (Plus we might need to do an immediate save.)
                    // 3. If the saveInterval increased, then we need to reset the timer so that it fires at the later date.
                    // 4. If the saveInterval decreased, then we need to reset the timer so that it fires at an earlier date.
                    //    (Plus we might need to do an immediate save.)
                    if (_saveInterval > 0.0) {
                        if (_saveTimer == NULL) {
                            // Handles #2
                            // Since the saveTimer uses the unsavedTime to calculate it's first fireDate,
                            // if a save is needed the timer will fire immediately.
                            [self createSuspendedSaveTimer];
                            [self updateAndResumeSaveTimer];
                        } else {
                            // Handles #3
                            // Handles #4
                            // Since the saveTimer uses the unsavedTime to calculate it's first fireDate,
                            // if a save is needed the timer will fire immediately.
                            [self updateAndResumeSaveTimer];
                    } else if (_saveTimer) {
                        // Handles #1
                        [self destroySaveTimer];
        // The design of the setter logic below is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // For documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue]) {
        } else {
            dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
            NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
            dispatch_async(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
                dispatch_async(self.loggerQueue, block);
    - (NSTimeInterval)maxAge {
        // The design of this method is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // For extensive documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // Note: The internal implementation MUST access the colorsEnabled variable directly,
        // This method is designed explicitly for external access.
        // Using "self." syntax to go through this method will cause immediate deadlock.
        // This is the intended result. Fix it by accessing the ivar directly.
        // Great strides have been take to ensure this is safe to do. Plus it's MUCH faster.
        NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
        NSAssert(![self isOnInternalLoggerQueue], @"MUST access ivar directly, NOT via self.* syntax.");
        dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
        __block NSTimeInterval result;
        dispatch_sync(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
            dispatch_sync(self.loggerQueue, ^{
                result = _maxAge;
        return result;
    - (void)setMaxAge:(NSTimeInterval)interval {
        dispatch_block_t block = ^{
            @autoreleasepool {
                // C99 recommended floating point comparison macro
                // Read: isLessThanOrGreaterThan(floatA, floatB)
                if (/* maxAge != interval */ islessgreater(_maxAge, interval)) {
                    NSTimeInterval oldMaxAge = _maxAge;
                    NSTimeInterval newMaxAge = interval;
                    _maxAge = interval;
                    // There are several cases we need to handle here.
                    // 1. If the maxAge was previously enabled and it just got disabled,
                    //    then we need to stop the deleteTimer. (And we might as well release it.)
                    // 2. If the maxAge was previously disabled and it just got enabled,
                    //    then we need to setup the deleteTimer. (Plus we might need to do an immediate delete.)
                    // 3. If the maxAge was increased,
                    //    then we don't need to do anything.
                    // 4. If the maxAge was decreased,
                    //    then we should do an immediate delete.
                    BOOL shouldDeleteNow = NO;
                    if (oldMaxAge > 0.0) {
                        if (newMaxAge <= 0.0) {
                            // Handles #1
                            [self destroyDeleteTimer];
                        } else if (oldMaxAge > newMaxAge) {
                            // Handles #4
                            shouldDeleteNow = YES;
                    } else if (newMaxAge > 0.0) {
                        // Handles #2
                        shouldDeleteNow = YES;
                    if (shouldDeleteNow) {
                        [self performDelete];
                        if (_deleteTimer) {
                            [self updateDeleteTimer];
                        } else {
                            [self createAndStartDeleteTimer];
        // The design of the setter logic below is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // For documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue]) {
        } else {
            dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
            NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
            dispatch_async(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
                dispatch_async(self.loggerQueue, block);
    - (NSTimeInterval)deleteInterval {
        // The design of this method is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // For extensive documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // Note: The internal implementation MUST access the colorsEnabled variable directly,
        // This method is designed explicitly for external access.
        // Using "self." syntax to go through this method will cause immediate deadlock.
        // This is the intended result. Fix it by accessing the ivar directly.
        // Great strides have been take to ensure this is safe to do. Plus it's MUCH faster.
        NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
        NSAssert(![self isOnInternalLoggerQueue], @"MUST access ivar directly, NOT via self.* syntax.");
        dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
        __block NSTimeInterval result;
        dispatch_sync(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
            dispatch_sync(self.loggerQueue, ^{
                result = _deleteInterval;
        return result;
    - (void)setDeleteInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval {
        dispatch_block_t block = ^{
            @autoreleasepool {
                // C99 recommended floating point comparison macro
                // Read: isLessThanOrGreaterThan(floatA, floatB)
                if (/* deleteInterval != interval */ islessgreater(_deleteInterval, interval)) {
                    _deleteInterval = interval;
                    // There are several cases we need to handle here.
                    // 1. If the deleteInterval was previously enabled and it just got disabled,
                    //    then we need to stop the deleteTimer. (And we might as well release it.)
                    // 2. If the deleteInterval was previously disabled and it just got enabled,
                    //    then we need to setup the deleteTimer. (Plus we might need to do an immediate delete.)
                    // 3. If the deleteInterval increased, then we need to reset the timer so that it fires at the later date.
                    // 4. If the deleteInterval decreased, then we need to reset the timer so that it fires at an earlier date.
                    //    (Plus we might need to do an immediate delete.)
                    if (_deleteInterval > 0.0) {
                        if (_deleteTimer == NULL) {
                            // Handles #2
                            // Since the deleteTimer uses the lastDeleteTime to calculate it's first fireDate,
                            // if a delete is needed the timer will fire immediately.
                            [self createAndStartDeleteTimer];
                        } else {
                            // Handles #3
                            // Handles #4
                            // Since the deleteTimer uses the lastDeleteTime to calculate it's first fireDate,
                            // if a save is needed the timer will fire immediately.
                            [self updateDeleteTimer];
                    } else if (_deleteTimer) {
                        // Handles #1
                        [self destroyDeleteTimer];
        // The design of the setter logic below is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // For documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue]) {
        } else {
            dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
            NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
            dispatch_async(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
                dispatch_async(self.loggerQueue, block);
    - (BOOL)deleteOnEverySave {
        // The design of this method is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // For extensive documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // Note: The internal implementation MUST access the colorsEnabled variable directly,
        // This method is designed explicitly for external access.
        // Using "self." syntax to go through this method will cause immediate deadlock.
        // This is the intended result. Fix it by accessing the ivar directly.
        // Great strides have been take to ensure this is safe to do. Plus it's MUCH faster.
        NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
        NSAssert(![self isOnInternalLoggerQueue], @"MUST access ivar directly, NOT via self.* syntax.");
        dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
        __block BOOL result;
        dispatch_sync(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
            dispatch_sync(self.loggerQueue, ^{
                result = _deleteOnEverySave;
        return result;
    - (void)setDeleteOnEverySave:(BOOL)flag {
        dispatch_block_t block = ^{
            _deleteOnEverySave = flag;
        // The design of the setter logic below is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        // For documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
        if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue]) {
        } else {
            dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
            NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
            dispatch_async(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
                dispatch_async(self.loggerQueue, block);
    #pragma mark Public API
    - (void)savePendingLogEntries {
        dispatch_block_t block = ^{
            @autoreleasepool {
                [self performSaveAndSuspendSaveTimer];
        if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue]) {
        } else {
            dispatch_async(self.loggerQueue, block);
    - (void)deleteOldLogEntries {
        dispatch_block_t block = ^{
            @autoreleasepool {
                [self performDelete];
        if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue]) {
        } else {
            dispatch_async(self.loggerQueue, block);
    #pragma mark DDLogger
    - (void)didAddLogger {
        // If you override me be sure to invoke [super didAddLogger];
        [self createSuspendedSaveTimer];
        [self createAndStartDeleteTimer];
    - (void)willRemoveLogger {
        // If you override me be sure to invoke [super willRemoveLogger];
        [self performSaveAndSuspendSaveTimer];
        [self destroySaveTimer];
        [self destroyDeleteTimer];
    - (void)logMessage:(DDLogMessage *)logMessage {
        if ([self db_log:logMessage]) {
            BOOL firstUnsavedEntry = (++_unsavedCount == 1);
            if ((_unsavedCount >= _saveThreshold) && (_saveThreshold > 0)) {
                [self performSaveAndSuspendSaveTimer];
            } else if (firstUnsavedEntry) {
                _unsavedTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0);
                [self updateAndResumeSaveTimer];
    - (void)flush {
        // This method is invoked by DDLog's flushLog method.
        // It is called automatically when the application quits,
        // or if the developer invokes DDLog's flushLog method prior to crashing or something.
        [self performSaveAndSuspendSaveTimer];



