【145】每日一题 选择伴侣——老夏考研

【145】每日一题 选择伴侣——老夏考研

作者: 夏徛荣考研 | 来源:发表于2020-12-17 15:54 被阅读0次


[A] for.

[B] into.

[C] off.

[D] under.



①Theoretically, we are free to select the kind of person we love. ②We might have chosen someone else. ③We’re not being forced into a relationship by social convention or match-making or dynastic imperatives. ④But in reality, our choice of lover is probably a lot less free than we imagine. ⑤Some very real constraints around whom we can love and feel properly attracted to come from a place we might not think to look: our childhoods. ⑥Our psychological history strongly predispose us to fall _______ only certain types of people. ⑦We love along ruts formed in childhood. ⑧We look for people who in many ways recreate the feelings of love we knew when we were small. ⑨Given the way the world is, love was liable to have come fused with certain painful aspects: a feeling of not being quite good enough; a love for a parent who was fragile or depressed; a sense that one could never be fully vulnerable around a care-giver.




      本文标题:【145】每日一题 选择伴侣——老夏考研
