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Interact v.交流; 沟通; 合作; 相互影响; 相互作用;
To disguise, to change something's appearance so that it can't be recognized.
He wasn't good at disguising himself, so we knew who he was right away.
She wore a disguise so I wasn't sure who she was.
(She disguised her true intentions so nobody knew what she was planning to do.)
(He fooled everyone into believing his plan, but it was all a disguise.)
(She didn't want anyone to recognize her, so she wore a disguise.)
disguise v.假扮; 装扮; 伪装; 掩蔽; 掩饰; n.伪装物; 化装用具; 假扮; 装扮; 伪装;
wore wear的过去式 v.穿; 戴; 佩戴; 蓄,留(发、须等); 流露,面带,呈现(某种神态);
intention n.打算; 计划; 意图; 目的;
fool v.欺骗; 愚弄; 说蠢话,干傻事(常为逗乐);
fool sb into doing sth [释义]哄骗某人干某事;
To clarify, to explain or make something clear.
We were't sure what he meant until he clarified his ideas.
Everyone was confused until he clarified what she meant.
(There are many details that need to be clarified.)
(We can't agree to your proposal unless you clarify a few points.)
(His attempt to clarify things only added to the confusion.)
clarify v.使更清晰易懂; 阐明; 澄清; (尤指通过加热使黄油) 纯净,净化;
not...until 直达 才
meant v.表示…的意思; 意思是; 本意是; 打算; 意欲; 有…的目的;
proposal n.提议; 建议; 动议; 求婚;
a few points 几点
attempt n.企图; 试图; 尝试; 杀人企图; (为超越某事物的) 尝试,努力;
add to [词典]增加,是对…的增添,加强;
To confuse, to make things difficult to understand, the opposite of to clarify.
Everyone was confused because her presentation was so disorganized.
He confuses people, because he keeps changing his ideas.
The instructions were confusing so nobody knew what to do.
(A good leader can make decisions even when the situation was confusing.)
(After explosion people were confused and unsure about where to go.)
(Her comments during the meeting were't very constructive because they were so confusing.)
confuse v.使糊涂; 使迷惑; (将…) 混淆,混同; 使更难于理解;
presentation n.提交; 授予; 颁发; 出示; 提出(或展示、解释等)的方式; 展示会; 介绍会; 发布会;
instruction n.用法说明; 操作指南; 指示; 命令; 吩咐; (计算机的) 指令;
explosion n.爆炸,爆破,爆裂(声); 突增; 猛增; 激增;
unsure adj.无把握; 不确知; 犹豫; 缺乏自信;
comment n.议论; 评论; 解释; 批评; 指责;
To ignore, to try not to notice or deal with something ,to act as if something isn't there.
We try to ignore her, but she finally stood up and told everyone to shut up.
People don't respect or like her, so they ignore her in the office.
(He is an ignorant old fool, so we should just ignore him.)
(We are ignorant because we are ignoring the facts.)
(We can't ignore the fact that we are losing money.)
ignore v.忽视; 对…不予理会; 佯装未见; 不予理睬;
ignorant adj.(对某事物) 不了解的; 无知的; 愚昧的; 无学识的; 很无礼的; 十分不懂规矩的;
as if 好像
To confirm, to indicate that something is correct or completed as expected. 按预期完成
We were't sure if he was going to accept our offer until he called and confirmed it.
We can't start the project without written confirmation that we agree on the details.
(He denied being there, but we have witnesses who can confirm that he was there.)
(He denied that he was at the meeting, but we have confirmed that he was there.)
(We can’t afford to make a mistake, so we need to confirm the facts.)
(We won’t sign the contract until we receive confirmation that they have made the first payment.)
confirm v. (尤指提供证据来) 证实,证明; 使感觉更强烈; 使确信;
indicate v.表明; 显示; 象征; 暗示; 间接提及; 示意;
as expected 正如预期的那样
written confirmation [词典]书面凭证;书面确认;
project n.生产(或研究等)项目; 方案; 工程;
payment n.付款; 支付; 收款; (将付或应付的) 款额,款项; 报答; 报偿;
(To change something's appearance so that it can't be recognized is to?)to disguise
(To explain or make something clear) to clarify
(What is the opposite of confuse?) clarify
(To act as if something isn't there) to ignore
(To make things difficult to understand.) to confuse
(Everything was disorganized so everyone is?) confused
(To indicate that something is correct or complete it as it is expected.) to confirm
(We can't agree to your proposal unless you clarify a few points.)
Can you confirm that the payment has been received?
We can no longer ignore the fact that our company needs to be reorganized.
I don't trust him because he is so good at disguising his real plans.
reorganize v.重新组织; 改组; 整顿;