

作者: 沧海随云 | 来源:发表于2019-03-24 22:51 被阅读0次


汤姆·汉克斯在电影《电子情书》里说,《教父》是“智慧的总和,是一切问题的答案”(The Godfather is the sum of all wisdom. The Godfather is the answer to any question)。在《教父》的世界里,友谊是通行的货币,忠诚是上好的礼物,缄默是必守的规则。自其创作至今的五十年来,《教父》已不仅仅是一本书,一个系列电影,它更成为了一种文化现象。今天就让我们跟着雪梨老师一起,认识一下这部被称为“男人的圣经”的经典之作,读一读它成为经典的原因,和现代人对它的担忧。


“The Godfather” turns 50

Mario Puzo's "The Godfather" is reputed to be the fastest-selling book in history. By early 1971, 7m copies had been printed.

In many respects, it deserved its success. "The Godfather" is more than competently written. Puzo aspired to literary greatness and only conjured up Vito Corleone and his family's adventures and misadventures to escape debt. "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse", the Don's cynical quip, has become a figure of speech. Some scenes—such as the planting of a racehorse's severed head on the bed of a Hollywood producer who did refuse the Don—have passed into folklore.

The author got a lot of things right: the subtlety of communication between Sicilians in particular and Italians in general; the incorporation, often reluctant, of mobsters from other ethnic backgrounds into the American Mafia; and, above all, Cosa Nostra's usurpation of responsibilities that belong to the state, including the dispensing of justice.

"The Godfather" also gets things wrong, though. It portrays gangsters the way gangsters like to be regarded, as fundamentally honourable types who offer genuine services and seek no more than to be respected for their contributions to society.

It can be argued that in the book and in the first movie, Puzo managed to strike an acceptable balance. But its sequel is a whitewash: the young Vito Corleone transformed seemingly overnight from a loving husband into a homicidal, yet still essentially decent, Don.

That is not how youngsters become Mafiosi in real life. They are co-opted from among the most brutal of their peers and then subjected to a process of systematic, additional brutalisation until they are ready to kill to order. Puzo's version is seductive, but insidious.


Mafia 指的是什么样的群体?




“The Godfather” turns 50

《教父》50 周年

Mario Puzo’s “The Godfather” is reputed to be the fastest-selling book in history. By early 1971, 7m copies had been printed.

马里奥·普佐的《教父》被传为史上卖得最快的书。到 1971 年初,《教父》的印刷册数就达到了 700 万。

In many respects, it deserved its success. “The Godfather” is more than competently written. Puzo aspired to literary greatness and only conjured up Vito Corleone and his family’s adventures and misadventures to escape debt. “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse”, the Don’s cynical quip, has become a figure of speech. Some scenes—such as the planting of a racehorse’s severed head on the bed of a Hollywood producer who did refuse the Don—have passed into folklore.


The author got a lot of things right: the subtlety of communication between Sicilians in particular and Italians in general; the incorporation, often reluctant, of mobsters from other ethnic backgrounds into the American Mafia; and, above all, Cosa Nostra’s usurpation of responsibilities that belong to the state, including the dispensing of justice.


“The Godfather” also gets things wrong, though. It portrays gangsters the way gangsters like to be regarded, as fundamentally honourable types who offer genuine services and seek no more than to be respected for their contributions to society.


It can be argued that in the book and in the first movie, Puzo managed to strike an acceptable balance. But its sequel is a whitewash: the young Vito Corleone transformed seemingly overnight from a loving husband into a homicidal, yet still essentially decent, Don.


That is not how youngsters become Mafiosi in real life. They are co-opted from among the most brutal of their peers and then subjected to a process of systematic, additional brutalisation until they are ready to kill to order. Puzo’s version is seductive, but insidious.




Day 13



马里奥·普佐于 1920 年出生于美国纽约曼哈顿,他的父母都是意大利移民,因此,他的许多作品都像《教父》一样充满了意大利风情。

其实普佐在《教父》之前就出版了几部作品,这些作品更加符合他的文学理想,出版之后也获得了专业评论家的好评,但是全部都卖得很一般。比如 1955 年出版的普佐的处女作《黑色竞技场》(The Dark Arena)仅为他带来了 3,500 美金的收入。


普佐在 1972 年的回忆录中写道:当时他跟编辑聊了一个小时关于这个“黑手党故事”的设想,编辑马上点头,让他开始写,并且预付了他 5,000 美金的稿费。普佐的长子后来告诉记者,当爸爸正在写《教父》时,如果孩子们去打扰他,他就会说:“我正在写一部畅销书”(I’m writing a best-seller)。虽然当时大家都觉得他在说笑,但是这本“缺乏”文学性的小说确实成为了史上最赚钱的小说之一。



在 2017 年的一项叫做“黑手党人生”研究中,Federico Varese 调查了大量有组织的犯罪活动。他发现,这些犯罪团伙的头目,都有模仿《教父》的倾向。

纽约五大黑手党家族之一甘比诺家族的重要成员 Louie Milito 在 1988 年去世后,他的妻子说,他生前把《教父》看了 6000 遍。而甘比诺家族的首领 John Gotti 更是有过之而无不及,他学习《教父》中的台词,并根据电影改变了他的着装和举止。



