原文为Happy Learn Haskell,该教程很有意思,所以打算将其翻译出来。
Sockets and Plugs (Using functions, arguments, sections)
Output Other Things (Typeclasses, Num, Show, print vs putStrLn)
Make Decisions (Eq, if, case, guards, function patterns)
Shop for Food with List (List, Foldable, (:), (++), matching Lists)
A Dream within a Dream (List, recursion, map, intercalate)
More Shopping (Type aliases, Tuples, folding)
How to Write Programs(Problem solving overview, summary so far)
At the Zoo (Sum types, map, where)
Cats and Houses (Sum types, product types, guards, function composition, pattern matching algebraic data types, Maybe)
Basic Output (Writing programs with simplest output only)
Fridge, the Game (Do blocks, full program recursion/looping, input)
The People Book (Product types with record syntax, recursion, filter explained, map explained, sort, compare, Ord, flip, sortOn)
Times-Table Train of Terror (Lists, tuples, lambdas, zip, ($), concat, do blocks, program loop with state passing)
Skwak the Squirrel (Sum types, product types, tuples, lambdas with type matching, sections, any, (/=), program loop with state passing, ($) more)
Basic Input (Writing programs with simplest input and output)
Getting Set Up (How to get started with installing Haskell)
Vol 1 Frequently Asked Questions (Answers to the questions we receive all the time)
Many Thanks (A Heartfelt Thankyou Message)