01 “地摊经济”怎么说?
(0613期)经济学人,在《bring back the hawkers(小贩)》 文章中,用了 “street-stall economy”表示地摊经济。stall有货摊的意思,street-stall就是地摊。
That generated much buzz about the revival of China's “street-stall economy”,...这引起了人们对中国“地摊经济”复苏的热烈讨论。
generate much buzz 引起热烈讨论,热议。generate引起,产生 buzz n嗡嗡声。引起嗡嗡声,就是表示引起人们热烈讨论/热议。revival n复兴;兴起
中国日报英文版在《Street vendors buoy(鼓舞;振作) local economy》文章中用的也是street-stall economy。
The government will provide support for the street-stall and small stall economy...政府会给地摊经济和小店经济提供帮助。
02 “小贩”怎么说?
paddler n.小贩
vendor n.小贩;销售商
hawker n.叫卖小贩;上门推销员
peddler n.小贩
词典对peddler 的释义是:A peddler is someone who goes from place to place in order to sell something. “who goes from place to place”说明,peddler是指流动性强,没有固定摊位的小贩,比如那些走街串巷的商贩。因为peddler这个词的词根ped-就是足的意思。
vendor n.小贩;销售商
词典对vendor 的释义是:A vendor is someone who sells things such as newspapers, cigarettes, or food from a small stall(小摊) or cart(手推车,专用小汽车).“small stall;cart” 说明vendor是在小摊上/手推车/专用小汽车卖东西。
hawker n.叫卖小贩;上门推销员
词典对hawker 的释义是:someone who sellsgoods informally in publicplaces.You can use hawker to refer to a person who tries to sell things by calling at people's homes or standing in the street. calling强调了“叫卖”
03 “地摊;摊位;摆摊”怎么说?
stand n.货摊
stall n.货摊
booth n.摊位;小隔间
street-stall地摊 set up stalls /run a street stall摆摊
第一段说过经济学人和中国日报都用“street-stall economy”表示地摊经济。这里的stall就是指货摊。street-stall就是地摊。
而摆摊我们可以用run,或者set up来表示。