Machine learning
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (PRML)
by Christopher Bishop
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PRML algorithms implemented in Python
Matlab code for machine learning algorithms in book PRML
The Elements of Statistical Learning (ESL)
by Trevor Hastie / Robert Tibshirani / Jerome Friedman
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Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective (MLAPP)
by Kevin P·Murphy
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Foundations of Machine Learning
by Mehryar Mohri / Afshin Rostamizadeh / Ameet Talw
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An Introduction to Statistical Learning
by Gareth James / Daniela Witten / Trevor Hastie / Robert Tibshirani
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Probabilistic Graphical Models
by Daphne Koller / Nir Friedman
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An Introduction to Probabilistic Graphical Models
by Michael Jordan
by 周志华
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by 李航
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Deep Learning: Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series
by Ian Goodfellow / Yoshua Bengio / Aaron Courville
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Neural Networks and Learning Machines
by Simon Haykin
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Matrix computation
by Gene H. Golub / Charles F. Van Loan
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Matrix Analysis
by Roger A.Horn, Charles R.Johnson
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Linear Algebra and Its Applications
by David C. Lay
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