Six Things You Need to Recover From Every Day
Less than 1% of people are living according to the principles/science described herein. However, I’m confident that if you apply these recovery principles to your life, you’ll live a more engaged, meaningful, and productive life.
Being busy and being productive are far from the same thing. Most people are trying to do too much. The desire to “keep up” has them doing more, living less, and deceiving themselves into believing they’ve actually made progress.
True growth and success is always sustainable. It’s not a short sprint with an inevitable physical, mental, and emotional crash. All goals are means, not ends. Each succeeding stage of your progression should clearly build one-upon-another, leaving you stronger and more able, not weaker and permanently damaged.
In order to do this, you must properly “recover” from the following things on a daily basis:Work,Technology,People,Food,Fitness,Being awake。
Unless you adequately recover in these areas, your life is a mess. Moreover, by adequately recovering, you’ll be empowered to more fully engage in these activities. Recovery is essential to success in all areas of life.
For the rest of this article, I’ll detail the scientific findings and applications related to proper recovery.
1. Recover From Work
“Overcommitment” is a heavily studied concept in psychology. It happens when you have inflated perceptions of work demands, and when you see your own ability to handle those demands as far superior to your “less involved” colleagues.
For most, this perception is a “distortion” which prevents you from accurately making cost-benefit analysis of work behaviors.
The following questions come from a psychological measure assessing overcommitment. On a scale from 1 (low commitment) to 4 (high overcommitment), how would you rate yourself on the following questions?
I get easily overwhelmed by time pressures at work.As soon as I get up in the morning I start thinking about work problems.When I get home, I can easily relax and ‘switch off’ work. (reverse coded)
People close to me say I sacrifice too much for my job.
Work rarely lets me go, it is still on my mind when I go to bed.
If I postpone something that I was supposed to do today I’ll have trouble sleeping at night.
Although most people are finding it difficult to “unplug” from work, recent science in the field of “Occupational Health Psychology” is showing how essential it is to unplug, daily.
This article is about setting proper and healthy boundaries/constraints upon yourself. Unless you do, you are not living a sustainable lifestyle. Unless you create healthy boundaries — your work, health, and relationships are being compromised.
For instance, research in several fields have found that recovery from work is a necessity for staying energetic, engaged, and healthy when facing job demands.
“Recovery” is the process of reducing or eliminating physical and psychological strain/stress caused by work.
One particular recovery strategy that is getting lots of attention in recent research is called “psychological detachment from work.” True psychological detachment occurs when you completely refrain from work-related activities and thoughts during non-work time.
Without question, work in a global environment is highly competitive, and thus highly stressful and demanding. Consequently, the stresses of today’s work — which create negative emotions, negative physical symptoms, and psychological impairments — are often fully-consuming, which make it very difficult to psychologically detach.
Proper detachment/recovery from work is essential for physical and psychological health, in addition to engaged and productive work. Yet, few people do it. Most people are always “available” to their email and work. Millennials are the worst, often wearing the openness to work “whenever” as a badge of honor. It’s not a badge of honor.
Interestingly, other research shows that when a parent has irregular work hours, there can be devastating effects on the development and well-being of their children. These problems are compounded when the parent has depressive symptoms, low quality parenting, reduced child-parent interaction and closeness, and a less supportive home environment.
Again, the likelihood of experiencing some forms of depression are dramatically increased if you don’t properly detach from work. Furthermore, if you don’t properly “unplug,” you’ll lack engagement while at home. Put more directly, you’ll be distracted and burned-out. As a result, you probably won’t have quality interactions or closeness with your kids, spouse, or friends. It’s a vicious cycle.
In order to do this, you must set clear boundaries and expectations with yourself and others. If you set things up clearly, people at work will respect that when you’re away, you’re not available except in case of emergency.
2. Recover From Technology
In our technology-overwhelmed world, the only way to properly recover from work is to set healthy boundaries on your technology.
For instance, a recent study found that constant smartphone use stops people from properly recovering from work (and life). In a sense, people are always “on” to distraction and connection. They never disconnect. Most people keep their smartphones on them constantly, and admit to experiencing withdrawals if they don’t have their smartphone for more than a few hours.
In the study, the experimental group, who became more conscious of their smartphone use, and took adequate breaks from it, were able to experience psychological detachment from work, relaxation, and mastery.
Smartphone addiction is reflected in impulsive behavior, withdrawals, and impaired functioning.
One study found that the average person checks their smartphone over 85 times per day, and spends more than five hours browsing the web and using apps. Hilariously, people check their phones more than twice as much as they think they do. Thus, more often than not, people are unconsciously triggered to check their smartphones.
This lack of consciousness if reflected in all other areas of most people’s lives — as we are holistic systems. No one component of your life can be viewed in isolation. If you spend several hours unconsciously using technology, how could you expect to be fully engaged in your work and relationships?
One study found negative effects of using laptops and cellphones within 1–2 hours of going to sleep. Specifically, the study found that individuals who stopped staring at screens 1–2 hours before sleep:
.Experienced substantially higher sleep quality and less sleep “disturbances”
.Increased ability to maintain enthusiasm to get things done while working
The authors/researchers of the study concluded simply by saying “We should restrict the use of mobiles and laptops before sleep for sound mind and good health.”
According to Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of, You Can’t Be Serious! Putting Humor to Work, highly successful people such as former US President Barack Obama and Bill Gates are known to read for at least a half hour before bed. According to Kerr, the last thing most successful people do before bed is work (often displayed by checking email).
Interestingly, other research has found that if you associate your bed with work, it’ll be harder to relax there. In order to sleep well, keep your bedroom as a place for sleep.
The triggers in your environment directly influence your behavior. If you have a TV in your bedroom, your sleep will suffer. If you use your smartphone before bed, your sleep will suffer. If you check your smartphone immediately upon waking up, your engagement in the rest of your day will suffer.
Like work, proper boundaries must be set on technology, particularly smartphones if you want to live an optimal life. You need to recover from your technology and smartphones.
Get in the habit of not always having your cellphone with you, especially while you’re at home with your family. Very few people experience the gift of your full and uninhibited attention. Give them that gift. Keep your smartphone away from yourself as much as you possibly can. Your whole life will get better.
3. Recover From People
“Time alone is really essential, to get away and contemplate, think, and wonder.” — Jim Rohn
Just as you need recovery from work and technology, you also need some healthy recovery from people. Even if it’s just 20–60 minutes per day, you need some time to think, reflect, ponder, and plan.
In her book, The Creator’s Code: The Six Essential Skills of Extraordinary Entrepreneurs, Amy Wilkinson details her interviews with some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. She found that many of them purposefully schedule time to be by themselves. For example, billionaire Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, drives a fake 40-minute commute to work despite living 5 minutes from work. She does this to give herself time to “think.” Other people literally schedule 60-minute “power-hours” in the middle of their day to think creatively and strategically.
This isn’t about being introvert or extrovert. We all need time with people and time alone. If you’re not getting at least 20–30 minutes of non-distracted alone time to think big picture or even specific, you’re not living optimally.
4. Recover From Food
Your body, and mind, need to recover from food. If not daily, you should be fasting from food for at least 18–24 hours on a weekly basis.
When you fast, or “recover” from food, your body is given the opportunity to repair and rebuild itself, rather than constantly digesting.
As will be shown, there are a ridiculous number of benefits to regular fasting.
Medically, fasting has been found to rapidly dissipate the craving for nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and other drugs. Neuro-chemically, fasting increases levels of catecholamines — such as dopamine — which elevates your happiness and confidence while reducing your anxiety.
Fasting actually increases your number of brain cells. Here is a short list of some of the scientifically backed cognitive benefits of fasting:
Short-term fasting induces profound neuronal autophagy (e.g., “self-eating,”), which is how cells recycle waste material, down regulate wasteful processes, and repair themselves. Brain health is dependent on neuronal autophagy. Another study shows that interference of neuronal autophagy prompts neuro-degeneration. Simply put, without the process of autophagy, brains neither develop properly nor function optimally.
Fasting increases levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that interacts with neurons in the hippocampus, cortex, and basal forebrain (the parts of the brain that regulate memory, learning, and higher cognitive function — uniquely human stuff). BDNF helps existing neurons survive while stimulating the growth of new neurons and the development of neuro-synaptic connectivity. Low levels of BDNF are linked to Alzheimer’s,memory loss, and cognitive impairment.
Evidence suggests that low BDNF is related to depression. Indeed, antidepressants increase BDNF levels. Thus, many doctors believe fasting can reduce depression.
Fasting reduces the likelihood of having a stroke.
Fasting reduces the oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cognitive decline that normally results from brain trauma. Research has found that a 24 hour (but not a 48 hour) fast was neuro-protective against trauma to the brain like a concussion.
Fasting reduces cognitive stressors that bring about aging, cognitive decline, and chronic diseases.
Fasting reduces your risk of cancer.
Fasting increases your longevity and lifespan.
Fasting enhances learning and memory.
Fasting elevates your ability to focus and concentrate.
If you’ve fasted before, you can attest to the radical mental benefits of fasting. If you haven’t, please start a regular practice of fasting. Over a period of time, you’ll be startled by the cognitive results.
Other scientifically backed health benefits of fasting including:
Fasting can reverse binge eating disorders, and help those who find it difficult to establish a correct eating pattern due to work and other priorities.
Fasting can clear your skin from acne, allowing you to have a healthy vibrant glow.
Fasting “reboots” your immune system from free radical damage, regulating inflammatory conditions in the body and killing-off cancer cell formation.
Fasting improves blood pressure levels.
Fasting improves cholesterol levels.
How to fast?
Try eating an early dinner or late breakfast. It may be difficult at first, as you likely have an emotional, not physical, dependency on food. The idea is to eat within a 6–10 hour window each day, and allow yourself the rest of the day to recover. If you eat meals high in protein and healthy fats, you’ll be satiated, or full, for several more hours than if you’re eating carbs, particularly sugary carbs.
If daily doesn’t make sense, try a weekly fast where you either go 18–24 hours on a particular day.
5. Recover From Fitness
It may sound strange, but many people exercise too much.
Like the other areas of their lives, most people seem to prefer quantity over quality.
Optimal fitness requires lots of good sleep and recovery. Most professional athletes get way more sleep than you’d expect. They also take many rest-days to allow for full recovery, so that when they do train, they can full-engage. To get the best results in your fitness, research has found that shorter but more intensive exercise is more effective than longer drawn-out exercise. The concept is simple: Intensive activity followed by high quality rest and recovery.
This is true of life, technology, food, and all other areas of life. To quote Dan Sullivan, founder of Stategic Coach, “Wherever you are, make sure you’re there.”
This whole post is about being present and engaged in life. In order to do this, you must focus on quality, not quantity. Additionally, you’ll need to more fully prioritize the essentials in your life.
For instance, entropy is a concept in physics explaining how everything gradually declines into a state of disorder, unless you invoke specific interventions. For example, if you don’t set proper boundaries on your time, there will be a million things creeping in and slowing you down.
If you’re serious about living successfully, you must consider the effects of entropy on your life. All distractions are a reflection of entropy, which will slow you down. If you want your life to be aerodynamic, productive, and purposeful, you’ll need to remove as many forms of entropy as you can. You do this by prioritizing the essential and removing everything else.
6. Recover From Being Awake
Perhaps even more fundamental than the food you eat, is sleep.
Similar to food, without sleep you will die.
Sleep is essential.
If you are not prioritizing sleep, your life is a mess. 100%. Yet, millions of people do not sleep enough and experience insane problems as a result.
The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) conducted surveys revealing that at least 40 million Americans suffer from over 70 different sleep disorders. Not only that, 60 percent of adults, and 69 percent of children, experience one or more sleep problems a few nights or more during a week.
In addition, more than 40 percent of adults experience daytime sleepiness severe enough to interfere with their daily activities at least a few days each month — with 20 percent reporting problem sleepiness a few days a week or more.
On the flipside, getting a healthy amount of sleep is linked to:
Increased memory
Longer life
Decreased inflammation
Increased creativity
Increased attention and focus
Decreased fat and increased muscle mass with exercise
Lower stress
Decreased dependence on stimulants like caffeine
Decreased risk of getting into accidents
Decreased risk of depression
If you want to live an optimal life, you need to RECOVER
原文作者:Benjamin P. Hardy(组织心理学博士 PhD in Organizational Psychology)
译文: 每天你需要恢复的六件事(大致是从这个6个方面恢复到一个正常状态)
举例来说,一些研究领域发现,当面对工作需求时,“recovery from work “是保持精力充沛,充分投入和健康的关键必需品
毫无疑问,我们现在所处的是一个高度竞争,高压力和高要求的时代,因此,工作压力中的负面情绪以及身体和心理的损伤几乎都是非常多的,这使得我们从心理上脱离工作是很困难的 。
这种无意识的行为会影响人们生活的其他领域 (因为我们是一个整体系统),你的生活包括了方方面面,不仅仅是科技与网络,如果你不自觉的花费几个小时在科技产品上,那你怎么可能完全地投入到工作和人际交往上。
迈克尔·克尔(国际商务演讲人和作家)在他的的书《You Can’t Be Serious! Putting Humor to Work》中提到非常成功的人士,例如前总统奥巴马和比尔·盖茨都知道在阅读前至少半小时睡觉。还提到,成功的人结束工作前最后一件事情通常是检查电子邮件。
“独处的时间真的很重要,你可以完全沉浸在思考中”— Jim Rohn
Amy Wilkinson在她的书《The Creator’s Code: The Six Essential Skills of Extraordinary Entrepreneurs》中细介绍了她对世界上最成功的企业家的访谈。她发现,他们中的许多人都会给自己安排独处的时间表,例如,亿万富翁Sara Blakely(SPANX创始人),如果需要工作40分钟,那么也要留出5分钟来生活,她这样做是为了给自己“思考”的时间,其他的人会在一天当中随意安排60分钟用来思考战略和规划。
.空腹增加脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)水平,BDNF是与海马,皮层和基底前脑(大脑中调节记忆,学习和认知功能 - 人类特有的)的神经元相互作用的蛋白质。BDNF帮助现有神经元存活,同时刺激新神经元的生长和神经突触连接的发展。低水平的BDNF与阿尔茨海默病,记忆丧失和认知损伤相关。
尝试早一点吃晚餐,晚一点吃你的早餐,在一开始这可能很困难,因为你在心理上,而不是生理上的依赖食物,这个方法是为了每天吃饭处于6 - 10小时的窗口。如果你吃高蛋白质或健康脂肪的饭菜,会比吃碳水化合物,特别是含糖碳水化合物更加容易满足
这是生活,技术,食品和所有其他生活领域的真实。引用Stategic Coach的创始人Dan Sullivan所说“Wherever you are, make sure you’re there“