This is you.
Childhood trauma,Judgement of others,old ideas, old thoughts,perspectives you were raised with,self-doubt,maybe some addiction,maybe an eating disorders.
Things you don't really want to talk about, but happened to you that you've tried to hide,old beliefs,and all the people,that think you can't do it.
These things,are all buried inside you,But you know what? You've got this much room.
And you are like,I want to make more money,I want to be a better dad,nd that I want to be a better mom,I want to change my life,Im ready to start a business.
So you go out,you get yourself some education,some good ideas,some good clean thinking,you want to manifest,you want to connect to啊your higher power.
And you start to pour that in,and the first thing you notice is,Oh my god,Im putting all this good stuff in,why is all the other staff coming up to the top? Why am I feeling so crazy,and so awful?
Because you are building a solid foundation,You are uprooting all your old traumas,your old thoughts, your old ideas,And you are putting something else at the bottom for you to build on.
50 percent of people opt out right here,Another thirty per cent of people,are going to quit right here,another five percent of people are going to quit right here.
They will do all this work,they will put in all this effort,they will get all this blessings,and receive all this miracles,and still decide to quit right here.
So my challenge to you,my friends,Is to understand that,If you have gone through all the pain,you have gone through all the hardship,all your stuff from childhood is coming up,you are adopting new belief systems,you are adopting new ideas,don't quit when you are almost there.
Keep reaching for the good stuff,keep pouring the good stuff in,And eventually,you are going to end up ,you are bing who you are meant to be.